Clint Barton's past

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Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

The flashbacks in ANHAWK have been placed before all other Clint Barton FBs, but logically they should be intermingled.
Maybe they've been placed as they are because they contradict the other FBs? Or maybe because Clint and Barney Barton seem much younger in ANHAWK's FBs than in any others?
Whatever, I'm going to try to place the ANHAWK FBs in context.
But 1st I want to see if the existing sequence of FBs can be improved.

But even before that I'll describe how the existing accounts were layered in over time.

A 19 (1965) (At this time no-one including the readers new Hawkeye's civilian name.)
Hawkeye says he was an orphan who never knew his parents. He hung around carnivals and Swordsman took him in and encouraged his archery skill, but he warned him never to forget who had the better skills. Hawkeye found him stealing from the carnival and Swordsman 'invited' him to join in in a life of crime. The kid turned him down so Swordsman chased him up on to the high wire. Hawkeye fired arrows but Swordsman easily parried them then cut the rope so the kid fell. Hawkeye says Swordsman left without realising that the rope broke his fall. During this and the following issue Swordsman doesn't realise that Hawkeye is his earlier protégé.

A 65 (1969)
The previous 2 issues introduced Hawkeye's brother Barney Barton and for the 1st time revealed Hawkeye's name as Clint Barton. Barney had become a criminal but now died a hero.
In this issue Egghead recaps the #19 FB from Swordsman's side. In this version both brothers came to the carnival. Swordsman took Clint on as an apprentice but Barney became a roustabout. It repeats the training sequence word for word (but not necessarily in the same order). Then it repeats the robbery sequence, not quite so word-perfect. Egghead tells Swordsman that Hawkeye is Clint Barton, which Swordsman says he suspected.
Note that MCP ignores both versions of the apprenticeship in favour of SOLOA 2's very different version.
On the other hand MCP bases the robbery on the A 19 version retaining only bits of the A 65 version and almost none of SOLOA 2.

SOLOA 2 (1987) greatly expands the origin.
It adds scenes of the boys' youth with their parents, contradicting A 19's statement by Hawkeye (outside the FB) that he never knew them. Dad Harold was an abusive drunk until he crashed the car killing him and his wife. The boys went in an orphanage until Clint was about 13 when they ran away and found a carnival where they got taken on as roustabouts doing menial jobs like shovelling stuff expletive.
Swordsman's female assistant quit because it was too dangerous and Clint volunteered to take her place. Swordsman also trained him in knife throwing which he got quite good at.
Then a new char Trickshot the archer is introduced who supplanted Swordsman as top of the bill. But Swordsman beat him heavily at cards and got him to teach Clint archery, which the boy turned out to be very good at. At this point we get the similarly-worded 'who's better' scene from A 19 and A 65.
Then it adds motivation for Swordsman robbing the carnival. He's got big gambling debts to a villain named Marko who's threatening him. Then the robbery and chase scene plays out. (Note that Hawkeye's statement outside the A 19 FB that the rope broke his fall is not mentioned here or ever again.) But at the end Trickshot fires arrows to make Swordsman run off, and Clint tells Barney what happened. Barney's reaction is to say that he should have accepted Swordsman's offer.
The issue then goes into totally new territory. Clint has both legs fractured. Trickshot visits him in hospital and offers to continue his archery training at his own place in the woods, but Clint will owe him big. As Clint gradually recovers Trickshot introduces him to gimmick arrows, but also shows his sadistic side. Trickshot also sometimes disappears for days. When Clint is capable of showmanship-level trick shots and his legs are healed Trickshot takes him on 1 of his jobs. They are going to pay a visit to Marko.
Clint keeps watch that night while Trickshot breaks in. It turns out Marko has been stealing money from his bosses and they've sent TS to deal with him. TS is willing to negotiate but Marko pulls a gun so TS kills him, and then his wife who comes to investigate. Meanwhile 2 gunmen attack Clint but he pins both to a wall. However a 3rd gunman wounds him and he reflexively shoots him with an arrow before realising it's Barney. Trickshot wants them to leave but Clint wants to take his brother to hospital. TS fires 4 arrows to Clint's 1 and leaves him pinned to a tree, but threatens to return to kill him when he's a more worthy opponent. Outside the FB Hawkeye tells Mockingbird that he did manage to get himself and Barney to hospital but left him there.

HAWK3 1-8 (2003)
Adds some details including Clint going to work for Ringmaster's circus after splitting from Trickshot.

HAWK:BS 1-4 (2011)
Expands on Trickshot's involvement.

HAWK4 12,19 (2013)
Adds a few details including Clint's early hearing problem.

I'll start discussing possible detailed changes in the next post.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

I'm going to initially consider the basic story laid out in A 19,65 and SOLOA 2 before adding in the later amendments.

At this point Hawkeye's MCP chronology (deduced by deleting anything extra from the current version) would contain:-

SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:4)-FB Barton family life ending in car crash killing both parents.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in orphanage.
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Escape from orphanage. Clint about 13.
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Outside carnival.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB Barney persuades the owner to take them on for menial jobs like shovelling expletive. They watch the shows for free. Swordsman's assistant quits.
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS Hawkeye says he was an orphan who never knew his parents. He met Swordsman when he joined a carnival and was asked to be his assistant.
A 65 (5:1)-FB When the brothers ask to join the carnival Swordsman invites Clint to be his assistant. Barney will be a roustabout.
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB Clint trains to be Swordsman's target.
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. And persuades Trickshot to teach him archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB Clint gets good at archery.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
A 19 (8:4 - 8:6)-FB Clint runs and climbs to the high-wire.
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Swordsman deflects the arrows.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP Swordsman cuts the high-wire.
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire.
A 19 (9:4)-FB Clint falls.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off after he's caused Clint to fall.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB Barney finds Clint and berates him for not taking Swordsman's offer.
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
SOLOA 2 (8:5 - 8:9)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint, including trick arrows.
SOLOA 2 (9 - 10:1)-FB Trickshot persuades Clint to keep watch while he invades the home of a target Marko and kills him.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.

Of course the long runs of SOLOA entries and others would be amalgamated, but currently they're broken up by later additions.
Basically SOLOA 2 does the new beginning and end and A 19,65 do the original middle.

I question whether A 19(7:4) and A 61(5:1) need to still be there.
A 19(7:4)'s contents have been replaced by totally different things. It's not true that Clint never knew his parents. Swordsman doesn't take him on as an assistant immediately. And Barney's there.
A 65(5:1) is similarly redundant. Again Swordsman doesn't hire Clint immediately. And Barney doesn't *become* a roustabout because he already is 1 when Swordsman *does* take Clint on.
So neither FBs have anything different that isn't 'wrong'. Dropping them also saves me considering *exactly* where in SOLOA's sequence they fit.
That leaves everything before Swordsman's robbery in SOLOA 2.

But I do think something significant has been omitted completely.
A 19(7:5-7:7) has Swordsman warning his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
A 65(5:2-6:1) has the same scene with nearly the same wording.
SOLOA 2(6:6-6:9) does the same job, attached to (6:5). (6:9) is a new add-on with a Barney/Clint exchange.
To include that last bit I would restore the scene by extending SOLOA 2(6:5) to (6:5-6:9).

At the other end A 65(9:1-9:2) is totally repeated in the surrounding SOLOA 2(8:1) and (8:2). Removing that makes SOLOA 2 cover everything after Clint falls from the high-wire.

A 65(6:2-6:5) have been omitted from the middle section, as have SOLOA 2(7:1-7:8).

It is true that A 65(6:2-6:4) replicates the action in A 19(8:1-8:4), copying much of the dialogue. But (6:5) is new showing Clint climbing the rope ladder to the high-wire with some extra dialogue explaining why he thinks it's a good idea, replacing A 19(8:5) which has him less-believably swinging up on a rope.
SOLOA 2(7:3-7:6) also copy the original actions and dialogue while (7:7) adds the ladder climbing with the explanation as voiceover rather than dialogue.
So it would seem that either A 65(6:5) or SOLOA 2(7:7) should be added after A 19(8:1-8:4), losing A 19(8:5).

However SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) are totally new adding the reason why Swordsman is stealing from the carnival, to pay off his gambling debt to Marko. So they should be added before A 19(8:1-8:4).

That leaves SOLOA 2(7:8) which is part of the next bit in A 19(8:6-9:4) which is currently interleaved with A 65(7:1-7:3).
A 19(8:6) has Clint on the high-wire commenting that Swordsman is climbing after him.
A 65(7:1) shows Swordsman climbing the rope ladder with some of Clint's dialogue from A 19(8:6) and (9:1).
A 19(9:1) has Swordsman on a platform at the end of the wire, and Clint shooting at him.
A 19(9:2) has Swordsman's sword deflecting Clint's arrows.
A 65(7:2) shows Swordsman on the platform doing the deflecting.
A 19(9:3) has Swordsman's sword cutting the high-wire.
A 19(9:4) shows Clint falling.
A 65(7:3) has the cutting and falling in 1 panel.
SOLOA 2(7:8) does the same but has Swordsman only partway up the ladder, and gives him dialogue from A 65(7:2-3).
I'd continue to ignore SOLOA 2(7:8) because it depiction clashes with the other 2 accounts.
But I want to keep Swordsman's dialogue which means using A 65(7:1-7:3) rather than the blander A 19(9:2-9:4).
But also I'd want A 65(7:1) which includes Swordsman climbing the ladder rather than A 19(8:6-9:1).
So I've ended up replacing all of A 19(8:6-9:4) with A 65(7:1-7:3) because the latter has all the elements of the former plus Swordsman climbing, and also has Swordsman's extra dialogue which is repeated in SOLOA 2.

Thus my simplified version of the flashbacks in A 19,65 and SOLOA 2 for Hawkeye is:-

SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:4)-FB Barton family life ending in car crash killing both parents.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in orphanage.
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Escape from orphanage. Clint about 13.
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Outside carnival.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB Barney persuades the owner to take them on for menial jobs like shovelling expletive. They watch the shows for free. Swordsman's assistant quits.
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB Clint trains to be Swordsman's target.
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. And persuades Trickshot to teach him archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB Clint gets good at archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:6-6:9) **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
A 19 (8:4)-FB **** split from A 19(8:4-8:6)-FB - Clint runs away.
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** replaces A 19(8:5)-FB - Clint climbs the rope ladder to the high-wire
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire platform.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls.
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off after he's caused Clint to fall.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
SOLOA 2 (8:5 - 8:9)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint, including trick arrows.
SOLOA 2 (9 - 10:1)-FB Trickshot persuades Clint to keep watch while he invades the home of a target Marko and kills him.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.

