NA 28-30 flashback

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NA 28-30 flashback

Post by robfj »

My memory insists that somewhere you asked for suggestions for changes to pre-Secret Invasion chronology because you wanted to tidy it all up. But now I can't find the reference. But here, whether you want it or not, is a suggestion about the flashbacks in New Avengers #28-30 and their relation to NAv#27-31 and Mighty Avengers #1-6.

Looking back in MCP's forum archive I find that there was a lot of discussion in 2007 about the sequencing of the relevant issues (Threads ending Nov07 #5) and at least 1 part of my problem was raised, but then seemingly forgotten about (Threads ending Apr07 #14). I apologise if there's later discussion I've missed.

Flashbacks in Mighty Avengers #1-2 were separated from the main story in #1-6 even though the comics themselves say they happened earlier in the same day. They were moved back to just after Civil War: Initiative with other things in between the flashbacks and MAv#1-6, most significantly the Fallen Son series.

The flashbacks in NAv#28-30 also claim to happen just before the main story in NAv#27-31, which also coincides with the main story in MAv#1-6. The flashback in NAv#30 can't be separated from the main story and so you've left the whole 3-issue flashback there.

I will raise 2 problems with this, and propose a solution.

The 1st problem was already briefly discussed in 2007. In FS#1(Wolverine) Logan confirms that Captain America is dead, but in NAv#28fb he goes along with the rest of NAv to rescue Cap when they're told he's alive by Spider-Woman (only to find it's a trap).

But I think Spider-Woman herself presents an even worse problem. In CW:I Ms Marvel tells her that Cap is alive. SW is then part of NAv in 2 FS issues and CA#26. Then in the NAv#28fb she tells the NAv that Cap is alive. Why did she wait so long? Even saying she's really a Skrull doesn't work for me as an explanation. Besides which it seems to me that the NAv#28fb is when she is portrayed as *joining* the team.

The obvious solution for both problems is to move NAv#28fb back to between CW:I and the FS's.

But that leaves us with the problem that the flashback extends through NAv#29 and #30, and #30fb has to immediately precede the non-flashback story in #27-31. However it seems to me that the fb in #29 can be split in 2 with a gap. So I propose to place #28fc&#29fbA before FS#2 and #39fbB&#30fb next to #27-31.

Putting the 1st part of the flashback before FS's and CA#26 also fits with Iron Fist's comment in #28fb that they haven't heard from Falcon since Cap's assassination rather than since they meet after the funeral in CA#26.

There is no contradiction with having this part of the flashbacks early and no Ronin in the FS and CA#26 apps, because Ronin doesn't appear until #30fb.

#28fb must obviously follow the flashbacks in MAv#1-2 showing the formation of MAv. It even ties in neatly with Iron Man's statement that the 1st order of business for MAv is to go after NAv.

The question then is where in #29fb to make the split.

The initial NAv/MAv fight in the Raft (P4-9) needs to stay with #28fb because the fight started there. The scenes about Maya Lopez's parcel (containing the Ronin costume and asking for help) (p17.6-19) and Brother Voodoo's attack on Strange's Sanctum (p20-21) have to go with #30fb, because the BV bit continues and then the NAv decide to go to Japan to help Maya (wuth Clint Barton in the Ronin costume). That leaves 2 scenes to play with:- The MAv's venture into Dr Strange's 'abandoned' house (p10-13), and Iron Man's confrontation with Danny Rand (p14-17.5).

The comic is written as though MAv come straight from the Raft to Strange's Sanctum and the Rand Corp scene says next day, both of which make sense. Tony Stark would follow up the attack on the Raft quickly, though not necessarily as soon as this issue claims. But he says himself that he had difficulty finding a mystic who was willing to try to broach Dr Strange's defences. So that allows a gap where other stuff could be inserted.

However it says Dakota North arrives at Rand Corp with Maya's parcel while the Stark/Rand 'meeting' is going on, and Danny wouldn't have wasted time before taking the parcel to NAv. But you face problems like this all the time, and have to ignore some of such links. It makes most sense to me to split up the 2 parts of the Rand Corp action, as I have done above.

