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Post by Col_Fury »

Some Red She-Hulk notes:

#58 takes three days to happen; Cap appears in his redesigned suit.
#59 picks up on the last day of #58, then takes two days to happen. The Avengers appear (Captain Marvel (Danvers), Iron Man (black & gold armor), Cap and Thor.
#60 picks up on the last day of #59, the Avengers appear, then two weeks pass.
#61 happens on the same day that #60 ends on. There's also a -FB showing what Red She-Hulk's been up to for the past "year."
#62 starts on the same night as #61. The next day Cap appears, as does She-Hulk (Jen Walters), who is a lawyer again (I'm fuzzy on when she resumed being a lawyer; I want to say she was back at it in the Power Man & Iron Fist mini from 2011).
#63 starts on the same day #62 ends on; Maria Hill and Phil Coulson appear (published same month as SECA2 2). So does Hulk (Bruce Banner), who is working for SHIELD now (published same month as Ind. Hulk 5). Mad Thinker appears, and is a prisoner of SHIELD.
#64 happens on the same day as #63, as does #65.
#66 is probably the day after #65, and #67 happens on the same day as #66. These issues MUST happen after Dark Avengers #175-190, because of Man-Thing (published the month after DARKA2 190).

Dark Avengers #175-190 involve reality-hopping, and barely happens on Earth-616. It starts "two months" after Thunderbolts #171. Hank Pym appears as Giant-Man, so before Age of Ultron #10AI (makes sense; #10AI was published the month after DARKA2 190). Also in #182, Captain America (classic suit), Thor, Iron Man (red & gold armor, published month before IM6 1), Mr. Fantastic & Thing (white suits, published month before FF4 1) and Spider-Man appear. Spider-Man's in the background, but this was published the same month as ASM 695-696, so it's almost certainly Peter Parker.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Fearless Defenders!

#1-6 takes three or five days to happen. He doesn’t appear, but Cap’s redesigned costume does. Also, She-Hulk is wearing her black & red FF uniform. Also, Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel.

#7 is soon-ish after #6, but not the next day. Valkyire starts another body sharing deal.

#8 happens sometime after #7, but no mention of how long it’s been.

#9 happens sometime after #8, but no mention of how long it’s been. Venom appears, and is concerned that Valkyrie (who he’s still dating) is sharing a body with someone. So not TERRIBLY long after #7, but long enough for it to start bugging him. Flashbacks establish that enough time has passed since #7 for the characters to have some downtime.

#10 is an INFINITY tie-in. No mention of how long it’s been since last issue.
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I'm leaving flashbacks and stuff alone for this; things are a lot more complex than they normally are in this series.

#1, 2 and 3 are standalone stories with no real mention of how much time passes between issues.

#4-5 is one adventure; Captain America appears in his classic suit.

#6 & #17 both take place in the same "December" (17 is set in the past). Tony Stark appears in one part of 6, Spider-Man & Wolverine appear in another part of 6.

#7 happens in "October," so before #6.

#8-13 all overlap w/each other. Black Widow, Mockingbird and Spider-Woman all appear; Spider-Woman and Hawkguy break up (I know they're already broken up at least as of INFINITY). Barney Barton also appears, and MUST occur after Dark Avengers #175-190. Annual #1 happens shortly after this, which is where Kate Bishop relocates to the West coast to get away from Hawkguy's drama.

#14-16 & #18-22 are all one story (split between the East & West coasts), and picks up shortly after #13 (like, a day or two later). Black Widow, Mockingbird and Spider-Woman appear again, and Kate Bishop finally returns from the West coast. Also, #22 still isn't out yet!

Young Avengers v2 #1-15 (published concurrently with HAWK5 7-16) also features Kate Bishop in one big adventure. I'm inclined to put Young Avengers v2 before HAWK5 8.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Indestructible Hulk!

#1 says AVX was “last month.” That could mean anywhere between a week ago and seven weeks ago. Banner starts working for SHIELD, Maria Hill appears. Mad Thinker is arrested by SHIELD. One day.

#2 says it’s nine days after #1. Iron Man appears in his black & gold armor (he’s in person, not in space). One day.

#3 Bruce gets a research support staff at SHIELD. One day.

#4-5 Bruce meets his support staff. One or two days.

