Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance v1 #1

Mini-issue Analyses

Moderators: Col_Fury, Jason Doty, michel, Arthur, Somebody, StrayLamb

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Jason Doty
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Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance v1 #1

Post by Jason Doty »

fauna of the Black Hills of North Dakota
Ghost Rider (Blaze/Zarathos), becomes un-merged with Zarathos
human remains in a tunnel taken over by a giant spider
a giant spider
staff and patrons at a gas station at an unknown location, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
staff at patrons of a movie theater at an unknown location, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
First responders at a vehicle accident, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
staff and patrons at a strip club at an unknown location, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
a farmer at an unknown location, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
a surfer and a great white shark, both become temporarily merged with Zarathos
staff, patrons, and Sumo wrestlers in Japan, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
a nomadic Arab and his camel in Egypt, both become temporarily merged with Zarathos
crew of a commercial flight at an unknown location, all become temporarily merged with Zarathos
a woman named Lisa, who is going to loose custody of her children, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
Lisa's children
Lisa's mother-in-law, who wants to take control of the children
an employee of child protective services
citizens of Asgard
prisoners of Asgard
the remains of Skymir the Frost Giant, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
Thor (Odinson)
citizens of New York
employees of a Data Center
Danger, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
people who commit suicide after receiving the Penance Stare through there computers
the remains of the crew of a space mining expedition killed by the Brood
a sole survivor of the space mining expedition
a Brood that tries to protect the sole survivor, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
a Sea Monster, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
a police officer, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
Last Son of Kraven, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
a polar bear Kraven is hunting, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
a soldier, becomes temporarily merged with Zarathos
citizens of Chicago
The Hood, becomes merged with Zarathos
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