Iron Man doesn't know DS is with the NAv at the beginning of #29fb. This fits with the flashback split but isn't actually evidence because I don't think he detects Strange's influence in any of the intervening issues.

Dakota's comment that Matt Murdock is "too far away" in #29fb would suggest that Daredevil is off in Europe in DD#89-92. However he appears in New York in Fallen Son #1 (Wolverine), which the Official Index places during his return to the US in #93. This could suggest that Dakota's part of the flashback is before FS, which would automatically put #28fb back there too where I want it. But as stated above I don't like that.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Col_Fury »

This is what you're thinking of. :)

You make some interesting points, but I won't have a chance to look into things for a bit. I know the sequence the MCP currently has came form the recent Avengers Index, but my old notes are buried at the moment.

Paul B., do you have anything handy?

Thanks for bringing this up, robfj!
-Daron Jensen
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Paul Bourcier »

I'm involved in another project right now, so it may take me a while to loop back around to this. Poke me if I don't get to this in the next week. Thanks!
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Okay, I'm just now getting to this. robjj, I think the main problem you want to solve is the length of time between Spider-Woman's discovery that Cap is alive (a FB in Civil War: The Initiative) and her telling the New Avengers so (a FB in New Avengers #28), especially since Jessica is seen with the New Avengers during that time (Fallen Son and Cap #26) and had every opportunity to tell them such important news. Sounds like a reasonable concern to me, although the fact that she's actually Veranke can cause us to question her actions. But, it appears there are a couple of other problems you'd like to address as well, like Iron Fist's statement that Sam Wilson hasn't been seen since Cap died. Good catch.

I found it a bit difficult to follow you in spots. I wonder if you could lay out your proposed chronology, with comic title and page/panel ranges in chronological order with main points noted in each entry (e.g., Veranke tells New Avengers Cap's still alive; Iron Fist says Falcon not seen since Cap's death; etc.), so we can follow the logical progression of clues.

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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by robfj »


OK, here goes.

Daredevil v2 #93 p1-3 Matt Murdock returns from Europe.

Captain America v5 #25 Cap is assassinated.

Civil War: Initiative fb p23-30.2 Ms Marvel meets Spider-Woman and tells her that Cap is alive in hospital in the Raft prison.

Civil War: Initiative p31-34 Jarvis persuades Iron Man to create the Mighty Avengers.

Mighty Avengers #1 fb p4-7 & 12-14 Iron Man and Ms Marvel discuss forming the MAv. Includes p13.3-14 IM says they need to capture Luke Cage and Spider-Man before SHIELD get them.

MAv#1-2 multiple flashbacks Iron Man and Ms Marvel choose and recruit the MAv.

New Avengers #28 fb p5-13 The New Avengers (Iron Fist, Luke Cage (and family), Spider-Man, Wolverine) gather in Dr Strange's house. Includes p11.4 Iron Fist says they haven't seen Falcon since Cap died. Then SW pops up and greets everyone like she hasn't seen them for a while. Then she passes on MsM's info.

NAv#28 fb p14-16 DrS's astral form finds Cap's body in the Raft.

NAv#28 fb p17-19 NAv invade the Raft. Wolverine discovers the body's a fake. The MAv reveal it's a trap.
NAv#29 fb p4-9 The teams fight and DrS gets the NAv out. MAv didn't expect DS to be involved.

NAv#29 fb p10-13 NAv return to Strange's place. MAv look for them there but are are fooled by DrS's magic into thinking it's abandoned. But IM is suspicious.

NAv#29 fb p14-17.5 MAv confront Danny Rand at Rand Corp but his lawyers fend off all accusations.

