Fall of the Hulks chronology

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Paul Bourcier
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Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Now that Fall of the Hulks has wrapped up, does anyone have a detailed chronology for this saga? I have to admit I was confused by the plot and couldn't figure out how to sequence a lot of the crossover issues and flashbacks.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Somebody »

Now, this was thrown together fairly quickly, focusing on the "present day" sections, so I make no warranty as to it being bang-on - but it should serve as a starting point if nothing else. I don't have the WWHKS two-shots (Hulked out Heroes & the two vs ones).

FotH:Rulk 4 (1-12) before H2 600.

HULK 21 (1-3)
HULK 23 (7&8:8-7&8:9)-FB both between H2 603 and DR:TL:H for Banner.

H2 601-605 Lyra backups

FotH:Rulk 2 (9:1-15:3)-FB
FotH:She-Hulks 1 (1-8)

FotH:She-Hulks 1 (9-18)

FotH:She-Hulks 1 (19)
FotH:She-Hulks 2 (8:1)-FB

FotH:Gamma (1:2, 1:4, 2:1)-FB
HULK 23 (32:2)-FB
FotH: Gamma (2:2-2:4, 3-5)-FB
HULK 23 (32:3-32:6)-FB


FotH:Rulk 1 (1-17)
FotH:Rulk 1 (18-22)
FotH:Rulk 2 (1-3)

H2 606 (2-21)-FB
H2 606 (1)
H2 606 (22-27)
HULK 19 (1-8)
FotH:She-Hulks 1 (20:1)
HULK 19 (9-18)
FotH:She-Hulks 1 (20:2)
HULK 19 (19-22)
FotH:She-Hulks 2 (8:2-8:3)-FB

FotH:She-Hulks 1 (20:3-22:1)
H2 607 (1-18)

FotH:Rulk 2 (16-22)
FotH:Rulk 3
FotH:Rulk 4 (13-22)

H2 607 (19-23)
H2 608 (1-10)
H2 608 (11-24) ~ FOTH:She-Hulks 2 ~ HULK 21 (4-24)
H2 609 (1-15) ~ FotH:She-Hulks 3 (1-12)
H2 609 (16-23)
H2 610 (1-8) ~ FotH:She-Hulks 3 (13-14)
H2 610 (9-14) ~ FotH:She-Hulks 3 (15-19) [She-Rulk turns up]
H2 610 (15-24)
H2 611 ~ HULK 23 (2-3, 7, 13, 18&19)
HULK 23 (33-36)

[FotH:She-Hulks 3 (20-22) is a flashforward to Lyra's past]

Problem with FotH:She-Hulks 2: Lyra & Jen stay in the room Jen was kept in a jar, but Rulk enters that room in Hulk #21 (8) to find the jar broken. And yet the cathexis-stuff happens during FotH:She-Hulks 2

Problem with H2 607 - there's no way Banner's "three minutes" line can hold up, since FotH:Rulk 2 (16-22) takes place after Hulk #20, FotH:Rulk 3 continues directly, and FotH:Rulk 4 (13-22) must take place after FotH:Rulk 2 (16-22) due to Thundra's time machine, and they all must take place before H2 608.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks, Somebody.

Does anyone have any comments about the proposed chronology and the problems Somebody notes?
Paul B.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Somebody »

[Note that I've made a few revisions to the above chronology since it was first posted - nothing major, just clarifying a few points]
Paul Bourcier wrote:Does anyone have any comments about the proposed chronology and the problems Somebody notes?
Well, the FotH:She-Hulks #2 problem is minor in the great scheme of things - it's not really surmountable, but it's ignorable. The explicit sequence of (Lyra's part in H2 608)->(FotH:She-Hulks #2)->(FotH:She-Hulks #3 ~ H2 609-610) makes it impossible to do anything BUT ignore it anyway.

The gap for FotH:Rulk #2-4 in H2 607 is a lot more awkward, and any suggestions to make it less so, at least, would be appreciated.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Somebody, here are the detailed notes I have concerning post-World War Hulk chronology for Hulk-related comics. There appear to be some differences with your FOTH chronology and some page/panel discrepencies, but I haven't endeavored to sort it out. I don't know if this helps or not, but feel free to use this as fodder and tell me where I went wrong, because I know I got totally confused while reading this long, drawn-out story arc. Other folks feel free to leap in, too.

The post is divided in two because of character limits.