Things are still more split up than they need to be to allow the insertion of the extra stuff in the next post.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

1st I'll update my amended early chronology with the later extra stuff from HAWK3, HAWK:BS and HAWK4 added where it is currently.

HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB Abusive dad Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:4)-FB Barton family life ending in car crash killing both parents.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Car crash and cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6 - 8:7)-FB Car crash and funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in orphanage.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB Escape from orphanage.
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Escape from orphanage. Clint about 13.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB Head towards carnival.
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Outside carnival.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1 - 10:2)-FB Join carnival and get job shovelling elephant expletive.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB Barney persuades the owner to take them on for menial jobs like shovelling expletive. They watch the shows for free. Swordsman's assistant quits.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB Clint trains to be Swordsman's target.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB Barney is left with the expletive, and Trickshot watching.
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. And persuades Trickshot to teach him archery.
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB Clint gets good at archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:6-6:9) **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB Swordsman offers Clint a cut.
A 19 (8:4)-FB **** split from A 19(8:4-8:6)-FB - Clint runs away.
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** replaces A 19(8:5)-FB - Clint climbs the rope ladder to the high-wire
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB Clint starts to climb to the high-wire.
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire platform.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP Swordsman cuts the high-wire.
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls.
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off after he's caused Clint to fall.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arrm.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:3 - 3:6)-FB Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:3)-FB Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint.
SOLOA 2 (8:5 - 8:9)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint, including trick arrows.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint, including trick arrows.
HAWK3 4-FB Clint practices with his leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (9 - 10:1)-FB Trickshot persuades Clint to keep watch while he invades the home of a target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB Clint keeps watch while Trickshot rob a mob guy's house.. He's surprised by 2 gunmen and pins them to trees. A 3rd gunman shows up.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB Clint wounds 3 guys.
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB 3rd guy is Barney.
**** missing - HAWK3 5 (2:1)-FB 3rd gunman wounds Clint as he fires an arrow at him.
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB Clint sees he's hit Barney.
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB Clint turns against Trickshot.
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

Note that for completeness I've interpolated a missing HAWK3 5 (2:1)-FB.

I'm going to deal with the new entries in chronological rather than publishing order.

The 1st entry in my last post's chronology was SOLOA 2(2:8-3:4) which showed Barton family life ending in the car crash killing both parents. In the current MCP Hawkeye chronology HAWK:BS 1(7:7-8:5) is placed before that and HAWK4 12(5:9-11:1), HAWK4 19, HAWK4 12(18-19) and HAWK:BS 1(8:6-8:7) are added after it. I think that the SOLOA 2 entry should be split up and some of the others placed within it.

SOLOA 2(2:8-3:3) The Barton dad Harold has a butcher's shop in Waverly, Iowa. He's an abusive drunk. Barney stands up to him but Clint tries to mollify him.
HAWK4 12(5:9-11:1) Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19 (p9:2-11) Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney 'encourages' him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1(7:7-8:5) Harold gets drunk and hits Clint because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2(3:4) The car crash.
HAWK:BS 1(8:6) Police have cordoned off the crash site.
HAWK4 12(18-19) Cops tell the boys their parents are dead.
HAWK:BS 1(8:7) Clint at his father's funeral.

It is clear to me that when the parents leave to party in HAWK:BS that is *meant* to be what leads to the car crash in SOLOA 2(3:4). Thus the preceding bits of SOLOA 2 should happen before HAWK:BS. Effectively this means moving SOLOA's car crash to just before HAWK4 12(18-19) where the cops inform the boys, and then tucking HAWK:BS 1(7:7-8:5) behind it.
Also I've split the cordoned off crash site in HAWK:BS 1(8:6) from the funeral in (8:7) and put it before the cops informing the boys. But I could accept that not being deemed necessary.
Note that SOLOA tells us this happens in Waverly, Iowa.

The HAWK:BS additions to the orphanage/escape sequence are OK. But the BS version has the carnival in sight of the orphanage while the SOLOA version has them on the run a few days before they get to it.
Note that BS names the Carson Carnival.

I would recommend some change to the carnival life sequence ending with Swordsman taking Clint on, which currently goes
HAWK:BS 1(9:4-9:5) They join the Carson Carnival and we see them shovelling elephant expletive.
SOLOA 2(4:1-4:7) Barney has persuaded the owner to take them on for menial jobs like shovelling expletive. They watch the shows for free. Swordsman's assistant quits.
HAWK:BS 1(10:3) Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
SOLOA 2(4:8-4:9) Swordsman takes Clint under his wing.
A 19(7:4) **** deleted
A 65(5:1) **** deleted
SOLOA 2(5:1-5:3) Clint trains to be Swordsman's target.
HAWK:BS 1(10:4-10:5) Barney is left with the expletive, with Trickshot watching.

HAWK:BS 1(10:4-10:5) has been separated from (10:3) but they are part of the same scene and have Clint going with Swordsman and leaving Barney with the expletive work. So (10:4-10:5) should be moved back to join (10:3).
BS(10:3-10:5) and SOLOA(4:8-4:9) both show Swordsman asking who wants the job, with Clint accepting and Barney declining. I would suggest that they both aren't necessary. BS has the Trickshot app while SOLOA just makes the boys' choosing clearer. We could drop the SOLOA version just as I've deleted the A 19 and A 65 versions earlier.
I would also separate the SOLOA 2 (4:1) and HAWK:BS 1(9:5) expletive shovelling scenes. The actual elephant expletive scene in BS(9:5) obviously belongs with Swordsman's proposal to rescue 1 of the boys from it, and should be moved to join (10:3-10:5). The more generic expletive-shovelling scene in SOLOA should be left where it is where it just represents the menial jobs they were hired to do (and I guess they shovelled expletive many times).

Moving BS(10:4-10:5) allows SOLOA(5:1-5:3) to join up with (5:4-6:4) to have a complete set of Swordsman training Clint as his assistant, trying to teach him knife-throwing and getting Trickshot to teach him archery.

What follows is:-
HAWK3 1 Barney watches Clint practice archery, and tries to persuade him to join him in schoolwork.
HAWK3 2 Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves.
SOLOA 2(6:5) Clint gets good at archery.

I think the SOLOA bit belongs between the 2 HAWK3 bits. When Barney watches Clint he's only getting arrows near the bullseye. When Clint gets good he gets an arrow near the centre of the bullseye. When Trickshot thinks he's good he's splitting 1 arrow with another.

HAWK3 3(1) is missed out where Trickshot offers to help Swordsman with his gambling debt but Swordsman declines to accept. I would say it belongs before SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) where Swordsman plans to rob the carnival to pay his debt.

HAWK3 3(2:1) is ignored because it's just a repeat of Clint finding Swordsman robbing the carnival.

HAWK3 3(2:2-2:4) is included because it adds that Swordsman offers him a cut. (But it includes Clint running away in (2:3-2:4) so technically it also replaces A 19(8:4).)

HAWK3 3(2:5) has Clint climbing the rope ladder to the high-wire but adds a bit about the code of the carnies.

HAWK3 3(2:6) is just another shot of Swordsman's sword cutting the high-wire so isn't necessary.

HAWK3 3(2:7-3:1) Is the 1st time we see Clint hit the ground, and he breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.

HAWK3 3(3:2) has Trickshot putting an arrow through Swordsman's raised sword-arm to stop him killing Clint. So I think it should be moved before SOLOA 2(7:9) where he drives Swordsman off with more arrows.

The next section has:-
SOLOA 2(8:1) Barney wants to know why Swordsman attacked Clint (and between panels Clint tells him).
HAWK3 3(3:3-3:6) Trickshot just tells wounded Swordsman to go as Barney arrives. He and Barney help Clint, but TS says Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
SOLOA 2(8:2) Barney thinks Clint should have taken the split. (This now clashes with the more honest studious Barney that HAWK3 FBs portray.)
I think HAWK3 3(3:3) with Barney arriving needs to be separated from (3:4-3:6) and go before SOLOA 2(8:1).

The next bit has Clint in hospital:-
HAWK:BS 1(13:1-13:3) Barney visits Clint in hospital with 2 broken legs. He thinks Swordsman had the right idea and disowns Clint.
SOLOA 2(8:3-8:4) Trickshot promises to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1(13:4) Trickshot promises to help Clint.
The 1st thing to say is that HAWK:BS 1(13:3) belongs with Trickshot's visit not Barney's.
2ndly (13:3-13:4) don't add anything to the SOLOA version and miss out the threatened cost - which does eventuate in HAWK3's later FBs as it does in BS. So I'd drop HAWK:BS 1(13:3-13:4).

After that comes Clint's further training in:-
SOLOA 2(8:5-8:9) Trickshot continues to train Clint, including trick arrows. Clint progresses from a wheelchair to crutches. TS occasionally leaves for a few days on 'business'.
HAWK:BS 1(13:5-13:7) Trickshot continues to train Clint now fully-healed, including trick arrows.
HAWK3 4 Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.

The fact that Clint is still in a cast in HAWK3 means it should be before HAWK:BS. And in fact only SOLOA(8:5) has him in a wheelchair and the rest is just crutches. So I'd put HAWK3 between (8:5) and (8:6). Ie:-
SOLOA 2(8:5) Trickshot continues to train Clint in a wheelchair with both legs still in casts..
HAWK3 4 Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast and a crutch. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2(8:6-8:9) Clint on 2 crutches with no casts. Trickshot demonstrates a trick arrow. He occasionally leaves for a few days on 'business'.
HAWK:BS 1(13:5-13:7) Trickshot continues to train Clint now fully-healed, including another trick arrow.

1 oddity is that HAWK:BS and HAWK3 have the training occurring at the carnival while SOLOA has it at Trickshot's cabin in the woods. But in fact SOLOA(8:5) has no background to show where it is. So with the above reshuffle that and HAWK3 can be at the carnival, the rest of SOLOA at TS's cabin, and then back to the carnival for BS.

We're not quite finished with the above section because the next line in Hawkeye's current chronology is
SOLOA 2(9-10:1) Trickshot persuades Clint to keep watch while he invades the home of a target Marko and kills him.
But (9:1-9:3) have Clint continuing to train on crutches at Trickshot's cabin. Then there's a specific time jump to (9:4) where Clint is walking fully-healed without crutches and Trickshot says he's ready to join him on 1 of his 'special jobs', which is what the next section is about.
So (9:1-9:3) should be tacked on to (8:6-8:9), before HAWK:BS 1(13:5-13:7) where he is fully-healed.

