GR10 18-21 Dr. Strange flashback

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Chronology Guru
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GR10 18-21 Dr. Strange flashback

Post by Leoparis »

#18 pages 14-18 In this origin flashback Talia Warroad's parents visit Dr. Strange when she's a teenager. Strange appears with his original garments, blue cape & square amulet on "the summer [she] turned 13."

#19 pages 4-6 & 10-11 Strange visits the Warroads in their home.

#20 pages 13-15

#21 pages 5-6 & 9-10 & 14-18

Seeing Strange correctly depicted in his old garb right after the storyline that mistakenly put Roxanne Simpson with Johnny in 1980 is refreshing.

Strange is a rather confidential character in his earlier stories. In FF 27 the Human Torch is not sure Strange exists, even after he made a TV appearance in ST 120. With the Warroads being Bostonians, I expect that TV appearance would be how Strange got known to them. This is subject to change in case new information about Talia, like her current age, comes about.

ST 124/2
JIM 108
*GR10 18-FB
*GR10 19-FB
*GR10 20-FB
*GR10 21-FB
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