HULK v4 #23 – FB (26-28)
One day, shortly before H4 1-FB (1:2). At Gamma Base in Death Valley, Leader tells Thunderbolt Ross that the captive Banner (who’s in a liquid-filled cell) thinks he’s at a SHIELD facility and that he’ll interact only with Ross and Samson. Modok and Samson work nearby. Ross becomes Red Hulk.

HULK v4 #1 – FB (1:2, 1:4, 2:2, 2:4, 3:2, 3:4, 4:2, 4:4, 5:2, 5:4-7)
One day. This flashback must occur shortly after H4 23-FB (26-28). The new Red Hulk lands in Russia and engages the Abomination in battle. He defeats the creature, then shoots him multiple times with a gun.
The same day as H4 1-FB (5-7). Barely conscious, the captive Rick Jones sees Leader arguing with Rulk about killing Abomination, sees Modok examining him, and sees Marlo as the Harpy telling him to get out.
HULK v4 #1
The same day as FOTH:RH 3-FB (5:2-5:5). This story must occur after S-H4 21 (18-22) and D&WG 1-FB-FB (18:4-18:5). Invited to Russia to investigate, Doc Samson, Thunderbolt Ross, Maria Hill, Iron Man, and She-Hulk examine the Abomination’s body and the scene of his fight with a gamma-irradiated creature. The Winter Guard (Ursa Major, Crimson Dynamo, and a new Red Guardian and Darkstar) show up and engage the American heroes in a turf battle. Ross halts the fight when a survivor reports of a red creature. Rick Jones finds himself in tattered clothes near an oil pipeline fire in Alaska. Samson and Ross go to Gamma Base in Nevada, where they enter a highly secure area to ask help from the captive Bruce Banner, who is now conscious.
HULK v4 #3 – FB – FB
The same day as H4 1. It is “a few days” before H4 3-FB. Ross and Samson ask Banner to review their files to see if he can figure out who the new Hulk is. Banner whispers something to Ross that Ross doesn’t share with Samson.

KING-SIZE HULK v4 #1 – FB (2-5:3, 5:5-8:1)
One night, after H4 3-FB-FB (and probably the same night). The red Hulk arrives in the Canadian Rockies, where he is attacked by a Wendigo. The fight, and the Hulk kills the creature, who then is eaten by other Wendigos. Snow in the Canadian Rockies.

One night, before H4 2 (1-3) and perhaps before KSH 1/3. Banner reviews files in his cell, including the account of his battle with Wendigo. Thunderbolt Ross sits in his office.

One day, before H4 2 (1-3) and perhaps after KSH 1. Banner reviews files and Ross reviews Banner’s notes.

HULK v4 #2 (1-3) ~ KING-SIZE HULK #1/2 (1)
One early morning. This segment occurs after KSH 1 and KSH 1/3. Red Hulk attacks Stark’s new Helicarrier and grabs She-Hulk.
KING-SIZE HULK #1/2 (2-6)
The same early morning as H4 2 (1-3). Red Hulk and She-Hulk fight.
HULK v4 #2 (4)
The same early morning as KSH 1/2 (2-6). As the battle occurs, Stark calls for a lockdown.
The same early morning as H4 2 (4). Red Hulk knocks out She-Hulk.
HULK v4 #2 (5-7)
The same early morning as KSH 1/2 (7). Stark and Maria find the unconscious She-Hulk. Stark goes after Red Hulk and tells Ross to find Samson.
The same early morning as H4 2 (5-7). She-Hulk wakes up, determined to go after Red Hulk.
HULK v4 #2 (8-19)
The same early morning as KSH 1/2 (8). Red Hulk trashes the vessel and sends it on a crash course toward Manhattan. Stark activates all the Iron Men armors and She-Hulk reports that Hulk wiped out all SHIELD records on the Hulk. The Iron Men divert the fallen Helicarrier to a New Jersey field, where it crashes. Full moon.
HULK v4 #3 – FB
The same early morning (“dawn”) as H4 2 (8-19). It is “a few days” after H4 3-FB-FB. Stark, Hill, and She-Hulk emerge from the wreckage of the Helicarrier. Stark watches a video of Ross’s and Samson’s meeting with Banner and demands to know what Banner whispered to Ross.
HULK v4 #2 (20-22)
The same day as H4 3-FB. Red Hulk shows up at Gamma Base in Nevada, where Rick Jones has just arrived by truck. Red Hulk attacks Rick Jones, who turns into A-Bomb, a blue Abomination.
HULK v4 #3
The same day as H4 2 (20-22). A-Bomb and Red Hulk fight, and the shock waves from the battle compromise Banner’s underground cell. Banner turns into Hulk. The base’s defense system releases Harpy robots and A-Bomb and Red Hulk defeat them. Then the Hulk arrives.
HULK v4 #4 (1-21:1)
The same day as H4 3. This segment occurs earlier in the year of H2 606-FB. Red Hulk pummels the Watcher, then the Hulk attacks Red Hulk. Stark arrives at the New Jersey crash site of the Helicarrier, where Gabe Jones tells him Clay Quartermain is dead and Maria Hill shows him the shredded coat of Doc Samson, who has apparently grown large. Red Hulk pummels the Hulk at the Golden Gate Bridge.
HULK TEAM-UP #1 (1-4)
The same day as H4 (1-21). Since Iceman is with the X-Men in San Francisco, this segment must occur after X:MD 5. Harpy robots reactivate at Gamma Base. Warren Worthington and Bobby Drake chat in a coffee house as the battle between Hulk and Red Hulk rages at the nearby Golden Gate Bridge and Thor shows up.
HULK v4 #4 (21:2-22)
The same day as HTU 1 (1-4). Red Hulk throws Hulk off the Golden Gate and faces Thor.
HULK v4 #5 (1-14)
The same day as H4 4 (21-22). Red Hulk and Thor fight in San Francisco. Red Hulk takes Thor into space, wallops him with Mjolnir, throws him back to earth, and leaps to strike Monument Valley at “11:47 PM.” Red Hulk leaves.