The remaining long part covers Trickshot and Clint's mission which comprises:-

SOLOA 2(9:4-10:1) Trickshot is given a new 'target' who Clint recognises as Marko who used to play cards with Swordsman. He persuades Clint to keep watch while he invades Marko's house and kills him for stealing from bigger gangsters (which he didn't mention to Clint)..
HAWK:BS 1(14:1) Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2(10:2-10:3) Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5(1) Clint keeps watch while Trickshot robs (he thinks) a mob guy's house. He's surprised by 2 gunmen and pins them to trees. A 3rd gunman shows up.
HAWK:BS 1(14:2-14:4) Clint wounds 3 guys.
SOLOA 2(10:4-10:6) Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd who shows up and wounds *him*.
**** missing - HAWK3 5(2:1) 3rd gunman wounds Clint as he fires an arrow at him.
HAWK:BS 1(14:5) 3rd guy is Barney.
HAWK3 5(2:2-2:3) Clint sees he's hit Barney.
SOLOA 2(10:7-10:9) 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5(2:4-2:7) Clint turns against Trickshot.
SOLOA 2(11:1) Trickshot/Clint face-off.
HAWK:BS 1(14:6) Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2(11:2) Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1(14:7) Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2(11:3-11:6) Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1(14:8-14:9) Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.

Let's analyse the 1st half of that. the sequence of actions is:-
Trickshot gets a hit on Marko. - SOLOA 2(9:4-9:5)
He leaves Clint to keep watch while he breaks in. - SOLOA 2(9:6-9:9:8) & HAWK3 5(1:1-1:4)
He kills Marko. - SOLOA 2(9:9-10:1)
Clint hears someone approach. - HAWK:BS 1(14:1)
He shoots at 2 gunmen. - SOLOA 2(10:2) & HAWK3 5(1:5)
Trickshot kills Marko's wife. - SOLOA 2(10:3)
Clint has pinned the 2 gunmen against a wall when he's surprised by a 3rd gunman. - SOLOA 2(10:4) & HAWK3 5(1:6) (pins them against trees) & HAWK:BS 1(14:2-14:3) (actually wounds them)
The 3rd gunman wounds Clint as he instinctively fires an arrow at him and wounds *him*. - SOLOA 2(10:5-10:6) & HAWK3 5(2:1-2:2) & HAWK:BS 1(14:4) (without Clint getting wounded)
The 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. - SOLOA 2(10:7) & HAWK3 5(2:3) & HAWK:BS 1(14:5)

As far as I can see the only thing that HAWK3 5 adds to this is to make it clear in (1:2) that Clint thinks Trickshot's only here to *rob* the guy. And HAWK:BS only adds Clint hearing the gunmen approach in (14:1) (ignoring Clint not getting wounded and not just pinning 2 guys to something).
So I'd just leave it all to SOLOA except adding HAWK3 5(1:2) between SOLOA 2(9:7) and (9:8) and keeping HAWK:BS 1(14:1) between SOLOA 2(10:1) and (10:2).

The remaining chunk is Clint vs Trickshot:-
SOLOA 2(10:7-10:9) 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5(2:4-2:7) Clint turns against Trickshot.
SOLOA 2(11:1) Trickshot/Clint face-off.
HAWK:BS 1(14:6) Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2(11:2) Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1(14:7) Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2(11:3-11:6) Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1(14:8-14:9) Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.

There seems to be some obvious duplication here. The plotline is:-
Trickshot turns up and wants Clint to leave Barney to die. SOLOA 2(10:8) & HAWK3 5(2:4)
Clint refuses to go with him because he wants to take Barney to hospital. SOLOA 2(10:9) & HAWK3 5(2:5)
Trickshot and Clint face off. SOLOA 2(11:1) & HAWK3 5(2:6-7) & HAWK:BS 1(14:6)
Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several. SOLOA 2(11:2)
Trickshot pins Clint to a tree. HAWK:BS 1(14:7)
Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree. SOLOA 2(11:3-11:6) & HAWK:BS 1(14:8-14:9)

The only new image is HAWK:BS 1(14:7).
HAWK3 5(2:4-2:7)'s dialogue doesn't add anything.
HAWK:BS 1(14:6)'s dialogue makes it clear that Clint now realises this was a gangland execution rather than a robbery.
HAWK:BS 1(14:8-14:9)'s dialogue is only a bit of that in SOLOA 2(11:3-11:6).
So I'll delete the HAWK3 stuff and HAWK:BS 1(14:8-14:9).
I'll leave HAWK:BS 1(14:7) and delete SOLOA 2(11:1) leaving HAWK:BS 1(14:6) as a replacement.

Finally the last 3 HAWK3 add-ons can stay as they are:-
HAWK3 5(3) Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7(1-3) Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8 Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

The total resulting amendments are:-

SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off - Harold Barton is an abusive drunk butcher in Waverley.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here - Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3) Car crash killing both parents.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:7) - Car crash cordoned off.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off - Funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in the orphanage. Nobody wants to adopt them because they're too old.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB Escape from the orphanage.
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Running away. Clint is about 13.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB Head towards carnival.
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Outside carnival.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** (10:2) moved to join (10:3) - Enter Carson Carnival.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB Barney has persuaded the owner to take them on for menial jobs like shovelling expletive. They watch the shows for free. Swordsman's assistant quits.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:2 - 10:5)-FB **** (10:3) amalgamated with (10:2) and (10:4-10:5) -Swordsman rescues Clint from shovelling elephant expletive and takes him under his wing. Barney is left with the expletive, with Trickshot watching.
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB **** joined with (5:4-6:4)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** moved to join (10:3)
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 6:4)-FB **** added (5:1-5:3) Clint trains to be Swordsman's target. Swordsman teaches him knife throwing. And persuades Trickshot to teach him archery.
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved to here - Clint gets good at archery.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (6:6-6:9) **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added - Swordsman declines Trickshot's offer of help with his gambling debt.
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB Swordsman offers Clint a cut and Clint runs away.
A 19 (8:4)-FB **** split from A 19(8:4-8:6)-FB then deleted away.
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** replaces A 19(8:5)-FB - Clint starts to climb the rope ladder to the high-wire to get out of range of the sword.
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB As Clint climbs the ladder Swordsman taunts him that Trickshot would expect him not to betray his carnie family.
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire platform.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls.
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground and breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here - Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arm.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
HAWK3 3 (3:3)-FB **** split from (3:3-3:6) - Barney arrives.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** (3:3) split off - Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** splits off (13:3) - Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** adds (13:3) but then gets deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:5)-FB **** split from (8:5-8:9) - Trickshot continues to train Clint in a wheelchair.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here - Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** (8:5) split off, (9:1-9:3) added from (9-10:1) - Trickshot continues to train Clint on crutches, including a trick arrow.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint fully-healed, including another trick arrow.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1) - Trickshot gets a hit on Marko and persuades Clint to keep watch.
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted fro (1) - Clint thinks they're here only for robbery.
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** (9:1-9:3) & (9:4-9:7) split off - Trickshot invades the home of target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

I'll add the bits from ANHAWK in my next post.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

What remains for Hawkeye's chronology is to add the FBs in ANHAWK 1-5.

At the moment they are all placed at the beginning as:-
ANHAWK 1-FB Barney and Clint run away from abusive foster father in Waverly and find the Carson Carnival.
ANHAWK 2-FB Swordsman welcomes them and the boss hires them as roustabouts. Swordsman notes Clint's good vision and dubs him hawk-eye.
ANHAWK 3-FB Swordsman offers to train Clint with knives.
ANHAWK 4-FB Clint's not good with knives but he is with archery. Barney learns to pick pockets. Swordsman takes Barney on a special job.
ANHAWK 5-FB Clint learns breaking & entering. Clint learns Swordsman is taking porn photos of his assistant. But he stays with the carnival.

There seem to be some clashes with the previous versions.

The only age quoted previously was SOLOA 2(3:8)'s claim that Clint was about 13 when they ran away to the carnival. And they have always been drawn as teenagers. But ANHAWK depicts them much younger (at least to my eyes). Older brother Barney *might* be 13 but Clint looks more like 10.

In #1 they run away from an abusive foster father whose paid by the government to look after them. Whereas previously they ran away from an orphanage.
I think this may actually be an example of retelling the tale in modern terms. As I understand it orphanages were the normal thing back in the 60's but now there are few of them around and the modern replacement is government incentives to foster orphans.

There's no sign of Trickshot (but then neither was there in A 19 & 65). However ANHAWK doesn't necessarily go that far along the chronology. A 19(7:5) did suggest that Swordsman taught Clint archery so maybe he started it before handing him over to Trickshot when he showed promise.

Swordsman doesn't take Clint on initially as an assistant/target when his female assistant quits (which is only mentioned in SOLOA 2(4:7)). Instead his female assistant appears throughout the ANHAWK FBs.

A little bit added in #2 is that Swordsman calls Clint hawk-eye, and then calls him Hawkeye directly in #3 and the name sticks. (In HAWK:BS 1(13:4) Trickshot also refers to Clint's hawk eyes.)

My proposal for the flashbacks placements is:-

#1's FB describes events in the day leading up to and including the boys' fleeing their foster home and reaching the carnival.
Ignoring the difference between foster home and orphanage, the events in (1-5) and (11-14) fit between SOLOA 2(3:5-3:7)'s general depiction of life at the orphanage and the various entries showing the actual escape itself.
The FBs after that share pages with non-FB material in entangled ways. I propose to just describe them as pages rather than specific panels. (18-20) has the father chasing the kids in his car until they see the carnival. I suggest that these completely replace SOLOA 2(3:8-3:9) and HAWK:BS 1(9:1-9:5).
When this is done all 3 ANHAWK 1 FBs directly follow each other and so can be amalgamated into just ANHAWK 1-FB.

#2's FB describe their 1st day at the carnival/circus.
(1-5) have them looking around in wonder, then their father catches them but Swordsman intervenes. In (11-13) he convinces the man to leave. (17-20) again has FB panels mixed in with non-FB ones. Here Swordsman persuades the carnival boss to take the boys on as general workers. They help the carnival pack up and move on. This combined set can replace HAWK:BS 1(10:1) and SOLOA 2(4:2).