Fallen Son (#1): Wolverine p1-19 Logan still thinks Cap isn't really dead. He and Daredevil break into the SHIELD helicarrier with an invisibility spell from DrS. DD leaves and the spell wears off.
FS(#2): Avengers p1-5 Iron Man detects Wolvie in the helicarrier. The other MAv are fighting Tiger Shark.
FS(#1):W p20-22 Logan finds Cap's body and confirms he's dead. IM confronts him (and tells him that DrS had better stop helping the NAv). He lets Wolverine go to tell the other NAv.
DS(#2):Av p6-22 Wolvie does inform the NAv (including SW) that Cap is really dead. Meanwhile the MAv fight Tiger Shark until Sub-Mariner comes to take him away.
FS(#3): Captain America Stark offers Clint Barton the job as the new Cap. Clint tries it but then turns it dowm.
FS(#4): Spider-Man Spidey and Wolvie talk about death.

FS(#5): Iron Man p1-17 NAv (including SW) watch Cap's funeral on TV. Falcon makes a speech at the funeral.
CA#26 While most registered heroes attend the official wake, Falcon goes to see the NAv for secret wake. Iron Fist and Spider-Woman are among those there. Unfortunately for my theory so is Ronin (Clint Barton). But it's equally unfortunate for MCP. The listing for Hawkeye/Ronin misses it out. The Calendar has him here, but placed before he becomes Ronin in NAv#30fb.

NAv#29 fb p17.6-18.6 Dakota North delivers a package to Danny Rand from Echo/Ronin that was sent to Matt Murdock. This is linked to the preceding bit of the fb only by proximity and by Dakota saying she saw Danny had some visitors. Her comment that Matt is 'too far away to do anything about it in time' suggests that he's still in Europe, but the positioning here in MCP's current DD sequencing doesn't fit with that. Moving it back to be with my positioning of NAv#29 fb p14-17.5 before FS(#1):W could *theoretically* allow the MCP sequence for DD to include it before DD#93. But it couldn't be before DD#93 p1-3 on the Calendar because that's way before the CW:I fb with SW and MsM. And it would mean Iron Fist hangs on to this urgent plea for help from Maya Lopez for a long time before showing it to his teammates - the kind of thing I'm trying to avoid with SW.

NAv#29 fb p18.7-19 Iron Fist shows NAv the package containing Maya's Ronin costume and a plea for help or vengeance against the Hand.
NAv#29 fb p20-21 MAv have brought Brother Voodoo to try to breach DrS's magic defenses. IM says it was difficult finding a magician who would do it.
NAv#30 fb p1-5.2 BV fails to make DrS's house look anything but deserted. Most of MAv leave, but IM stays to say he *knows* NAv are in there.
NAv#30 fb p5.3-15 NAv decide to go to Japan for Maya. Clint Barton turns up. Luke Cage and Wolverine aren't sure they trust him, not least because they thought he was dead. DrS casts a spell to detect anyone untrustworthy. No-one notices secret Skrull Spider-Woman feeling unwell. Clint dons the Ronin outfit.

NAv#27 p17-23 NAv (Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Ronin, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine) attack Elektra and the Hand holding Maya Lopez prisoner.
NAv#28-30 the non-fb bits Fighting which ends up with brainwashed Echo stabbing DrS.
NAV#31 More fighting. Echo breaks her brainwashing and kills Elektra, who turns out to be a Skrull.
NAv#32 The team (DrS has recovered) fly back from Japan with Skrull-Elektra's body. :Lots of arguing and paranoia. SW wants to take the body to Tony Stark. A storm and an EMP bring the plane down. SW avoids the crash by gliding out of the plane. Them she takes the body away.
This has direct connections with the Ultron story in MAv#1-6. The storm and EMP are caused by Ultron in MAv#4. SW brings the Skrull body to TS at the end of MAv#6.

Apart from moving the flashbacks in NAV#28 and half of #29 back to before Fallen Son, the other entries are in the order from the MCP lists and the Calendar.

My points are mentioned within:-

Spider-Woman joining NAv and telling them about Cap being alive soon after CW:I and before her other NAv appearances in Fallen Son and CA#26.

Wolverine finding Cap dead in FS#1:W *after* being suckered into the Raft trap thinking he's still alive.

Iron Man urgently wanting the MAv to capture at least Luke Cage and Spider-Man.

