Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4

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Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4

Post by Somebody »

by Fred van Lente & Kev Walker


The Command (Florida Initiative team):
*Kale, Jennifer
*Seige/John Kelly

ARMOR characters:
*Portal/Director Charles Little Sky
*Machine Man/X-51/Aaron Stack

Zombieverse characters:

Flashback (18:4-19:1):
App: Ultron, Machine Man, Thing, Jocasta

Ultron goes "BRAKAWHOOM" over Jocasta, knocking her offline, Thing whacks Ultron, MM mourns over her.

In reference to M/TIO 92-93, which I don't have to compare for new info.

The Command fight Zombie Deadpool and a group infected by him. Although Zombie Deadpool is reduced to a bodiless head, Conquistador is ripped limb from limb, Aquarian is infected but believes he can fight it off, Siege is infected and blown up by his onboard computer and Jennifer Kale has her arm tendons sliced & is left traumatised by it all.

pg11:6:2 + 12-19
"06:32 hours since initial contagion"
"Headquarters of the Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response agency, aka ARMOR"
App: Zombie Morbius, Head of Zombie Deadpool, Director Charles Little Sky, Machine Man, Jennifer Kale, Jocasta

Morbius reports that several "second generation carriers" escaped, and that Zombie Deadpool deliberately lured the Command to act as carriers to ARMOR director Charles Little Sky.

Machine Man then arrives, and Morbius explains that he needs an attenuated version of the virus to make a vaccine, and blood from the viruses' home dimension to grow such a vaccine in. Machine Man refuses to take on the mission, until Jocasta's presence guilts him into it.

"08:16 hours since initial contagion"
App: CLS, Machine Man, Jocasta

Director Little Sky opens a portal to the zombieverse

App: Morbius, Zombie Morbius

Morbius needs a security guard to open his door for him - because he's Zombie Morbius, keeping his MU counterpart captive in his room.


by Fred van Lente & Kev Walker

ARMOR characters:
*Portal/Director Charles Little Sky
*Machine Man/X-51/Aaron Stack

Zombieverse characters:
*??? (bird-head)
*Absorbing Man
*Ursa Major (?)
*Fisk, Vanessa
*Black Bolt

(17:1) The fight with the Silver Surfer from Marvel Zombies 1 [Zombie Iron Man, Vulture, Nova & Angel vs. Zombieverse SS, between MZ1 3 (2&3:1) and (2&3:2).]
(17:2) To Zombie Spider-Man and Colonel America blasting Zombie Thor and Hercules [between MZ1 3 (15) & (19)]
(17:3) To the Galactus-powered zombies leaving Earth [after MZ1 5 (15) and ULTF4 32. Four are visible, but it's impossible to say WHICH four from Cage, Giant-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Spider-Man & Hulk.]
(17:4) Generic shot of Zombie Kingpin using his cane [between MZ1 5 (15) and MZ3 1.]
(20:1) X-35 and two other X-series bots lie dead [presumably from Machine Man's origin]

"The Zombie Universe"
App: CLS, MM, Jocasta

Director Little Sky drops the robots off in the zombieverse Central Park, and says he'll come back for them in eight hours - if they're not there, he'll have to assume they were destroyed

"07:51 hours to extraction"
MU App: MM, Jocasta
Zombie app: Angel, Falcon, Vulture, (bird-headed character)

Jocasta and Machine Man dicuss his post-Nextwave attitude (she's not happy about it) until they're attacked by a group of flying zombies. Machine Man blows them up, but only after Jocasta has her leg ripped off.

Zombie app: Scorpion, Diablo, Kingpin, Leader, Absorbing Man, Vanessa Fisk

Zombies Scorpion & Diablo bring cans of food that they've gone a long way to find in tribute to Zombie Kingpin in return for five minutes a can in the "pens".

"03:20 hours to extraction"
MU app: MM, Jocasta
Zombieverse app: Ursa Major, (character I can't ID in (11:5)), Stilt-Man, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Karnak, Crystal, Medusa, Triton, Lockjaw, Kingpin, Jackal, Vanessa Fisk

Machine Man finally manages to fix Jocasta's leg, but they don't see a way in short of a distraction. Just then, the Zombie Inhuman Royal Family teleport in, and are led to eat a load of clones created by the Jackal. As Jocasta despairs not just at the sight, but at the clones might have genetic imperfections and be useless, an uninfected Vanessa Fisk asks who they are, and explains that her husband hid her away, and controls his hunger around her. She gives a blood sample to Jocasta, but refuses to leave, saying she has nothing to fear.

"01:45 hours to extraction"
MU app: MM, Jocasta
Zombie app: Kingpin, Black Bolt, seversl unidentifiable

Jocasta just wants out, but MM sees the dying clones and flashes back to dead robots from his own origin, and can't let it stand. He tells her to go, and after trying to convince him he doesn't have to prove anything to her, she goes, saying he picked the "most absolutely asinine time to turn hero again".