#3's FBs run along the bottom of (1-19). (1-2) have a expletive-shovelling scene replacing SOLOA 2(4:1). (3-16) show them watching the shows for free expanding on SOLOA 2 4:3) including Swordsman's performance which is an equivalent of SOLOA 2(4:3-4:6). In (17-19) they play with the carnival's trained dog until in the FB expands to almost the whole of (20) where Swordsman offers to train Clint (or Hawkeye as he calls him) in knife-throwing.
This last bit arguably replaces SOLOA 2(4:7), HAWK:BS 1(10:2-10:5) and SOLOA 2(5:1-5:3). But there are differences in the versions. In SOLOA Swordsman's assistant quits (4:7) and he replaces her with Clint as a spinning target (5:1-5:2) before offering to train him with knives (5:3). No other telling includes the assistant quitting (and she keeps going through to the end of ANHAWK's FBs) or Clint being used as a target (although ANHAWK does feature it on the cover only of #4). HAWK:BS is a less detailed recounting but it does include Trickshot in the background (but not of any relevance).
So I propose #2-3 between them replacing SOLOA 2(4:1-5:3) and the whole of HAWK:BS 1(10).

#4 reverses the layout and has the non-FB tale restricted to the bottom of (1-19) before expanding to most of (20).
(1-3) has Swordsman teaching Clint archery because his knife-work wasn't good enough.
This has to fit after SOLOA 2(5:3-5:4) which shows the knife-training and (5:5-5:9) where Trickshot interrupts a session.
The rest of this issue and the next are completely new. But since they still seem to have Swordsman doing the training they should also be put between (5:3-5;4) and (6:1-6:4) where Trickshot takes over the training.
(4--8) Swordsman teaches Barney to be a pickpocket. They don't tell Clint but he sees it.
(9-12) Clint is angry about it but Barney won't stop.
(13-14) The boss thinks Clint's archery training means he's not doing any real work, and won't accept that Barney's pickpocketing covers it.
(15-20) The boys find Swordsman's female assistant/lover unhappy after an argument. Swordsman takes Barney and the girl out on a 'job'.

#5 goes back to giving the 2 stories mostly their own pages.
(1-4) While Barney and the girl are out breaking and entering, Clint sneaks into Swordsman's trailer. He finds Swordsman has been taking porn photos of the girl.
(8-10) Clint won't explain why but wants him and Barney to leave the carnival. Barney doesn't want to.
(12) The boys fight until the girl and Swordsman interrupt them.
(15) Clint hits Swordsman but he refuses to hit back and tells Clint that he'll look after him.
In (16-17) the FB and non-FB pages are mixed up. The carnival leaves. Clint isn't going o go with them but eventually gets on board.
(18-20) is actually set in the future.
Possibly Clint's broken trust of Swordsman contributes to why his mentor persuades Trickshot to take over the training.

Now the complete amendments for Hawkeye's early chronology look like this:-
ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off - Harold Barton is an abusive drunk butcher in Waverley.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here - Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3) Car crash killing both parents.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:7) - Car crash cordoned off.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off - Funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in the orphanage. Nobody wants to adopt them because they're too old.
ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint run away from their abusive foster father and find the Carson Carnival. Dad follows them.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman drives dad away and persuades the boss to hire them as roustabouts. Swordsman notes Clint's good vision and dubs him Hawkeye.
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved to here - The boys muck in and watch the show for free. Swordsman offers to train Clint with knives.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** (10:2) moved to join (10:3), then deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (10:2 - 10:5)-FB **** (10:3) amalgamated with (10:2) and (10:4-10:5), then deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** moved to join (10:3)
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 5:9)-FB **** (6:1-6:4) split off - Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing.
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman teaches Clint archery and Barney pickpocketing. He takes Barney breaking and entering.
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here - Clint and Swordsman fall out. Clint wants to leave but stays with Barney.
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** split from (5:4-6:4) - Swordsman persuades Trickshot to take over teaching Clint archery.
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved to here - Clint gets good at archery.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (6:6-6:9) **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added - Swordsman declines Trickshot's offer of help with his gambling debt.
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB Swordsman offers Clint a cut and Clint runs away.
A 19 (8:4)-FB **** split from A 19(8:4-8:6)-FB then deleted away.
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** replaces A 19(8:5)-FB - Clint starts to climb the rope ladder to the high-wire to get out of range of the sword.
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB As Clint climbs the ladder Swordsman taunts him that Trickshot would expect him not to betray his carnie family.
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire platform.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls.
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground and breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here - Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arm.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
HAWK3 3 (3:3)-FB **** split from (3:3-3:6) - Barney arrives.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** (3:3) split off - Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** splits off (13:3) - Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** adds (13:3) but then gets deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:5)-FB **** split from (8:5-8:9) - Trickshot continues to train Clint in a wheelchair.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here - Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** (8:5) split off, (9:1-9:3) added from (9-10:1) - Trickshot continues to train Clint on crutches, including a trick arrow.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint fully-healed, including another trick arrow.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1) - Trickshot gets a hit on Marko and persuades Clint to keep watch.
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from(1) - Clint thinks they're here only for robbery.
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** (9:1-9:3) & (9:4-9:7) split off - Trickshot invades the home of target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

Or, without the explanations (and some tidying up of changes):-

ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved from here
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3)
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:6-8:7)
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB
ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved to here
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved to here
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved to here
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** changed from (10:1-10:2)
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 5:9)-FB **** (6:1-6:4) split off
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** split from (5:4-6:4)
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (6:6-6:9) **** added
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB
A 19 (8:4-8:6)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** added
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB
A 65 (7:1)-FB
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
HAWK3 3 (3:3)-FB **** split from (3:3-3:6)
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** (3:3) split off
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** changed from (13:1-13:3)
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:5)-FB **** (8:6-8:9) split off
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** (8:6-8:9) split from (8:5-8:9) plus (9:1-9:3)split from (9-10:1)
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1)
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from (1)
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** (9:1-9:3) & (9:4-9:7) split off
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** delete
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** delete
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** delete
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB

The next stage is to copy all this across to other relevant chars Barney Barton, Swordsman, Trickshot. (That is if it's all OK.)
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

Have I gone too far in deleting all the FBs from the original A 19 apart from (8:1-8:3)? Shouldn't I be keeping the original rather than the replacements? If the replacements contain extra stuff should I find some way of extracting the extras as extra panels interpolated around/between the originals? Even though those extra panels also duplicate bits of the original?
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by Col_Fury »

robfj wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:14 pmHave I gone too far in deleting all the FBs from the original A 19 apart from (8:1-8:3)? Shouldn't I be keeping the original rather than the replacements? If the replacements contain extra stuff should I find some way of extracting the extras as extra panels interpolated around/between the originals? Even though those extra panels also duplicate bits of the original?
Keep the originals, add the extras, ignore the duplicates. Even if it's messy. :thumbsup:
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

A 19 FB can be split into 4 pieces:-
(7:4) Clint joins the carnival.
(7:5-7:7) Clint learns archery from Swordsman.
(8:1-8:3) Clint sees Swordsman robbing the carnival.
(8:4-9:4) Swordsman pursues Clint and leaves him for dead.

(8:1-8:3) is the only section I kept. It is repeated in A 65(6:2-6:4:1) and SOLOA 2(7:3-7:5:2) with very much the same wording. HAWK3 3 repeats a bit of it, HAWK:BS 1 skips past it, HAWK4 and ANHAWK stop before they get that far.

(7:5-7:7) is actually missed out of Hawkeye's current chronology.
It has Clint getting good with a bow and cockily suggesting he might 1 day be as good with it as Swordsman is with his sword. Swordsman warns him never to forget who's the master. This scene was repeated in A 65(5:2-6:1) and SOLOA 2(6:5-6:9), again with much the same wording, but is never mentioned in later FBs. The scene itself is only really relevant to the non-FB part of A 65 where Swordsman admits that Clint is now better than him.
But the 3 versions were all missed out of the chronology apart from SOLOA 2(6:5) which just shows Clint getting good. I restored the rest by adding SOLOA 2(6:6-6:9) to SOLOA 2(6:5). However I now realise I later messed that up by separating (6:5) from (6:6-6:9) and putting it before HAWK3 2 to reflect the increasing quality of Clint's aim. I should have moved (6:6-6:9) with it.
But I could do just as well by reverting to adding the missing A 19(7:5-7:7) instead of SOLOA 2(6:5-6:8), but keeping SOLOA 2(6:9) which is a new Clint/Barney epilogue to the scene. And having it all where I put SOLOA 2(6:5)
(Trickshot was only invented in SOLOA as an archer who could really teach Clint the skill. A 19 and A 65 were written as if Swordsman teaches him archery but SOLOA has him only teaching Clint knife-throwing and persuading Trickshot to teach him archery. The scene in question in SOLOA then just has Swordsman watching Clint practice after Trickshot started training him. But note that ANHAWK has Swordsman teaching Clint some archery which I had to put before Trickshot joins the carnival and takes over his training.)

Backtracking to (7:4), this has Hawkeye's voiceover saying that he was an orphan who hung around carnivals and met Swordsman in 1. The image is of a circus tent with Swordsman's voice coming from inside asking Clint who's come looking for a job if he wants to be his assistant. A 65(5:1) has a similar scene where Clint and Barney come looking for jobs and Swordsman takes Clint on while Barney settles to be a roustabout.
I dropped both of them in favour of SOLOA 2's version which has them both given roustabout jobs initially, and Swordsman makes Clint his assistant later. And then dropped that in favour of ANHAWK's version which manages to 'match' both A 19 and SOLOA 2 again by having Swordsman meet the boys initially but only take Clint under his wing later.
I stand by my decision to drop A 19(7:4) because what's distinctive about it is also 'wrong'. There's no Barney, and Swordsman takes on Clint immediately. (And Clint's voiceover says he never knew his parents and hung around lots of carnivals before the 1 with Swordsman in.) And given that I don't use the original I also stick by using the latest version from ANHAWK.

At the other end the situation of (8:4-9:4) is confusing because later versions have messed around with added or replaced panels.
I initially kept A 19(8:4) but replaced the rest with A 65(6:5-7:3). A 65(6:5) introduced the rope ladder which was a better way for Clint to get to the high-wire than A 19(8:5)'s swinging on a rope, and later representations agreed with that. A 65(7:1-7:3) contain everything in A 19(8:6-9:4) plus extra stuff that is picked up by SOLOA 2.
I then interpolated HAWK3 3(2:2-2:4), (2:5) and (2:7-3:1) because they add new actions/dialogue. ((2:6) is just another shot of Swordsman's sword cutting the high-wire.) But (2:3) also replaced A 19(8:4) (part of which's dialogue had already gone into A 65(6:4) and it also gets rid of the image of Clint hopping like Toad).
The end result was
HAWK3 3(2:2-2:4)
A 65(6:5) which I have mistakenly labelled (5:1)
HAWK3 3(2:5)
A 65(7:1-7:3)
HAWK3 3(2:7-3:1)
And A 19(8:4-9:4) have been swallowed by HAWK3 3(2:3) and A 65(6:5-7:3).
I still like this as a good and viable solution, which preserves a chunk of A 65 rather than A 19.