Iron Fist and the rest of the NAv not meeting Falcon in CA#26 before the NAv flashback where they say they haven't seen him.

While compiling this list I noticed 3 new points:-

Contrary to what I said in my previous Post, IM knows DrS is helping the NAv in FS#1:W. So this actually supports my idea in that it suggests that this is after he sees DrS with them in the Raft fb spanning the end of NAv#28 and the start of NAv#29.

Clint Barton appears as Ronin with the NAv in CA#26. This is a problem for me as he doesn't meet them and become Ronin until NAv#30 fb. But it's equally a problem for the current MCP sequence and Calendar.

And if Dakota North's comment about Matt Murdock being far away is taken as meaning he's still in Europe, then it's probably even more of a problem for MCP and the Calendar than it is for me.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Col_Fury »

The Daredevil comment can just be taken as "he's not available." As you point out, he has to already be back from Europe because he appears (already back from Europe) in Fallen Son: Wolverine.

The recent Captain America Index clarified that Ronin (Maya or Clint) does not actually appear in Cap v5 #26; just the costume does. Why do they have a spare Ronin costume (apparently on a mannequin) just hanging around in their place? Who knows?

As for the larger points, I'm still buried in other things at the moment. I'll let Paul B. (or anyone else!) make some comments first.

Thanks, robfj!
-Daron Jensen
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Paul Bourcier »

I like this proposal, robfi. Good job with the chronological sleuthing! :thumbsup:

I can add something else that supports your sequence. Veranke's report about her encounter with Carol in New Avengers #28-FB occurs "two days" after Carol told Veranke about Cap in Civil War: The Initiative #1 (23-30)-FB. Your proposal makes this possible if NA 28-FB occurs later the same day as the last recruitment flashback of Mighty Avengers #2. The points about Spider-Woman, Falcon, Dr. Strange, and the New Avengers' attempts to learn the truth about Cap all support your proposal.

I wonder, too, if Fallen Son might actually begin that same night as New Avengers #28-FB and New Avengers #29 (4-13)-FB. Logan, determined to get at the bottom of Rogers' fate after the New Avengers' Raft raid, immediately turns to Winter Soldier to raid the Helicarrier to find the real body.

Now, if we move NA 28-FB and NA 29 (4-13) to a spot earlier in the calendar, do we need to move anything else? I placed these FBs after the following panels of Battle Damage Report:
10:2 -- Stark reports on Black Widow, who has been selected to be an Avenger and whose espionage skills “will” prove handy on the team. I suppose that doesn't necessarily mean that the Mighty Avengers haven't already seen action as I originally figured.
34:1 -- Stark reports on the full roster of Mighty Avengers and notes their "first order of business" is to capture Cage's band of "Avengers." I suppose this doesn't mean that the Mighty Avengers haven't already encountered the New Avengers -- just that the capture of that team is priority #1
So no real need to move these back.

I'm going to look into putting a break between 17:5 and 17:6 of NA 29-FB as you suggest so that Iron Fist's reference to "last night" before 17:3 can work while hooking the part from 17:4 on to later events. Be back soon.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Okay, the break between panels 5 and 6 of NA 29-FB works for me.

We could move NA 29 (14-17:5)-FB back to the "morning" after NA 29 (4-13) -- "last night" -- but we run into really tight scheduling here, especially for Tony Stark. We have him appearing in Punisher War Journal around this time, and the calendar in that comic is tethered to Cap's death, and we have Fallen Son, whose calendar is also tethered to Cap's death.

The path of least resistance (not necessarily the best solution) is to slot NA 29 (14-17:5) earlier in the morning of Cap's funeral, between FS 4 and 5. If we examine the events of those New Avengers issues and Fallen Son, do we see a problem with this? It means that Stark would have encountered Logan (and then Hawkeye too) aboard the Helicarrier between the time the New Avengers evaded the Might Avengers and the Mighty Avengers' visit to Danny Rand's office.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by robfj »

I can't see any objection to putting Iron Man (and the rest of the MAv)'s visit to Rand Corp after FS#4. Hawkeye's interaction in FS#3 is independent of the NAv. Logan's meeting with IM doesn't have anything to do with the Danny Rand meet, except ....

