The Fantastic Ice Storm Four?!

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The Fantastic Ice Storm Four?!

Post by Enda80 »

I refer you to the film The Ice Storm regarding this matter. ... -is-buried

Please do not delete this. I did not write this facetiously.
Last edited by Somebody on Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Split from [url=]Iron Age 2[/url] topic in MU due to sheer off-topicness
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Re: Iron Age 2

Post by JephYork »

Enda, what in blue blazes are you talking about? What point are you making? What "matter" are you addressing? What does your post have to do with chronology?

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Re: Iron Age 2

Post by Col_Fury »

The "matter" is placing Iron Age 2 in various character chronologies.

I have no idea how the movie "The Ice Storm" could possibly help us in this matter.

I also have no idea why his link has Fantastic Four in the address, and not the Ice Storm.

Edna80 has not bothered to explain how any of this relates to anything in his setup introduction to the link he provided.

This is kind of like when you're having dinner with extended family on July the 4th weekend, and everyone's talking about Johnny's awesome trip to Great America, and how all of Johnny's friends really liked riding the Shockwave because there wasn't a line and they rode it like, seven times in a row, and everyone's REALLY INTO the conversation because they all at least rode the Shockwave at some point and can relate and they're all talking about how it rattles your head around and then...

Uncle Horace interrupts the conversation to lament the fact that his socks keep falling down because he can't find the stirrup/suspender things at Walgreens because they moved all the aisles around, and none of the workers would help him. And now his ankles itch.

Sure, sure, someone mentioned that the Shockwave "knocked their socks off" and that's probably what set Uncle Horace off on his tangent about socks, but Horace really needs to learn that one word in a conversation doesn't make the entire conversation, and it's kind of rude to completely change the subject because he has nothing to say about roller coasters.

And that's why I refuse to follow the link.

Please do not delete this. I only wrote this one-third facetiously.
-Daron Jensen
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Re: Iron Age 2

Post by Paul Bourcier »

And that should be the enda that conversation!
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Re: The Fantastic Ice Storm Four?!

Post by Enda80 »

Alright, to explain this, someone asked regarding the Iron Age 2 about a break-up between Sue and Reed.

In issue 141 of the Fantastic Four, published in November, 1973, Reed Richards had to use his anti-matter weapon on his own son, who Aannihilus has turn into the Human Atom Bomb. I think this refers to that.
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Re: The Fantastic Ice Storm Four?!

Post by Paul Bourcier »


Leoparis said:
He says Reed and Sue just just patched things up after a bad separation
In issue 141 of the Fantastic Four, published in November, 1973, Reed Richards had to use his anti-matter weapon on his own son, whom Annihilus has turned into the Human Atom Bomb. I don’t have the time to check now, but I believe that Reed’s and Sue’s relationship was strained after that. Perhaps the patch up followed a separation that occurred after this.

Ya think?? No frickin' link to a website that has nothing to do with making this point is necessary.
Paul B.
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Re: The Fantastic Ice Storm Four?!

Post by Russ Chappell »

Alright, to explain this, someone asked regarding the Iron Age 2 about a break-up between Sue and Reed.

No one asked that.

Here's what LeoParis said:
He says Reed and Sue just just patched things up after a bad separation
So this is circa 1974-1975
I challenge you to find where anyone asked that. He knows when it happened. He clearly knows the reference.

But you post some obscure blog link, about the end of the Fantastic Four film franchise. Nowhere does it mention Annihilus, nowhere does it mention Reed or Sue, except how they were cast in the movie, nowhere does it mention Franklin, except in despair over missing all the Franklin fart jokes, and--wait for it--nowhere does it mention Reed & Sue's separation.

In fact, it only mentions Ice Storm once. Then we're left to our own devices to find some other site which explains what the hell "kurt" is talking about. ("The best rendition of the Fantastic Four is in the closing narration to Ice Storm.")

And you ask us not to delete your post, because you know what you're talking about.

I can't promise you that things will improve, if we make changes;
I can promise you that they won't improve, if we don't.

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