In summary I still want to lose (7:4) and (8:4-9:4) from A 19. I already kept (8:1-8:3). And (7:5-7:7) and its other versions are missing from the current chronology. I inserted the SOLOA 2 version but I can easily use the A 19 version instead.

The amended part of the Hawkeye chronology is

ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** split from (5:4-6:4)
A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB **** added (**** different)
SOLOA 2 (6:9) **** added (**** different)
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** deleted (**** changed from moved away)
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) **** added
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB
A 19 (8:4-8:6)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (6:5)-FB **** added (**** changed from mistaken (5:1))
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB
A 65 (7:1)-FB
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted
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Re: Clint Barton's past

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I'm confidant about the sequencing of things I've retained. But I think I'm going to have to go away and rethink what I've thrown away. I'm going to rework the chronology from the bottom up to retain where elements are 1st introduced and change the later things to only include what is new. Which is what Col_Fury (and leoparis privately) said. Eg there won't be much from A 65, but there'll be lots from SOLOA 2, etc. Which will probably correspond closely to what is included in the current MCP.

I'm just going outside and I may be some time.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by Col_Fury »

Take your time, robfj! We're looking forward to it, but there's no rush. :thumbsup:
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

This post addresses reinstating bits of FB that I suggested deleting in my previous posts. Undeleting them won't be as easy as deleting them was. When I deleted them I didn't have to worry if they were in the best place. Now I obviously do have to consider that. And along the way I've slightly rethought the positions of some other bits as well.

Hawkeye's backstory is obviously divided into 3 sections:- Before the carnival which has SOLOA 2 as its baseline. The Swordsman section based on A 19. After Swordsman where the baseline reverts to SOLOA 2.

My current amended version of the 1st section of Hawkeye's chronology, with additions from HAWK:BS, HAWK4 and ANHAWK, is:-

HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off - Harold Barton is an abusive drunk butcher in Waverley.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here - Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3) Car crash killing both parents.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:7) - Car crash cordoned off.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off - Funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in the orphanage. Nobody wants to adopt them because they're too old.
ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint run away from their abusive foster father and find the Carson Carnival. Dad follows them.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB **** deleted (escaping from orphanage)
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB **** deleted (running away from orphanage)
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted (running from orphanage towards carnival)
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB **** deleted (finding carnival)

As I mentioned before ANHAWK having a foster home for the boys instead of an orphanage is just updating it because of the Marvel Sliding Timescale. The orphanage in SOLOA and HAWK:BS is just a temporal reference to something that no longer exists. So SOLOA 2(3:5-3:7)'s scenes of life in the orphanage would theoretically be replaced by life in the foster home. ANHAWK 1 shows the events of the last day in the foster home and the escape from it is the equivalent of the escape from the orphanage.

SOLOA 2(3:8)'s voiceover (Hawkeye telling the tale to Mockingbird) *says* they're running away from the orphanage but just shows them running through countryside.
HAWK:BS 1(9:1-9:3) *shows* them escaping from the orphanage, and (9:4-9:5) shows them running from the orphanage to the *nearby* carnival. This page is really just and expansion of SOLOA 2(3:8) with dialogue hinting at Hawkeye's voiceover statement there that he didn't want to run away but he didn't want Barney to leave him alone. Then SOLOA 2(3:9) has them arriving (after days) at a carnival.

I could merge some or all of that into ANHAWK 1's pieces of flashback:- (1-5) and (11-13) show the events of their last day and Barney fighting back when dad hits him. In (14) they escape on bicycles. In (18-20) he chases them in his car and they reach the carnival. So (1-5) and (11-13) are completely new, and (14) and (18-20) are equivalent to the contents of the paragraph above. (14) & (18) are equivalent to SOLOA 2(3:8) and (19-20) have them reaching the carnival site a la (3:9).

So an amended ending to the partial chronology above, without considering restoring any of HAWK:BS is:-

ANHAWK 1 (1 -5)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint go hunting frogs instead of cutting the grass.
ANHAWK 1 (11 - 13)-FB **** moved to here - Their abusive foster father is angry and Barney fights back.
ANHAWK 1 (14)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint run away from their foster father but he follows them.
ANHAWK 1 (18)-FB **** moved to here - The chase continues.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB **** deleted (escaping from orphanage)
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Barney and Clint run away from the orphanage.
ANHAWK 1 (19 - 20)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint find the Carson Carnival.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted (running from orphanage towards carnival)
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Barney and Clint find the Carson Carnival.

Now I'll consider whether to keep the HAWK:BS 1 version.
(7:7-8:7) were previously retained and I have kept them because they show different scenes to SOLOA 2.
(9:1-9:3) was reasonably also retained because it actually *showed* the boys leaving the orphanage which happened off-panel in SOLOA.
(9:4-9:5) are also really just them running from the orphanage a la SOLOA 2(3:8). It also arguably corresponds to SOLOA 2(3:9) with them seeing the carnival. But this is because it has the carnival in view from the orphanage, which disagrees with both SOLOA and ANHAWK.
So I'm going to continue to delete HAWK:BS 1(9:4-9:5) because it adds nothing to SOLOA's account apart from something that is 'wrong'.
I'll keep HAWK:BS 1(9:1-9:3) before SOLOA 2(3:8), with the 2 parts being 'original'.

So my result for this whole section of Hawkeye's chronology is:-
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off - Harold Barton is an abusive drunk butcher in Waverley.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here - Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3) Car crash killing both parents.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:7) - Car crash cordoned off.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off - Funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in the orphanage. Nobody wants to adopt them because they're too old.
ANHAWK 1 (1 -5)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint go hunting frogs instead of cutting the grass.
ANHAWK 1 (11 - 13)-FB **** moved to here - Their abusive foster father is angry and Barney fights back.
ANHAWK 1 (14)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint run away from their foster father but he follows them.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB Barney and Clint escape from the orphanage.
ANHAWK 1 (18)-FB **** moved to here - The chase continues.
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB Barney and Clint run from the orphanage.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted (running from orphanage towards carnival)
ANHAWK 1 (19 - 20)-FB **** moved to here - Barney and Clint find the Carson Carnival.
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB Barney and Clint find the Carson Carnival.

I know I said above that I'd split Hawkeye's chronology into 3 parts, with the Swordsman part in the middle. But now I'm going to split that central section in 2. The 2nd half is the A 19-based robbery, but the preceding stuff has a mixture of prime sources, more SOLOA 2 than A 19.

My latest amended proposal for this was:-
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman drives the boys' foster-dad away and persuades the boss to hire them as roustabouts. Swordsman notes Clint's good vision and dubs him Hawkeye.
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved to here - The boys muck in and watch the show for free. Swordsman offers to train Clint with knives.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** (10:2) moved to join (10:3), then deleted (The boys are amazed at the carnival)
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB **** deleted (The boys get menial jobs at the carnival like shovelling expletive. They go with the carnival when it leaves. They watch the acts, especially Swordsman. His female assistant quits because it's too dangerous.)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:2 - 10:5)-FB **** (10:3) amalgamated with (10:2) and (10:4-10:5), then deleted (The boys are shovelling elephant expletive when Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant)
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** deleted (Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant)
A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS **** deleted (Clint asks for a job at the carnival and Swordsman takes him on as his assistant)
A 65 (5:1)-FB **** deleted (Barney and Clint ask for jobs at the carnival. Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant. Barney becomes a roustabout.)
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB **** deleted (Clint tries out as Swordsman's assistant and passes the test)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** moved to join (10:3)
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 5:9)-FB **** (6:1-6:4) split off - Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. New archery star Trickshot interrupts.
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman teaches Clint archery and Barney pickpocketing. He takes Barney breaking and entering.
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here - Clint and Swordsman fall out. Clint wants to leave but stays with Barney.
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** split from (5:4-6:4) - Swordsman persuades Trickshot to take over teaching Clint archery.
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery.
A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
SOLOA 2 (6:9) **** added - Barney warns Clint that Swordsman's only out for himself.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves.
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** deleted (Clint gets good at archery)

I originally deleted A 19(7:4).

As written that described Clint Barton asking for a job at the carnival and Swordsman taking him on as his assistant. What the panel actually contains is an image of the carnival's main tent with Swordsman's voice coming from inside saying "So, you wanna join the carney, huh? Okay, I can use an assistant.". So we currently list Clint (and Barney) as OP, and Swordsman as VO.

Then SOLOA 2 expanded the story to have Clint and brother Barney getting jobs there without meeting Swordsman, and him offering Clint the assistant post later. So (7:4) was moved to coincide with that later SOLA 2(4:8-4:9). But that meant that the bit in (7:4) where where Swordsman welcomes them to the carney is no longer appropriate.

But note that SOLOA 2 never actually shows them being invited into the carney. We just have Hawkeye's voiceover (telling the story to Mockingbird) for (4:1) explaining that fast-talker Barney got them jobs, and the panel shows them shovelling expletive. But now ANHAWK 2 makes the 2 versions compatible by saying that Swordsman *was* the 1st person to talk to them when they arrived. He drove off their abusive foster-father and persuaded the carnival owner to hire the boys as roustabouts. But he didn't take Clint on as his protégé until the end of ANHAWK 3.

So I believe I have to split A 19(7:4) into 2 parts covered by 2 different sentences in the same speech bubble (7:4:2:1) and (7:4:2:2). (Note that I call this bubble 2 because bubble 1 is Hawkeye's voiceover to Captain America, which includes the contentious claim that he never knew his parents.) (7:4:2:1) goes with the the ANHAWK 2 flashback and they both fit between SOLOA 2(3:9) where they boys see the carnival and SOLOA 2(4:1) where they're already shovelling expletive. (7:4:2:2) can remain with SOLOA 2(4:8-4:9) - which unfortunately I've deleted. So I need to consider reinstating that amongst other things.

A 65(5:1) is in a similar situation as A 19(7:4). The 1st 4 speech bubbles are Egghead relating Swordsman's origin to Swordsman himself(!). The 2nd 4 are a conversation between Swordsman, Clint and Barney (with the chars visible this time). I guess some or all of it should be kept because it introduces Barney to the scenario. (5:1) should be split like (7:4), but it's a bit more complicated. Bubble 5 is Swordsman's "So you 2 need jobs, huh?", a modified repeat of his A 19 line. Then bubble 6 is him offering Clint the assistant job. 7 and 8 are new with Clint asking about Barney and his brother saying he'll "make out as a roustabout". The only solution I can think of is to put bubble 5 with Swordsman's welcoming scenes, and move 6-8 to Clint joining Swordsman. I have to then read Barney's statement as saying he'll carry on being a roustabout rather than he'll become 1.