Maybe Stark was putting off approaching Rand until after Cap's funeral. He's a busy guy and it wasn't *that* important. Maybe Logan's remarks in FS#1-2 stung Stark into retaliating by legally attacking Danny earlier. (Although it's Ms Marvel who loses her temper.)

Taking just the 1st sentence above you could argue that the Stark/Rand meeting *could* be left to after FS#5 (and maybe also CA#26).

I also like the idea of the earlier NAv flashbacks happening immediately before FS#1-2. Impulsive Wolverine then wanting to get to the truth right away. As in NAv#33 as soon as he's learned about Skrull-Elektra he's out looking for more Skrulls (and runs into Hood instead).
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks, robfj. It looks like my proposal *could* work, and there's an appeal to going in this direction as it's the least disruptive. Aside from the quick pace of events, does anyone else see a problem?
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by robfj »

Michel discovered in his thread NA2 28-30 FB and Fallen Son that the changes proposed in this thread weren't all implemented exactly as I (and Paul B) intended. It probably serves me right for not providing actual character chronology changes.

The change that has gone awry was the proposal to put NA#28-FB and NA#29(4-13)-FB before the whole of FSON:W (moving them backwards from with NA#30-FB and more of NA#29-FB). Instead they have been placed in a contradictory way both within FSON:W (for Iron Man) and after FSON:W (for Dr Strange and Wolverine himself).

CW 7 (26:3 - 28)-FB
FSON:W (1 - 19)
NA 28-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB
FSON:W (20 - 22)

W3 51
NA 28-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB

NA 28-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB

Michel noted the inconsistency and proposed a change to at least resolve that. But he also pointed out that neither position made sense and questioned why the position Paul and I suggested in this thread hadn't been adopted.

Note that FSON:A is in the same state as the FBs but *without* a contradiction. Wolverine invades a SHIELD helicarrier to check Captain America's body. Iron Man is only in the very beginning of FSON:A communicating with the other Mighty Avengers as a hologram, and specifically states that he's just detected Wolverine in the helicarrier and goes off to confront him in the last part of FSON:W. (So Tony Stark's app in the carrier in the earlier part of FSON:W can and must precede his app in FSON:A.) The rest of FSON:A has the Mighty Avengers (without Iron Man) and New Avengers in separate parallel stories. The NA start off without Wolverine but he joins them later and tells them about meeting Iron Man and discovering that Cap really is (Marvel-)dead. Dr Strange is only in the early part of FSN:W so is app in FSON:A will be after that anyway.

The problem with the FBs is that they involve a battle between the 2 Avengers teams including Iron Man and Wolverine. There's no way Logan invades the helicarrier twice, either side of the battle. Not least because Strange casts an invisibility spell on him for the mission, which wears off partway through which is how Iron Man detects him. And the FB battle can't occur *after* FSON:W because it involves the New Av looking for Cap who they at that point still hope is alive.

This leads to the required changes:-

CW 7 (26:3 - 28)-FB
NA 28-FB )))))))))) moved from
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB ) after FSON:W (1 - 19)
FSON:W (1 - 19)
FSON:W (20 - 22)

W3 51
NA 28-FB )))))))))) moved from
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB ) after FSON:W

NA 28-FB )))))))))) moved from
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB ) after FSON:W

For the sake of completeness I'll list all the detailed chronology changes that *have* been implemented as Paul and I intended (and of course check for any problems). But it will take some time so I'll do it in a separate post.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by michel »

It looks good for me, thank you robfj.
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Re: NA 28-30 flashback

Post by robfj »

This is a detailed list of the other changes that have *already* been made and appear to be as a consequence of this thread. (But michel points out that the thread was locked without being marked as accepted.) I only found 1 with a remaining problem and I've left it to last.