HULK v4 #5 (15-23)
The morning after H4 5 (1-14). This segment must occur after UX@2 2-FB (1-3). At midnight at the Baxter Building, Stark has Reed try to make out the taped conversation between Banner and Ross. Maria Hill radios in to let Stark know that Red Hulk triggered the San Andreas Fault and that “San Francisco is ready to plunge into the Pacific Ocean.” Under the Golden Gate Bridge, Hulk and A-Bomb emerge from the bay. Hulk says he’s going after red Hulk, and arriving on the scene to join him are She-Hulk, Thing, Ares, Human Torch, Namor (now free from incarceration), and Iron Man. It is baseball season, since Ben is watching a Mets game.
HULK v4 #6 (1-7)
The same day as H4 5 (15-23). This segment must occur before FF 554, since Ben does not wear his new costume here. Hulk bounds away to find Red Hulk, leaving the heroes to help stabilize San Francisco.
HULK TEAM-UP #1 (5-9:2)
The same day as H4 6 (1-7) and “one hour” after HTU 1 (1-4). The X-Men (Angel, Iceman, Beast, Cyclops, Emma, Warpath, Armor, Graymalkin, Anole, Pixie, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Logan, Colossus, and Cannonball) respond to the violent disturbance caused by the Hulk battle in San Francisco. They save civilians threatened by destruction, and Hulk bounds past Warren and Bobby, who decide to help their friend.
HULK v4 #6 (8-10)
The same day as HTU 1 (5-9). Hulk arrives in Monument Valley and starts fighting Red Hulk.
HULK TEAM-UP #1 (9:3)
The same day as H4 6 (8-10). Hulk and Red Hulk fight.
HULK v4 #6 (11-20:5)
The same day as HTU 1 (9:3). This segment must occur before NA:AAOO. Thor joins Hulk in fighting Red Hulk. A-Bomb arrives on the scene and observes as Hulk defeats Red Hulk and makes friends with Thor. After Thor leaves, Hulk wanders away from A-Bomb as he changes back to Rick and tries to tell Hulk who red Hulk is.
The same day as H4 6 (11-20). Doc Samson blasts Rick.
HULK v4 #6 (20:6-21:2)
The same day as FOTH:RH 3-FB (6:7). Rick falls and Samson takes him away.
The same day as H4 6 (20-21). This flashback happens shortly before FOTH:RH 3-FB (7:2-7:5). Rick murmurs the last of his warning as he’s dragged away.
HULK v4 #23 – FB (30/31:3)
The same day as FOTH:RH 3-FB (6:8). Red Hulk lies unconscious.
HULK v4 #6 (21:3-22)
The same day as H4 23-FB (30/31:3). Ross tells the unconscious Red Hulk that he’s failed.
HULK TEAM-UP #1 (10-24)
The same day as H4 6 (21-22). This segment may occur a couple of days before H4 7-FB (1:1). Angel and Iceman track Hulk to Monument Valley, where they help him battle the Harpies.