I then reinstate SOLOA 2's page 4 as (4:1-4:7) and (4:8-4:9) in the places where I deleted them.

I'm also undeleting HAWK:BS 1(10:1) but I've rethought its position. It obviously depicts the boys's 1st good look at the carnival. As such it belongs before them asking Swordsman for jobs in A 19 and A 65. And it connects with ANHAWK 2(1-3) where they wander around in awe. So I'm moving it to before ANHAWK 2 (technically I'm choosing to insert ANHAWK 2 and the bits of A 19 and A 65 after it).

The other scattered parts of the ANHAWK2 FB then follow on until page 17 where Swordsman persuades the carnival boss to give the boys jobs. This corresponds to to them asking *him* for jobs, though here they don't actually do that here. I could imagine that they do* ask him in between p17 and the previous bit of FB, so that's where I'll put the A 19/65 bit.

Note that ANHAWK 2 has groups of pages of non-FB interspersed between groups of pages of FB. I've split the FBs simply into (1-16) and (17-20) even though p16 isn't an FB page.

I've moved the insert of ANHAWK 3 to after SOLOA 2(4:1-4:7) to connect the 2 mentions of leaving with the carnival in SOLA and ANHAWK 2, and also connect ANHAWK 3's ending (Swordsman offering to train Clint) with the other versions of him taking the boy under his wing (some of which I've undeleted).

Those undeletions have resulted in 5 versions of Swordsman making Clint his protege. Should I keep them all?
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-BTS Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant. (This is the original)
A 65 (5:1:6-5:1:8)-FB Swordsman chooses Clint as his assistant. Barney becomes a roustabout. (This adds Barney)
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB Swordsman takes Clint on as his new assistant. (This follows from (4:5-4:7) where his assistant quits, but in itself only adds that he offers both boys the dangerous job and Clint accepts)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:2 - 10:5)-FB The boys are shovelling elephant expletive when Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant. (This just repeats the joint offer and Clint accepting. The expletive-shovelling has been seen before too.)
ANHAWK 3-FB The boys shovel expletive and watch the show for free. Swordsman offers to train Clint with knives. (All these elements are seen elsewhere, including the offer of knife-training which Swordsman also makes at the end of the following SOLOA 2 (5:1-5:3))
I think A 19, A 65 and SOLOA2 make the cut but HAWK:BS 1 and the whole of ANHAWK 3's FB are redundant. This last isn't such a big deal as #3 is mainly non-FB, with the FB section reduced to a strip running along the bottom of the pages. It's marking time until #4 when the roles are reversed.

My earlier dithering about the 3 versions of Swordsman warning Clint not to get too cocky (A 19(7:5-7:7) and A 65(5:2-6:1) and SOLOA 2(6:5-6:8)), none of which appeared in Hawkeye's current chronology, would have been resolved more quickly and cleanly if I'd noticed that Swordsman only has the A 19 version. Clearly the 2 later versions were considered redundant but Hawkeye's A 19 version was accidentally missed off. So my latest amended chronology happens to be correct after I 'added' A 19(7:5-7:7) for Hawkeye. But it is also correct that I deleted SOLOA 2(6:5) because it is part of that scene and doesn't belong to the preceding Trickshot scene. It is a repetition of Clint showing Swordsman how good his archery has become which also occurs in the other 2 versions. And it is also correct that I reinstated SOLOA 2(6:9) because that adds a postscript conversation between Clint and Barney.

HAWK3 #1 and #2's FBs can stay because they add new (if confusing) stuff. As do ANHAWK #4 and #5.

My complete new version of this section is:-
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** (10:2) moved to join (10:3) - The boys are amazed at the carnival.
ANHAWK 2(1-16)-FB **** moved to here - The boys look around the carnival, but their foster-dad catches them. Swordsman drives the him away.
A 19 (7:4:2:1)-FB-BTS **** split from (7:4) - Clint asks Swordsman for a job at the carnival.
A 65 (5:1:5)-FB **** split from (5:1) - Barney and Clint ask Swordsman for jobs at the carnival.
ANHAWK 2(17-20)-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman persuades the boss to hire them as roustabouts. Swordsman notes Clint's good vision and dubs him Hawkeye. The boys go with the Carnival when it leaves.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB The boys get menial jobs at the carnival like shovelling expletive. They go with the carnival when it leaves. They watch the acts, especially Swordsman. His female assistant quits because it's too dangerous.
ANHAWK 3-FB **** moved to here, but then deleted (The boys shovel expletive and watch the show for free. Swordsman offers to train Clint with knives.)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:2 - 10:5)-FB **** (10:3) amalgamated with (10:2) and (10:4-10:5), but then deleted (The boys are shovelling elephant expletive when Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant)
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB Swordsman takes Clint on as his new assistant.
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-BTS **** (7:4:2:1) split off - Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant.
A 65 (5:1:6 - 5:1:8)-FB **** (5:1:5) split off - Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant. Barney becomes a roustabout.
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB Clint tries out as Swordsman's assistant and passes the test, and Swordsman offers to train him to throw knives.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** moved to join (10:3)
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 5:9)-FB **** (6:1-6:4) split off - Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. New archery star Trickshot interrupts.
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here - Swordsman teaches Clint archery (because he wasn't good with knives) and Barney pickpocketing. He takes Barney breaking and entering.
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here - Clint and Swordsman fall out. Clint wants to leave but stays with Barney.
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** split from (5:4-6:4) - Swordsman persuades Trickshot to teach Clint archery (possibly because Clint's fallen out with him and/or because archery isn't his own speciality).
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery. Barney's pursuing his education, but can't persuade Clint to join him.
A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB **** added - Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
SOLOA 2 (6:9) **** added - Barney warns Clint that Swordsman's only out for himself.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves (which is hypocritical because he's been doing similar with Swordsman).
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** deleted (Clint gets good at archery)

Now for the 2nd half of the Swordsman section, which is completely based on A 19(8-9:4).

My current version is:-
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added - Swordsman declines Trickshot's offer of help with his gambling debt.
SOLOA 2 (7:1 - 7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB Swordsman offers Clint a cut and Clint runs away.
A 19 (8:4)-FB **** split from A 19(8:4-8:6)-FB then deleted away. (Clint runs from Swordsman)
A 65 (6:5)-FB **** added, replaces A 19(8:5)-FB - Clint starts to climb the rope ladder to the high-wire to get out of range of the sword.
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** deleted (Clint on the high-wire)
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB As Clint climbs the ladder Swordsman taunts him that Trickshot would expect him not to betray his carnie family.
A 65 (7:1)-FB Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire platform.
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted (Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects)
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP **** deleted (Swordsman cuts the high-wire)
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted (Swordsman cuts the high-wire)
A 65 (7:3)-FB Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls.
A 19 (9:4)-FB **** deleted (Clint falls)
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground and breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here - Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arm.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
HAWK3 3 (3:3)-FB **** split from (3:3-3:6) - Barney arrives.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** (3:3) split off - Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB **** deleted (Barney finds Clint and berates him for not taking Swordsman's offer)
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer.

So currently I've kept A 19(8:1-8:3) but dropped (8:4-9:4) in favour of A 65(6:5-7:3) and HAWK3 3(2:4-2:5) with none of SOLOA 2(7:6-7:8).

A 19(8:1-8:3) describes Clint finding Swordsman robbing the carnival. A 65(6:2-6:4) and SOLOA 2(7:3-7:5) replay this faithfully and so are ignored in Hawkeye's current chronology, while HAWK:BS skips it entirely. HAWK3 23(2:1) is also missing because it just shows the opening of this scene, while (2:2-2:4) were already in the chronology with Swordsman offering Clint a cut. I added the preceding HAWK3 3(1) and SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2) as equally new stuff.

Now to resurrect A 19(8:4-9:4).
(8:4) has effectively been replaced by HAWK3 3(2:4) (both show Clint running from Swordsman). So I can restore that and reduce HAWK3 3(2:2-2:4) to (2:2-2:3).
I replaced A 19(8:5-9:4) en block by A 65(6:5-7:3). A 65 has much the same dialogue as A 19 but distributed differently amongst panels, sometimes associating a piece of dialogue with a different action. So it's difficult to mix and match panels from the 2 sources and I elected to go with A 65. I will now reverse that choice.
But I specifically replaced A 19(8:5) by A 65(6:5) which shows Clint climbing the rope ladder rather than some unrealistic stuff in A 19. Not completely bowing to the wisdom of my peers I'm going to keep *both* versions.
Also this means deleting some other A 65 panels which *were* included as straight duplicates in the current MCP chronology.
I leave HAWK3 3(2:5) in place because it introduces the code of the carnies theme. But I leave (2:6) deleted as a plain duplicate of cutting the wire.

After that we leave A 19 behind. I stand by my rearrangement of the following SOLOA 2 and HAWK3 bits. But I have to reconsider undeleting A 65(9:1-9:2), which also means splitting the 2 panels. But then we have 2 separate duplications. A 65(9:1) takes precedence over HAWK3 3(3:3) for Barney arriving at the site of Clint's fall. And (9:2) beats SOLOA 2(8:2) for Barney blaming Clint for not taking Swordsman's offer. So the other 2 get deleted.

Amended chronology:-
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added - Swordsman declines Trickshot's offer of help with his gambling debt.
SOLOA 2 (7:1 - 7:2) **** added - Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** (2:4) deleted - Swordsman offers Clint a cut.
A 19 (8:4 - 8:5)-FB **** (8:6 ) split off - Clint runs from Swordsman aiming to get on the high-wire while Swordsman chases him.
A 65 (6:5)-FB **** added - Clint starts to climb the rope ladder to the high-wire to get out of range of the sword.
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB As Clint climbs the ladder Swordsman taunts him that Trickshot would expect him not to betray his carnie family.
A 19 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:4-8:6) - Clint on the high-wire as Swordsman climbs after him.
A 65 (7:1)-FB **** deleted (Swordsman follows Clint to the high-wire)
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects with his sword.
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP **** deleted (Swordsman deflects the arrows)
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP Swordsman cuts the high-wire.
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted (Swordsman cuts the high-wire)
A 65 (7:3)-FB **** deleted (Swordsman cuts the high-wire and Clint falls)
A 19 (9:4)-FB Clint falls.
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground and breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here - Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arm.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
HAWK3 3 (3:3)-FB **** split from (3:3-3:6), then deleted (Barney arrives)
A 65 (9:1)-FB **** split from (9:2) - Barney finds Clint.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** (3:3) split off - Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:2)-FB **** (9:1) split off - Barney berates Clint for not taking Swordsman's offer.
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB **** deleted (Barney thinks Clint should have taken Swordsman's offer)

Now at last I can move on to what I called part 3.