#6-8 starts at least three weeks after #5, and takes a day to happen.

#9-10 happens over a day, Daredevil appears, and we find out Daredevil is -BTS in issue #1. Published at the same time as DD3 27-29.

#11-15 happens in one day, and happens shortly after AOU 10 (the “later,” current day portion; AOU 10 is after at least ANX 1-8 because of Beast). Red She-Hulk appears. Published after Red She-Hulk #67, so after that (also, she's on good terms w/SHIELD, so after RS-H 67).

Annual #1 guest stars Iron Man in his black & gold armor (he’s in person, not in space). Two days.

#16 is an INHUMANITY tie-in.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Hey, Hulk appears in Secret Avengers v2!

SECA2 1 happens over one day and sets up the team.

SECA2 2 is another short mission.

SECA2 3-8 happens over a few days, Hulk appears (already working for SHIELD, published the same months as Ind. Hulk #6-12) and James Rhodes appears and becomes Iron Patriot. Also, Mockingbird goes missing here and can’t make any appearances elsewhere until she’s found at the end of this volume (which is way after INFNITY). So, HAWK5 8-22 (where Mockingbird appears) needs to happen before SECA2 3.

SECA2 9 happens shortly after SECA2 8, spans a week, and establishes that only a month has passed since SECA2 1. Also, Winter Soldier appears at the end of this issue. This issue was published two months after WSOL 19, so that’s nice.

SECA2 10-11 is an INFINITY tie-in.

So for Mockingbird, we’re at least looking at:

HAWK5 8-22
SECA2 3-8


Young Avengers v2 #1-15 is pretty much one big story.

YA2 1-5 spans two days and the Uncanny Avengers appear: Cap (new suit), Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Havok, Rogue & Thor.

YA2 6 is kind of on it’s own, but it leads into…

YA2 7 has flashbacks that happen between issues 5 & 7 that span three months (!). No appearances for Kate Bishop elsewhere during this time; she’s busy. YA2 7-13 involve multiverse-hopping; by the time they get back things happen pretty quickly. #11-13 happens while the Avengers Academy kids are missing on Murder World. Also, Cap appears.

YA2 14-15 is the after party/epilogue/PS to the big adventure, and happens on New Year’s Eve/Day. There’s definitely a break between YA2 13 & 14, so Kate could make appearances between these issues.

So for Hawkeye II/Kate Bishop, we’re roughly looking at:

HAWK5 1-5
YA2 1-13 (“three months” long)
HAWK5 6 (December)
YA2 14-15 (New Year’s)
HAWK5 8-22
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Post by Col_Fury »

Speaking of the Academy kids…

Avengers Arena #1-18 spans a month. During this month, Hank Pym looks for the missing kids in #13; Wolverine also appears at the Jean Grey School (Maria Hill appears also, as does Captain Britain). Pym, Hill and Cap Britain appear again in #18 when the kids are found.

Pym appears as “Dr. Pym” here, as he does in Avengers AI (Avengers AI #2 was published the same month as Arena #13). Arcade looks at a hologram of Pym as Giant-Man, but it’s likely outdated (also, in his “Dr. Pym” phase, Pym was shrinking and growing, so whatever).

However, Pym is at Avengers Academy in AARENA 13 & 18, whereas he’s with his AI team in AAI 1-6. I suppose he could be splitting time between the two jobs.

Avengers AI #1-6 happens after Age of Ultron #10AI, which happens after Age of Ultron #10’s current day portion. Avengers AI #7 is an INHUMANITY tie-in.

Also, don’t forget, at least YA2 7-13 happens during the month the Academy kids are missing.

So we likely have:

HAWK5 1-5
YA2 1-5 (three months start)
-two months open here-
AARENA 1-12 (month starts)
AOU 10
AAI 1-6
YA2 7-13 (three months end)
HAWK5 6 (December)
YA2 14-15 (New Year's)
AARENA 14-18 (month ends)
HAWK5 8-22
SECA2 3-8

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Post by Midnighter »

I think that Avengers: Endless Warfare OGN could be the first time that Hulk, working for the SHIELD, joins the Avengers post-AVX.
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Post by Chris McCarver »

Slight hitch with that, Midnighter... Endless Wartime depicts Cap in the uniform he adopted at the end of Avengers #1 and the Hulk was already back on the team in that issue prior to him taking up that uniform. Suppose it could be argued that it was an art error or that he swapped between uniforms for a bit...
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Post by Col_Fury »

CM8 1 happens after AVX; Carol Danvers changes her costume and becomes Captain Marvel. This has to happen pretty early on, because she’s making appearances in other books as Captain Marvel. Spider-Man (Parker) and Captain America (classic suit) appears. There could be a gap put into the issue after the Spider-Man & Cap appearances, if there needs to be.

