Winter Guard 3 Flashbacks

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Winter Guard 3 Flashbacks

Post by StrayLamb »

The Red Guardian's flashbacks in Winter Guard 3 are a little problematic and somewhat contradictory, but they can easily be put down to faulty memories or just not telling the story in a straightforward fashion. He frequently states that these events took place decades ago, but at the same time he says they took place around the same time as A 43-44. Judging by his actions in this series, it’s entirely possible he’s exhibiting mental problems. I'm going with the A 43-44 period.

Here’s what we’re shown:

WG 3 (9:1) [Symbolic picture of Red Guardian]
WG 3 (9:2) [Alexei and Natalia about to kiss at their wedding]
WG 3 (9:3) [Natalia learning of Alexei’s death; same as BW:DO 2 (12:2), M/FAN 10 (7:7), and A 44 (20:4)]
WG 3 (9:4) [Red Guardian is handed his mask]
WG 3 (9:5) [Red Guardian and a Crimson Dynamo leading a parade]
WG 3 (9:6) [Red Guardian encounters Dracula]
WG 3 (9:7) [Symbolic pic of Red Guardian with Hawkeye & Hercules]
WG 3 (9:8) [Red Guardian removes his mask, revealing his identity to Black Widow; same as A 43 (19:2)]

Given the timeframe, situation, and the Crimson Dynamo’s armor, i don’t think this can be any of the exisiting Crimson Dynamos. I’m assuming the Soviet Government had created another Crimson Dynamo, who may have only ever been used for publicity purposes, like this parade. He would fit between Turgenov and Nevsky, Crimson Dynamos II & III.

At this point, Alexei says he was next appointed to Operation Snowblind, and that his handler in those days was General Yuri Brushov. Now, Brushov was first introduced to Red Guardian by Colonel Ling in A 43, so i’m going to suggest that the meeting between Ling, Brushov and Red Guardian in A 43 actually constitutes a flashback, allowing Operation Snowblind to take place after their first meeting, and before their encounter with the Avengers, which Alexei later does say happens after this.

WG 3 (10 - 12:5)-FB [Red Guardian carries out Operation Snowblind, and hides the four data drives, placing one in care of Dracula]

Alexei states that it was after this that he and Brushov were sent on their first official assignment together, to defeat the Avengers.

Since Alexei feels he can leave a data drive with Dracula, i’m assuming he did not actually stake him in the scene in WG 3 (9:6), but actually formed some sort of truce with him. Also, Dracula is now sporting the look he adopted after Curse of the Mutants, with long blonde hair, but i’m also assuming he can alter his look whenever he wants.

WG3 (12:6) [Red Guardian helping Brushov from the wreckage of the base]

Brushov must have survived at least this long, although Alexei does confirm his death during the incident.

Here's a breakdown of the Black Widow: Coldest War flashbacks, as they have some bearing on this:

BW:CW (13:4) [same as A 43 (9:1)]
BW:CW (14:3) [Same as A 44 (12:1c)]
BW:CW (14:4 - 15:3) [Same as A 44 (15:1 - 16:2)]
BW:CW (15:4 - 15:5) [New added scenes of Black Widow, Brushov, Ling and Red Guardian]
BW:CW (15:6) [Same as A 44 (16:3)]
BW:CW (15:7) [New added scene of Hawkeye racing to catch Natasha]
A 44 (16:4) [Clint catches Natasha]
BW:CW (15:7 - 15:8) [New added scenes of Black Widow & Hawkeye after he's caught her]
BW:CW (16:1) [Same as A 44 (16:5)]
BW:CW (16:2) [Same as A 44 (17:2)]
BW:CW (16:3) [Same as A 44 (17:4)]
BW:CW (16:4) [Same as A 44 (17:6)]
BW:CW (16:5) [New scene of Red Guardian and Ling betweeen A 44 (17:6 & 18:1)]
BW:CW (16:6) [Same as A 44 (18:4)]

This is what Red Guardian currently has:

BW:CW-FB [All takes place during A 43-44)
BW:DO 2 (4 - 7)-FB [1957: Natalia and Alexei first meet]
M/FAN 10-FB [(7:3) - not long after Natalia and Alexei met; (7:5 - 7:6) - Alexei testing a rocket]
A 44-FB [(20:3) - Alexei in a rocket]
BW:DO 2 (12 - 14)-FB [A rocket explodes on the launch-pad; Natalia learns of Alexei’s death; the newly created Red Guardian meets with Kruschev]
{A 43} [Red Guardian is introduced to Brushov by Ling; later captures Hawkeye & Black Widow]
A 44

It appears that the rocket that Alexei is seen piloting in M/FAN 10-FB & A 44-FB is not the same rocket that exploded on the launch pad, allowing the Soviets to fake Alexei's death.

Corrected version, with WG 3-FBs added:

BW:DO 2 (4 - 7)-FB [1957: Natalia and Alexei first meet]
M/FAN 10 (7:3)-FB [Not long after Natalia and Alexei met]
WG 3 (9:2)-FB [Alexei and Natalia about to kiss at their wedding]
M/FAN 10 (7:5)-FB-BTS [A test rocket has been launched]
A 44-FB [Alexei test-piloting a rocket]
BW:DO 2 (12)-FB [A rocket explodes on the launch-pad]
WG 3 (9:4)-FB [Red Guardian is handed his mask]
BW:DO 2 (14)-FB [The newly created Red Guardian meets with Kruschev]
WG 3 (9:5 - 9:6)-FB [Red Guardian and Crimson Dynamo leading a parade; Red Guardian encounters Dracula]
{A 43-FB} [Red Guardian is introduced to Brushov by Ling]
WG 3 (10 - 12:5)-FB [Red Guardian carries out Operation Snowblind, and hides the four data drives, placing one in care of Dracula]
A 43 [Red Guardian captures Hawkeye & Black Widow]
A 44
WG3 (12:6)-FB [Red Guardian helping Brushov from the wreckage of the base]

For Black Widow we have the following:

BW:DO 2 (4 - 7)-FB
M/FAN 10 (7:3)-FB [Nat and Alexei soon after meeting]<<< MOVE TO HERE
CA&BUCKY 624 (1 - 5)-FB
CA&BUCKY 624 (7 - 18:1)-FB
CA5 27-FB [Nat is promised to Alexei, but not yet married]
BW:DO 2 (8)-FB [Nat is promised to Alexei, but not yet married]
WG 3 (9:2)-FB [Alexei and Natalia about to kiss at their wedding]<<< ADD
M/FAN 10 (7:3)-FB [Nat and Alexei soon after meeting]<<< MOVE FROM HERE
DD 88 (10:2d)-FB [Alexei bids Nat farewell as she leaves for the US; already married]
A 44-FB
BW:DO 2 (12 - 14)-FB [A rocket explodes on the launch-pad; Natalia learns of Alexei’s death; the newly created Red Guardian meets with Kruschev]
A 43
A 44 <<< CHANGE TO A 44 (1 - 16:2)
BW:CW (15:4 - 15:5)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:3) <<< ADD
BW:CW (15:7)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:4) <<< ADD
BW:CW (15:7 - 15:8)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:5 - 20) <<< ADD

A@ 1-BTS

For other characters we have the following:

A 43-FB <<< ADD
WG 3 (10-11)-FB <<< ADD

A 43
A 44 (1 - 16:2) <<< CHANGE
A 44 (16:3 - 20) <<< ADD
WG 3 (12)-FB <<< ADD

WG 3-FB <<< ADD
TOD 15 (15:2 - 19:3)-FB
{TOD 1}

A 43
A 44 (1 - 16:3) <<< ADD RANGE
BW:CW (15:7)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:4) <<< ADD
BW:CW (15:7 - 15:8)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:5 - 20) <<< ADD

TOS 92/2

A 41-FB
A 42
A 43
A 44 (1 - 16:2) <<< ADD RANGE
WG 3 (15)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (16:3 - 17) <<< ADD
WG 3 (16)-FB <<< ADD
A 44 (18 - 20) <<< ADD
Out in the Land Down-Under, beneath a rocky outcrop, deep within the back paddock, dwells the Stray Lamb.
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