My current version:-
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** splits off (13:3) - Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** adds (13:3) but then gets deleted (Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint)
SOLOA 2 (8:5)-FB **** split from (8:5-8:9) - Trickshot continues to train Clint in a wheelchair.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here - Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** (8:5) split off, (9:1-9:3) added from (9-10:1) - Trickshot continues to train Clint on crutches, including a trick arrow.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint fully-healed, including another trick arrow.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1) - Trickshot gets a hit on Marko and persuades Clint to keep watch.
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from (1) - Clint thinks they're here only for robbery.
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** (9:1-9:3) & (9:4-9:7) split off - Trickshot invades the home of target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** moved, but only (1:2) kept
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** delete (Clint hits 3 gunmen)
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** delete (Clint discovers 3rd man is Barney)
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** delete (Clint discovers 3rd man is Barney)
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** delete (Clint turns against Trickshot)
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** delete (Trickshot/Clint face-off)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** delete (Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree)
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

I already deleted HAWK:BS 1(13:3-13:4) as a duplicate of SOLOA 2(8:3-8:4), and (14:2-14:4) duplicating (10:4-10:6), and (14:5) for (10:7), and (14:8-14:9) for (11:3-11:6).
I deleted SOLOA 2(11:1) (Trickshot/Clint face-off) and kept HAWK:BS 1(14:6) instead. I'll now reverse that.
I've also already been selective about what bits of HAWK3 5 to keep. I've only kept (1:2) from (1) and nothing from (2), the rest being duplication, but I've kept the whole of (3) as new. The FBs in #7-8 are also new.

The amended version:-
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** splits off (13:3) - Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** adds (13:3) but then gets deleted (Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint)
SOLOA 2 (8:5)-FB **** split from (8:5-8:9) - Trickshot continues to train Clint in a wheelchair.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here - Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** (8:5) split off, (9:1-9:3) added from (9-10:1) - Trickshot continues to train Clint on crutches, including a trick arrow.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint fully-healed, including another trick arrow.
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1) - Trickshot gets a hit on Marko and persuades Clint to keep watch.
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from (1) - Clint thinks they're here only for robbery.
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** (9:1-9:3) & (9:4-9:7) split off - Trickshot invades the home of target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 10:3)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife.
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** moved, but only (1:2) kept
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** delete (Clint hits 3 gunmen)
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB Clint pins 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** delete (Clint discovers 3rd man is Barney)
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** delete (Clint discovers 3rd man is Barney)
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB 3rd gunman turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot.
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** delete (Clint turns against Trickshot)
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB Trickshot/Clint face-off.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB **** delete (Trickshot/Clint face-off)
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** delete (Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree)
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.

I'll conclude with a summary of changes without descriptions. Newly-adjacent panels from the same issue have been amalgamated.

ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved from here and split up
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved from here and split up
ANHAWK 3-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved from here
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB **** (3:4) split off
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:3)
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB **** split from (8:6-8:7)
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB **** (8:6) split off
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB
ANHAWK 1 (1 - 14)-FB **** moved to here
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB
ANHAWK 1 (18)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (3:8 - 3:9)-FB **** (3:8) amalgamated with (3:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB **** moved to join (3:8)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** changed from (10:1-10:2)
ANHAWK 2 (1 - 16)-FB **** moved to here
A 19 (7:4:2:1)-FB-BTS **** split from (7:4)
A 65 (5:1:5)-FB **** split from (5:1)
ANHAWK 2 (17 - 20)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:9)-FB **** (4:1-4:7) amalgamated with (4:8-4:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** moved to join (4:1-4:7)
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-BTS **** (7:4:2:1) split off
A 65 (5:1:6 - 5:1:8)-FB **** (5:1:5) split off
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:9)-FB **** (5:1-5:3) amalgamated with (5:4-5:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** (5:4-5:9) moved to join (5:1-5:3)
A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB **** added
SOLOA 2 (6:9)-FB **** added
SOLOA 2 (6:5)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB **** added
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2)-FB **** added
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** changed from (2:2-2:4)
A 19 (8:4 - 8:5)-FB **** changed from (8:4-8:6)
A 65 (6:5)-FB **** added
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB
A 65 (7:1)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (8:6 - 9:2)-FB **** changed from (9:1-9:2)
A 65 (7:2)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB-OP **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (9:4)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
A 65 (9:1)-FB **** split from (9:2)
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** changed from (3:3-3:6))
A 65 (9:2)-FB **** (9:1) split off
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** changed from (13:1-13:3)
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:5)-FB **** changed from (8:3-8:4)
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** changed from (8:5-8:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB
HAWK3 4-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9-10:1)
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from (1) and moved here
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB **** changed from (9:1-10:1)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 11:1)-FB **** changed from (10:2-10:3)
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** deleted, except (1:2) moved from here
HAWK:BS 1 (14:2 - 14:4)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (10:4 - 10:6)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB

To clarify the situation this is the resulting chronology Hawkeye chronology with descriptions:-
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:3)-FB Harold Barton is an abusive drunk butcher in Waverley.
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB Barney teaches Clint to flick a coin at a bottle to break it, and how to fight to stand up to their abusive dad.
HAWK4 19-FB Clint's hearing gets damaged by dad hitting him. Barney encourages him to not let it defeat him.
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB Harold gets drunk because his butcher shop has been robbed. Takes his wife Edith out to party.
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB Car crash killing both parents.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:6)-FB Car crash cordoned off.
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB Cops telling the boys.
HAWK:BS 1 (8:7)-FB Funeral.
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB Clint and Barney's life in the orphanage. Nobody wants to adopt them because they're too old.
ANHAWK 1 (1 - 14)-FB Barney and Clint go hunting frogs instead of cutting the grass. Their abusive foster father is angry and Barney fights back. Barney and Clint run away from their foster father but he follows them.
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB Barney and Clint escape from the orphanage.
ANHAWK 1 (18)-FB The chase continues.
SOLOA 2 (3:8 - 3:9)-FB Barney and Clint run from the orphanage and find the Carson Carnival.
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB The boys are amazed at the carnival.
ANHAWK 2 (1 - 16)-FB The boys look around the carnival, but their foster-dad catches them. Swordsman drives the him away.
A 19 (7:4:2:1)-FB-BTS Clint asks Swordsman for a job at the carnival.
A 65 (5:1:5)-FB Barney and Clint ask Swordsman for jobs at the carnival.
ANHAWK 2 (17 - 20)-FB Swordsman persuades the boss to hire them as roustabouts. Swordsman notes Clint's good vision and dubs him Hawkeye. The boys go with the Carnival when it leaves.
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:9)-FB The boys get menial jobs at the carnival like shovelling expletive. They go with the carnival when it leaves. They watch the acts, especially Swordsman. His female assistant quits because it's too dangerous. Swordsman takes Clint on as his new assistant.
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-BTS Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant.
A 65 (5:1:6 - 5:1:8)-FB Swordsman takes Clint on as his assistant. Barney becomes a roustabout.
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:9)-FB Clint tries out as Swordsman's assistant and passes the test, and Swordsman offers to train him to throw knives. Swordsman teaches Clint knife throwing. New archery star Trickshot interrupts.
ANHAWK 4-FB Swordsman teaches Clint archery (because he wasn't good with knives) and Barney pickpocketing. He takes Barney breaking and entering.
ANHAWK 5-FB Clint and Swordsman fall out. Clint wants to leave but stays with Barney.
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB Swordsman persuades Trickshot to teach Clint archery (possibly because Clint's fallen out with him and/or because archery isn't his own speciality).
HAWK3 1-FB Barney watches Clint practice archery. Barney's pursuing his education, but can't persuade Clint to join him.
A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB Swordsman warns his protege not to think that he'll ever be better than himself.
SOLOA 2 (6:9)-FB Barney warns Clint that Swordsman's only out for himself.
HAWK3 2-FB Trickshot thinks Clint is good enough to help him with scams. Barney disapproves (which is hypocritical because he's been doing similar with Swordsman).
HAWK3 3 (1)-FB Swordsman declines Trickshot's offer of help with his gambling debt.
SOLOA 2(7:1-7:2)-FB Swordsman intends to steal from the carnival to pay off his gambling debt to Marko.
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB Clint catches Swordsman robbing the carnival. Swordsman tries to persuade him to join him in crime.
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB Swordsman offers Clint a cut.
A 19 (8:4 - 8:5)-FB Clint runs from Swordsman aiming to get on the high-wire while Swordsman chases him.
A 65 (6:5)-FB Clint starts to climb the rope ladder to the high-wire to get out of range of the sword.HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB As Clint climbs the ladder Swordsman taunts him that Trickshot would expect him not to betray his carnie family.
A 19 (8:6 - 9:2)-FB Clint on the high-wire as Swordsman climbs after him. Clint fires arrows that Swordsman deflects with his sword.
A 19 (9:3)-FB-OP Swordsman cuts the high-wire.
A 19 (9:4)-FB Clint falls.
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB Clint hits the ground and breaks his leg. Swordsman threatens to kill him.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP Trickshot puts an arrow through Swordsman's arm.
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB Trickshot drives Swordsman off.
A 65 (9:1)-FB Barney finds Clint.
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB Barney and Trickshot help Clint.
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB Trickshot tells Barney that Clint got what he deserved because he was going to rat on Swordsman.
A 65 (9:2)-FB Barney berates Clint for not taking Swordsman's offer.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB Barney visits Clint in hospital with broken leg.
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:5)-FB Trickshot promises in hospital to help Clint, but Clint will owe him. He trains Clint in a wheelchair.
HAWK3 4-FB Clint practices with 1 leg still in a cast. Barney leaves the carnival and Clint misses the chance to go with him.
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint on crutches, including a trick arrow.
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB Trickshot continues to train Clint fully-healed, including a trick arrow.
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB Trickshot gets a hit on Marko and persuades Clint to keep watch.
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB Clint thinks they're here only for robbery.
SOLOA 2 (9:8 - 10:1)-FB Trickshot invades the home of target Marko and kills him.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:1)-FB Clint hears someone approaching.
SOLOA 2 (10:2 - 11:1)-FB Clint holds off 2 gunmen while Trickshot kills Marko's wife. Clint pins the 2 gunmen to a wall then instinctively wounds a 3rd who turns out to be Barney. Clint turns against Trickshot. Trickshot/Clint face-off.
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP Clint fires 1 arrow while Trickshot fires several.
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB Trickshot pins Clint to a tree.
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB Trickshot leaves Clint pinned to tree.
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB Clint has been patched up and Barney is in a hospital bed.
HAWK3 7 (1 - 3)-FB Clint is working at the Ringmaster's circus.
HAWK3 8-FB Clint's still working at the Ringmaster's circus.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by StrayLamb »

Out in the Land Down-Under, beneath a rocky outcrop, deep within the back paddock, dwells the Stray Lamb.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

Now I've got to copy the changes across to Barney Barton, Swordsman and Trickshot. I'll start with Barney.