CM8 2-6 is a time travel story, a day or three passes in the real world. Spider-Woman appears. Picks up shortly-ish after CM8 1, could be days later, could be a week or two later.

CM8 7-8 takes a day to happen. No mention of how long it’s been since last issue.

CM8 9 happens over a day, no mention of how long it’s been since last issue. Tony Stark appears (on Earth). Spider-Woman also appears. Carol finds out she has a brain tumor.

CM8 10 happens over a day, and takes place a day or three after last issue. Captain America appears in his classic suit.

CM8 11-12 happens the day after CM8 10 and takes a day to happen. Captain Marvel finds out her brain tumor is worse than they thought; she shouldn’t be flying. Leads into Enemy Within #1.

CM8 13-14 crosses over with Enemy Within #1 & AASS 16-17, and happens a day or three after CM8 12. Carol's brain tumor (and powers) are fixed, but she loses her memories (AGAIN). Cap appears in his new suit; Hulk is wearing his SHIELD gear; no mention if Spider-Woman and Hawkguy are dating; Wolverine SEEMS to have his healing powers.

CM8 15-16 are INFINITY tie-ins. No mention of how long it’s been since last issue.

Speaking of AASS, Avengers Assemble #12-13 take a day or so to happen; Spider-Woman and Hawkeye are still dating. So, before HAWK5 8-22.
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Post by Col_Fury »

I've been putting off Iron Man v6 because I thought it was going to be tricky. As it turns out, it's not! :)

IM6 1 starts with Iron Man already having the super awesome black & gold armor. IM6 1-5 happen in fairly short order (less than a week, probably), then there's a break of "weeks" (between pages 13-14 of 20) in IM6 5. At the end of IM6 5, Iron Man builds new red & gold space armor and leaves for space.

IM6 6-8 is one adventure (featuring DEATH'S HEAD!). It's in space, so who knows how long it takes? Probably three days or so.

IM6 9 starts with Iron Man already with the Guardians of the Galaxy. He takes a leave of absence to look into things from the last story (like hiring DEATH'S HEAD!). IM6 9-16 take less than a week. There's a break of "three months" (!) (between pages 10-11 of 20) in IM6 16; after the break, Iron Man officially leaves the Guardians of the Galaxy and returns to Earth. This leads into IM6 17, which in turn leads into the next several issues. IM6 20.INH is an INHUMANITY tie-in, but it takes place "two months" after the main action.

What about GotG?

In GOTG3 1, Iron Man runs into the Guardians in space and they team up. GOTG3 1-3 is one quick adventure on Earth and Iron Man's armor is destroyed.

GOTG3 4 is very shortly after issue #3; the Guardians are celebrating after their adventure. Iron Man calls Pepper. Armor's still all busted up, so no Iron Man appearances in his suit elsewhere.

GOTG3 5 Iron Man fixes his armor and Angela appears. Continues into GOTG3 6, where the Guardians meet Angela. Continues into GOTG3 7, where Iron Man and Star-Lord (on Earth again) chat about AOU 10. Next issue is an INFINITY tie-in.

It looks like INFINITY happens in the three month break during IM6 16, and Iron Man leaves the Guardians after things calm down.