He leaps into the feeding area, guns blazing

by Fred van Lente & Kev Walker

ARMOR characters:
*Machine Man
*Jennifer Kale
*Portal/Director Charles Little Sky

Zombieverse characters:
*Absorbing Man
*Stilt Man
*Ursa Major
*Doctor Strange
*Ghost Rider
*Scarlet Witch
*Speed Demon

1) Zombie Morbius in ARMOUR
2) Zombie Deadpool vs. the Command

"The Marvel Universe. The Hollow, headquarters of A.R.M.O.R."
MU app: Morbius
Zombie app: Morbius

Zombie Morbius fantasises about eating his counterpart, but pulls himself together when an ARMOR grunt comes to get him, a slip of the tongue notwithstanding.

"The Zombie Universe. 00:22 hours to extraction"
MU app: Jocasta

Jocasta hallucinates Wasp taunting her.

"Stronghold of the Kingpin of New York"
MU app: MM
Zombie app: Absorbing Man, Quicsilver, Karnak, Scorpion, Stilt-Man, Ursa Major, Gorgon, Doctor Strange, Kingpin, Medusa, Leader, Ghost Rider, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Speed Demon, Whizzer, plus many unidentifiable

Aaron Stack vs Zombies! Eventually, after violently extracting himself from Zombie Ursa Major's mouth, he finds the near-vegetative Zombie Dr Strange with a portal to the MU's ARMOR beside him. Zombie Kingpin enters and explains Zombie Strange was found under a heap of cars, and can only cast two spells - one of which is the portal creation spell. He further explains how they sent in Zombie Morbius, aiming to have ARMOR inadvertently "innoculate" people with the actual Zombie Virus.

In turn, MM decapitates Zombie Ghost Rider and steals his bike. Zombie Kingpin sends zombie speedsters after him.

"00:07 hours to extraction"->"00:02 hours to extraction"
MU app: MM
Zombie app: Quicksilver, Whizzer, Speed Demon

Chase scene! Big Explosion!

"The Hollow, Dr. Morbius quarters"
MU app: Morbius, "Deb"
Zombie app: Morbius

An ARMOR agent discovers MU Morbius being held captive. Zombie Morbius bites her, she staggers out, bites someone else, and...

"Within Minutes"
MU app: Jennifer Kale

...the armoured ARMOR agents have a full-scale zombie insurrection to fight, while Jennifer Kale cowers out-of-sight in her quarantine room.

"00:00 hours to extraction"
MU app: CLS, Jocasta

Portal takes Jocasta back.

MU app: MM

Machine Man apparently lies wrecked on the ground.

by Fred van Lente & Kev Walker

ARMOR characters:

Zombieverse characters:
*Black Bolt
*Speed Demon
*Doctor Strange
*Vanessa Fisk

*Captain Mexica | Earth-1519: Aztec Empire Never Fell
*Zombie/Simon Garth-BTS

"The Zombie Universe"
Zombie app: Jackal, Kingpin, Black Bolt, Lockjaw, Scorpion, Leader, Diablo

Zombie Black Bolt monologues, while the zombies find Machine Man.

MU app: CLS, Jocasta
Zombie app: Morbius
Other app: Captain Mexica | Earth-1519

CLS and Jocasta find Zombie Morbius feeding, and the zombie insurrection going on. Portal sends Jocasta to guard the teleporters, where she gets more Wasp hallucinations.

MU app: Machine Man
Zombie app: Leader, Jackal, Diablo, Scorpion, Quicksilver, Speed Demon, Lockjaw

The wrecked Machine Man's just a hologram, and he makes short work of most of the remaining zombies - apart from Zombie Lockjaw, who he uses to get back to the MU.

"The Marvel Universe"
MU app: Jocasta

Jocasta can't take "Wasp's" taunting any more, and lets the surviving agents in by ripping the door off.

"Elsewhere in the Hollow"
MU app: MM, Morbius, CLS, Jocasta
Zombie app: Lockjaw, Morbius
Other app: Captain Mexica

Machine Man appears in the Hollow, and destroys a bunch of zombies (including Zombie Lockjaw), when Zombie Morbius catches him by surprise and starts whaling on him, only to be staked by MU-Morbius and turn to dust. Jocasta rushes in, and they robo-snog.

Zombie app: Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Kingpin, Vanessa Fisk

Zombie Black Bolt watches this through Zombie Strange's portal, and Zombie Kingpin stress-eats his non-zombie wife.

MU app: CLS, MM, Jocasta, Morbius
BTS: Head of Zombie Deadpool, Zombie/Simon Garth

Machine Man and Jocasta are sent back to SHIELD ("Something big is up"), but someone used the teleporter before Jocasta reached it and sent themselves to random co-ordinates. Morbius demands the first shot at putting a team together to stop them.

[BTSes are per MZ4, where we find out who used it]
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks, Somebody. Does this series occur before or after Secret Invasion, during which the Command exposes the Skrull in their ranks?
Paul B.
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Re: Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4

Post by Somebody »

Paul Bourcier wrote:Thanks, Somebody. Does this series occur before or after Secret Invasion, during which the Command exposes the Skrull in their ranks?
Before, I believe - the "something big" that means MM & Jocasta have to be returned to SHIELD at the end *is* Secret Invasion.
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Ah, very good. Thanks!
Paul B.