1st the other changes to the 3 chars above:-

NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
FSON:IM (1 - 4:5)
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

NA#29(14-17:5)-FB only concerns the Mighty Avengers confronting Danny Rand (aka Iron Fist). The rest of the New Avengers aren't involved, such as the 2 below:-

NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

XF3 24/2
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

The other Mighty Avengers:-

NA 28-FB has been moved from after A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

Ares and other MAv members are in all 3 chunks of NA FB:- The battle with the New Avengers. The confrontation with Danny Rand. The attempt at confronting the New Avengers again.
They aren't in FSON:W with Iron Man so NA#28-FB and NA#29(4-13)-FB don't have the same problem.
Actually the presence of the MAv in NA#29(17:6-21)-FB was obviously missed in the original implementation of the changes. Michel added it later to all the MAv members (including Iron Man above) in his NA2 28-30 FB and Fallen Son, and that part has already been implemented.

CW 7 (23:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-BTS NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

CW 7 (23:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after OF 2
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CW:FL 11 (15:3)
CA5 26
MSM2 13 (17:2 - 17:4)-FB
A:I 8-FB
MSM2 14 (1 - 4)-FB
MSM2 13 (18 - 21)
MSM2 14
OF 2
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-BTS NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB

CW 7 (23:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
A:I 8-FB
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

CW 7 (23:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after FSON:IM (18 - 23)
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
FSON:IM (1 - 17)
CA5 26-BTS
A:I 8-FB
FSON:IM (18 - 23)
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-BTS NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

CW 7 (23:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after MSM2 14
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
A:I 8-FB
MSM2 13
MSM2 14
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-BTS NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
MA 1 (1) ~ IRRANT 7 (10 - 11)

The other New Avengers:-

IIF 14
NA 28-FB has been moved from after CA5 26
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
NA 29 (14 - 17:5)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

Note that Iron Fist is the only New Avenger in NA#29(14-17:5)-FB. So the others, as already noted above, have a simpler chronology.

IIF 14
NA 28-FB has been moved from after CA5 26
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

CW 7 (22:4 - 26:2)-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after NX2 41
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
NX2 41
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

NA 28-FB has been moved from after [SKRULLS-BTS]
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
MA 17
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 27

Other characters in NA#28-FB or NA#29-FB:-

BP4 18
NA 28-FB has been moved from after CA5 26
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-OP NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 31

FF 543-FB
NA 28-FB has been moved from after CA5 26
NA 29 (4 - 13)-FB has been split from NA 29-FB
CA5 26
NA 29 (17:6 - 21)-FB-BTS NA 29-FB has been split up
NA 30-FB
NA 31

TB 106
NA 28-FB ) both moved
NA 29-FB ) from after XF3 24/2
UX 491/2
XF3 24/2
NA 30-FB
NA 31

Wong is only in 1 part of NA#29-FB and so doesn't rate a mention that it's (4-13).

Characters in NA#28-FB or NA#29-FB that required no changes:-

Jeryn Hogarth only appears in 1 part of NA#29-FB and so doesn't need a page range. And his before and after apps are unaffected.

The same applies to Dakota North.

DD2 93 (11 - 13)
DD2 93 (14 - 19)

Daredevil is BTS in the scene with Dakota North which is in NA#29(13-17:5) which is after FSON:W in both its old and new (overall chronology) positions, and his before and after apps are unaffected.

BP4 26
NA 29-FB
NA 30-FB
C&DP 47

Brother Voodoo's app in NA#29-FB is in the 3rd section which remains attached to NA#30-FB, and his before and after apps are unaffected.

BP4 26-BTS

Ditto for Daniel Drumm.

But there is 1 char that I've saved for last because she *does* need amending:_

NA 28-FB
NA 29-FB
MSM2 13

Her app in NA#29-FB is in (4-13) which connects to NA#28-FB. However both of those need to be moved to before FSON:W for the same reason that I moved them for Iron Man, Dr Strange and Wolverine.

NA 28-FB ) both to be moved
NA 29-FB ) from after FSON:W
MSM2 13

That's all folks
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