So for Iron Man, we're looking at:

IM6 1-5 (1-13)
IM6 5 (14-20), 6-8 (goes to space)
GOTG3 1-7 (joins Guardians)
IM6 9-16 (1-10) (still with Guardians)
IM6 16 (11-20) (leaves Guardians)

If Iron Man has a guest appearance somewhere in his red & gold space armor, it likely happens during IM6 19, before INFINITY. If he appears in his regular red & gold armor, it should happen before IM6 1. If he's in his black & gold armor, either before IM6 1, during IM6 5, or between IM6 16 & INFINITY. But shouldn't Iron Man be in space the whole time during IM6 16, you ask? Well, the Guardians show up on Earth TWICE in GOTG3 1-6, so it seems pretty easy for Iron Man to pop in and check on things. I'd rather avoid it, but if we have to I don't see why not. I'm thinking of Ind. Hulk Annual #1 here.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Chris McCarver »

Hey, Daron, #12 of Hickman's Avengers series establishes that Tony can control his black and gold armor on Earth from space using some kind of intergalactic teleconferencing software, allowing him to assist the Avengers while he's physically with the Guardians, so that might also account for any Earthbound Iron Man appearances while he's with the Guardians.
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Post by Col_Fury »


Unless, of course, he appears in person (like he does in the Ind. Hulk Annual).

Tony's also using the same "drone" technology in IM6 17-20 or so, while he's tied up with other things on Earth.

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Post by Col_Fury »

NA3 1-3 starts off Hickman’s run, and occurs first.

A5 1-2-FBs happens after A4 ends & the morning after NA3 3; Carol Danvers is already Captain Marvel

A5 1-5 “one month” after A5 1-2-FBs; Cap gets his redesigned suit, Iron Man is on Earth in his black & Gold armor, Parker is still Spider-Man, Banner not yet working for SHIELD

A5 6-9 Octavius is now Spider-Man, Banner is working for SHIELD, Iron Man’s still on Earth

NA3 4-6 Stark’s still on Earth, before ANX 1-8 for Beast

A5 10-13 Iron Man’s now in space

NA3 7 is “one month” after NA3 6, Stark’s in space, after ANX 1-8 for Beast

Spider-Man is still Peter Parker in PWZ3 1-5.

Beast gets a new appearance in ANX 1-8.

Beast already has his new appearance in AoU 10, and Stark’s still on Earth in AoU 10.

With that in mind, here’s where we’re currently at:

AvX: Consequences 1 (1 - 4)
Captain Marvel v8 1
Daredevil v3 12-16
Avengers v4 31-34
New Avengers v2 31-34
NA3 1-3
A5 1-2-FBs (month before A5 1)
A+X 1/2
X-Men: Legacy v2 1-6
HAWK5 4-5
Astonishing X-Men v3 57-58
Winter Soldier 7-14
Avengers Assemble 9-11
A+X 4/2-FB
A5 1-5 (Cap gets new suit)
UA 1-4 (Uncanny Avengers form)
AvX: Consequences 1 (5 - 20), 2-5
YA2 1-5 (three months start) (Cap has new suit) (UA together)
Wolverine v2 314-317
IM6 1-5 (1-13)
PWZ3 1-5 (Parker still Spider-Man)
-Octavius becomes Spider-Man-
Avenging Spider-Man 16
X-Men v2 40-41
A5 6-9 (Octavius is Spider-Man)
NA3 4-6 (month starts) (Beast still cat-like)
ANX 1-8 (Beast becomes ape-like)
W&X 24
C&XFOR 1-14
UXFOR2 1-12
C&XFOR 15-17
CA7 1-11
UXFOR2 12-15
UA 7-22
C&XFOR 18-19 / UXFOR2 16-17
AoU 10 (Beast ape-like, Iron Man on Earth)
AoU 10AI
Ind. Hulk 11-15
AAI 1-6
AARENA 1-13 (month starts)
YA2 7-13 (three months end)
HAWK5 6 (December)
YA2 14-15 (New Year's)
IM6 5 (14-20), 6-8 (Iron Man leaves for space)
GOTG3 1-7
IM6 9-16 (1-10)
A5 10-13 (Iron Man in space)
NA3 7 (month ends) (Beast ape-like)
AARENA 14-18 (month ends)
X-Men: Legacy v2 11
Scarlet Spider v2 17-18
X-Men v3 1-3
Wolverine & the X-Men 27-31
All-New X-Men 9-10 / UX2 4 / All-New X-Men 11
JiM 652-655
Fearless Defenders 5-6
Wolverine & the X-Men 32-35
Astonishing X-Men 63
WSOL 15-19
HAWK5 8-22
SECA2 3-8
Wolverine v5 7

Stuff that needs to be included:

A+X #1-???
All-New X-Men #12-???
Amazing Spider-Man #692-700
Astonishing X-Men v3 #59-62, 64-68
Avengers Academy #35-39
Avengers Assemble #12-13, 16-17
Avenging Spider-Man #9-15, 17-22
Captain America v6 #15-19
Captain Marvel v8 #2-14
Daredevil v3 #17-???
Dark Avengers #175-190
Deadpool v5 #1-???
Fantastic Four #609-611
Fantastic Four v4 #1-???
Fearless Defenders #1-4, 7-9
FF #21-23
FF v2 #1-???
Gambit v5 #1-17
(red) Hulk #53-57
Indestructible Hulk #1-15
Journey Into Mystery #642-651
Mighty Thor #18-22
Morbius v2 #1-9
New Mutants v3 #50
Nova v5 #1-???
Red She-Hulk #58-67
Savage Wolverine #1-???
Scarlet Spider v2 #5-16, 19-???
Secret Avengers #29-37
Secret Avengers v2 #1-2
Spider-Men #1-5
Superior Spider-Man #1-???
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1-2
Thor: God of Thunder #1-???
Thunderbolts v3 #1-13
Uncanny Avengers #5-6
Uncanny X-Men v3 #1-???
Venom v2 #22-???
Winter Soldier #1-6
Wolverine v5 #1-6, 8-???
Wolverine v6 #1-???
Wolverine & the X-Men #21-23, 25-26, 36-40
X-Factor #246-???
X-Men v3 #4-???
X-Men: Legacy v2 #7-???
X-Treme X-Men v2 #7.1-13

This means we'll have to move HAWK5 6 in our current Wolverine chronology. Also, that would be Octavius in HAWK5 6; it was published the same month as ASM 700, and it's a quick cameo in HAWK5 6, so it's possible.

I'm starting to wonder if FF 611 should be pre-AVX, because of Dr. Doom in WSOL 1-6.
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Post by Michael »

We had some discussion about where Deadpool 1-6 and Avenging Spider-Man 17 took place toward the end of this thread:
We concluded Deadpool 1-6 took place during Avengers 1. Placement of Avenging Spider-Man 17 was complicated by the fact that Spock encountered the replacement FF.
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Post by Col_Fury »

(red) Hulk #53-57 happens fairly quickly. Machine Man appears here before Red She-Hulk #58 (duh), She-Hulk appears here before FF v2 #1.

TB3 1’s current day portion is Red Hulk recruiting Punisher for his new team. There are a bunch of flashbacks where Red Hulk recruits the other members. Published after and happens after (red) Hulk #57. Published same month as PWZ3 3, Venom v2 #28 & Deadpool v5 #3.

The strange thing is, this should probably happen after PWZ3, but Punisher’s in prison at the end of that mini and there’s zero mention of prison in this series. I’m going to assume TB3 1 happens before PWZ3 1, and then Red Hulk got Punisher out of prison BTS after PWZ 5 and before TB3 2.

TB3 2-6 happens over a questionable amount of time; enough time for Punisher to train some rebels, but not very well. There’s also a flashback in #2 set two weeks before #2’s main story, so let’s say three weeks all together?

TB3 7-11 picks up from TB3 6 and spans another week, give or take. The Uncanny Avengers appear in #7 (published same month as UA 5).

TB3 12-FB happens right after TB3 11. TB3 12 happens three weeks after that, then spans more weeks. Only Punisher and Elektra appear.

TB3 13’s current day portion is just a conversation between Venom and Red Hulk. The flashbacks show how Red Hulk recruited Mercy onto the team. This should probably happen right after TB3 11 and TB3 12-FB.

TB3 14 is an INFINITY tie-in.

So of course, TB3 2-13 spans a month and Deadpool and Venom can’t make any appearances elsewhere during that time (and Punisher shouldn’t for a month after that; I don’t think it matters too much, though). At the moment I have no idea how this intersects with Venom’s or Deadpool’s books. Not well, probably.
Michael wrote:We had some discussion about where Deadpool 1-6 and Avenging Spider-Man 17 took place toward the end of this thread:
We concluded Deadpool 1-6 took place during Avengers 1.
That still sounds right. I guess I'll be reading Deadpool v5 #1-??? next to see how it fits with Thunderbolts v3.
-Daron Jensen
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