Current Barney:-
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:7)-FB
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB
SOLOA 2 (3:8)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1 - 10:2)-FB
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:7)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB
{A 19 (7:4)-FB-BTS}
A 65 (5:1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:2)-FB
SOLOA 2 (6:9 - 7)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:3 - 3:6)-FB
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:3)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB-BTS
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB-OP
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB
A 64-FB
A 64 (1 - 7:3)
HAWK:BS 2 (19:3 - 19:4)-FB
A 64 (7:4 - 19)
HAWK:BS 2 (19:5)-FB
A 64 (20)
A 65-BTS

Amended version:-
ANHAWK 1-FB **** moved from here and split up
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved from here and split up
ANHAWK 3-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved from here
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved from here
SOLOA 2 (2:8 - 3:7)-FB **** (3:4-3:7) split off
HAWK4 12 (5:9 - 11:1)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (7:7 - 8:5)-FB **** moved here
SOLOA 2 (3:4)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:7)
HAWK4 12 (18 - 19)-FB
SOLOA 2 (3:5 - 3:7)-FB **** split from (2:8-3:7)
ANHAWK 1 (1 - 14)-FB **** moved to here
HAWK:BS 1 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB
ANHAWK 1 (18)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (3:8 - 3:9)-FB **** (3:8) amalgamated with (3:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (3:9)-FB **** moved to join (3:8)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:1)-FB **** changed from (10:1-10:2)
A 19 (7:4:2:1)-FB-BTS **** split from (7:4)
A 65 (5:1:5)-FB **** split from (5:1)
ANHAWK 2 (17 - 20)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (4:1 - 4:9)-FB **** (4:1-4:7) amalgamated with (4:8-4:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** moved to join (4:1-4:7)
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-BTS **** (7:4:2:1) split off
A 65 (5:1:6 - 5:1:8)-FB **** (5:1:5) split off
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:9)-FB **** (5:1-5:3) amalgamated with (5:4-5:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (6:1 - 6:4)-FB **** (5:4-5:9) moved to join (5:1-5:3)
SOLOA 2 (6:8 - 6:9)-FB **** (6:8) added, (6:9) split from (6:9-7)
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB-OP **** changed from (6:9-7) - (6:9) moved, he's not in (7:1-7:8), and (7:9) should be -OP if HAWK3 3(3:2) is.
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
A 65 (9:1)-FB **** split from (9:2)
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** changed from (3:3-3:6))
A 65 (9:2)-FB **** (9:1) split off
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB **** changed from (13:1-13:3)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:5)-FB **** deleted
HAWK3 5 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (10:5 - 10:7)-FB **** corrected(?) from (10:7-10:9)
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB-OP **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (10:8 - 11:2)-FB-OP **** corrected(?) from (11:1)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB-BTS **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP **** merged with (11:1)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK3 5 (3)-FB
A 64-FB
A 64 (1 - 7:3)
HAWK:BS 2 (19:3 - 19:4)-FB
A 64 (7:4 - 19)
HAWK:BS 2 (19:5)-FB
A 64 (20)
A 65-BTS

Most of the changes are a direct copy from Clint. But there are some points worth highlighting.

For Barney SOLOA 2(2:8-3:7) had been left unsplit by the addition of eg HAWK4 12(5:9-11:1) so I had to divide it up.

Clint was missing the whole 'suggesting he might soon be better than Swordsman' incident which I added from A 19(7:5-7:7). I ignored the SOLOA 2 retelling except to add the Barney/Clint epilogue in SOLOA 2(6:9).
Barney isn't in the A 19 panels but he had SOLOA 2(6:9) attached to other panels on the other side of HAWK3 2-FB. I moved (6:9) and added (6:8) to it because he's in the background there.
For Clint SOLOA 2(6:8) is just a redo of part of the A 19 panels. Maybe to avoid 2 different panel ranges in SOLOA 2 [(6:9) for Clint and (6:8-6:9) for Barney] we could add (6:8) to Clint too. It's even reasonable because although a replay of an A 19 panel it does have extra Barney.

Barney had SOLOA 2(6:9-7). I've already split off (6:9). But (7) is Swordsman's robbery sequence which doesn't include Barney, so I've basically deleted it (and for Clint a lot of it got replaced by A 19 panels).
However I've retained (7:9) and made it -OP for Barney. It's a panel with Trickshot shooting at Swordsman and follows HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP. Barney's OP there so the same should apply to (7:9).

For Clint SOLOA 2 (10:5-11:1) have been amalgamated into 1 entry and all HAWK:BS and HAWK3 alternatives deleted. Doing similar for Barney left him with (10:7-10:9) and (11:1)-OP. But this is actually wrong. His actual apps are (10:5-10:7) with (10:8-11:1)-OP. And because the next HAWH:BS line is deleted then (11:2)-OP can be merged in.

After HAWK3 5(3)-FB Barney and Clint's chronologies diverge as Barney continues his life of crime (or actually undercover for the FBI).

I'll add Swordsman and Trickshot separately. Each of them should at least be shorter than Barney.
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Re: Clint Barton's past

Post by robfj »

These are my proposed changes for Swordsman and Trick Shot, starting with Swordsman.

SOLOA 2 (4:4 - 4:7)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB
A 19 (7:4)-FB-VO
A 65 (5:1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:3)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:5)-FB
{A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB}
SOLOA 2 (6:9 - 7:3)-FB
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:4)-FB
A 19 (8:4 - 8:6)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB
A 65 (7:1)-FB
A 19 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB
A 65 (7:2)-FB
A 19 (9:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB
A 65 (7:3)-FB
A 19 (9:4)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:3 - 3:6)-FB

Amended version:-
ANHAWK 2-FB **** moved from here and split up
ANHAWK 3-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved from here
ANHAWK 2 (1 - 16)-FB **** moved to here
A 19 (7:4:2:1)-FB-VO **** split from (7:4)
A 65 (5:1:5)-FB **** split from (5:1)
ANHAWK 2 (17 - 20)-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (4:4 - 4:9)-FB **** (4:4-4:7) amalgamated with (4:8-4:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:3)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (4:8 - 4:9)-FB **** moved to join (4:4-4:7)
A 19 (7:4:2:2)-FB-VO **** (7:4:2:1) split off
A 65 (5:1:6 - 5:1:8)-FB **** (5:1:5) split off
SOLOA 2 (5:1 - 5:9)-FB **** (5:1-5:3) amalgamated with (5:4-5:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** deleted
ANHAWK 4-FB **** moved to here
ANHAWK 5-FB **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:5)-FB **** (5:4-5:9) moved to join (5:1-5:3)
{A 19 (7:5 - 7:7)-FB}
SOLOA 2 (7:1 - 7:2)-FB **** changed from (6:9-7:3), he's not in (6:9), (7:3) duplicates p.o. A 19(8:1)
A 19 (8:1 - 8:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB **** changed from (2:2-2:4)
A 19 (8:4 - 8:6)-FB **** changed from (8:4-8:6)
A 65 (6:5)-FB **** added
HAWK3 3 (2:5)-FB
A 65 (7:1)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (8:6 - 9:2)-FB **** changed from (9:1-9:2)
A 65 (7:2)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (9:3)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:6)-FB **** deleted
A 65 (7:3)-FB **** deleted
A 19 (9:4)-FB
HAWK3 3 (2:7 - 3:2)-FB **** (2:7-3:1) amalgamated with (3:2)
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB **** moved to join (2:7-3:1)
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:3 - 3:6)-FB **** deleted, (3:3) repeats SOLOA 2(8:1), not in (3:4-3:6)

And this is my proposed changes for Trickshot.

HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB-OP
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:3 - 3:6)-FB
A 65 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-OP
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:3)-FB-VO
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:4)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB
SOLOA 2 (8:5 - 8:9)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB
SOLOA 2 (9:1 - 10:3)-FB
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 10:9)-FB
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB-VO
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB
{SOLOA 1} ~ {SOLOA 1/2}

Amended version:-
HAWK:BS 1 (10:4 - 10:5)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved to here
SOLOA 2 (7:9)-FB-OP
HAWK3 3 (3:2)-FB-OP **** moved from here
A 65 (9:1)-FB-OP **** split from (9:2)
SOLOA 2 (8:1)-FB
HAWK3 3 (3:4 - 3:6)-FB **** changed from (3:3-3:6)
A 65 (9:2)-FB-OP **** (9:1) split off
SOLOA 2 (8:2)-FB-OP **** deleted
HAWK:BS 1 (13:1 - 13:2)-FB-VO **** changed from (13:1-13:3)
SOLOA 2 (8:3 - 8:5)-FB **** changed from (8:3-8:4)
HAWK:BS 1 (13:4)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (8:6 - 9:3)-FB **** changed from (8:5-8:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (13:5 - 13:7)-FB
SOLOA 2 (9:4 - 9:7)-FB **** split from (9:1-10:3)
HAWK3 5 (1:2)-FB **** extracted from (1) and moved here
SOLOA 2 (9:1 - 10:3)-FB **** changed from (9:1-10:3)
HAWK3 5 (1)-FB **** deleted, except (1:2) moved from here
SOLOA 2 (10:7 - 11:1)-FB **** changed from (10:7-10:9)
HAWK3 5 (2:4 - 2:7)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (11:1)-FB **** joined to (10:7-10:9)
HAWK:BS 1 (14:6)-FB **** deleted
SOLOA 2 (11:2)-FB-OP
HAWK:BS 1 (14:7)-FB-VO
SOLOA 2 (11:3 - 11:6)-FB
HAWK:BS 1 (14:8 - 14:9)-FB **** deleted
{SOLOA 1} ~ {SOLOA 1/2}

Now I hope it's all over at last!
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