One day, shortly after FOTH:RH 3-FB (6:8). Samson, Leader, and Modok program Rick to be A-Bomb in body and Rick in mind but give him a post-hypnotic suggestion to kill Banner when he receives a cue.

HULK v4 #7 – FB (1:1)
One day, perhaps a couple of days after HTU 1 (10-24). In Canada, Banner checks out the remains of the Wendigo that fought Red Hulk.

HULK v4 #7 – FB (1:2)
Perhaps the night of the day after H4 7-FB (1:1). Banner checks on remains of another Wendigo found in Seattle.

HULK v4 #7 – FB (1:3)
Perhaps the day after H4 7-FB (1:2). Banner checks out the location in San Francisco where Red Hulk battled Hulk.

HULK v4 #7/2 (1-6)
One day, “days” before H4 7/2 (7-11). This segment must occur after VAL2 1 (10-22). She-Hulk tries to enlist help from Ms. Marvel (who’s preparing for a Vegas assignment), Storm (who has “royal stuff” to do), Invisible Woman (who has time travel stuff to do), and Tigra (who has to wash her fur). She succeeds in getting Valkyrie and Thundra to help. She introduces the two warrior women and Maria Hill gives them their assignment to find Red Hulk and kick his butt.
HULK v4 #7
The same day as H4 7/2 (1-6) and perhaps the day after H4 7-FB (1:3). This story must occur after MK5 13. Banner arrives in Las Vegas, as does a bandaged “Stephen Grant” and Marlene. Banner sees a bunch of Wendigos terrorize a casino and changes into Joe Fixit. Hulk fights the beasts, then is attacked by Moon Knight. As Hulk prepares to pummel Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel and Sentry arrive.
HULK v4 #8
The same night as H4 7. Joe Fixit throws Moon Knight into the sky, and as Sentry goes to fetch him, Ms. Marvel pummels Fixit, who changes into dumb Green Hulk. As the three heroes face off against Hulk, a horde of Wendigos pour out into the street. Full moon.
HULK v4 #9 (1-12:3)
The same night as H4 8. This segment must occur before MK5 14. Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Sentry, and Moon Knight battle the Wendigos. Carol calls a SHIELD commlink routed to Haiti and summons Brother Voodoo, who uses Spector’s blood to cast a spell that reverts the Wendigos back to human form. Hulk changes into Banner and slips away.

HULK v4 #9 (12:4)
The morning after H4 9 (1-12). Banner leaves Las Vegas.

One day. This flashback occurs before H4 7/2 (7-11). With government intel stolen from Project Pegasus, Wizard and Leader contemplate recruiting Thundra as a member of the Frightful Four. Rulk secretly rifles through the villains’ purloined dossiers.

HULK v4 #7/2 (7-11)
One night, “days” after H4 7/2 (1-6). This segment occurs after FOTH:RH 2-FB (5:3-5:4). She-Hulk, Valkyrie, and Thundra find Red Hulk (Rulk) in a bar at Mount Rushmore. Rulk attacks the women, grabs Thundra’s chain, and wraps it around Jen’s neck. He threatens to kill Jen if the others don’t give up.
HULK v4 #8/2
The same night as H4 7/2 (7-11). Thundra blasts Rulk in the face, forcing him to let go of She-Hulk, who pummels Rulk into Mount Rushmore, destroying the Lincoln head. Valkyrie runs her sword through Rulk, but Rulk pulls it out and threatens the trio, who are joined by Tigra, Spider-Woman, Invisible Woman (in a cross between her pre- and post-FF 554 costumes – perhaps at a point between FF 553 and 554), Storm (in her X-Men costume), Hellcat, and Black Widow.
HULK v4 #9/2 (1-10)
The same night as H4 8/2. This story occurs shortly before S-H4 34 (3-5). The Lady Liberators take down Rulk and chain him up. Rulk bursts out of his chains and grabs Thundra, the only one of the women who advocated killing him. Rulk flies off with Thundra and makes her an offer
The same day as H4 9/2 (1-10). Rulk tells Thundra that Leader and Modok will make her an offer to get her back home. He tells her to accept the deal and to throw in with him when the villains’ plans go south.
HULK v4 #9/2 (11)
The same day as FOTH:RH 2-FB (6-7). Thundra calls Jen and lies to her that Rulk just let her go without saying anything. Sue notes that Carol is “doing her Ms. Marvel thing” with Hulk is Las Vegas, but this may refer to a follow-up to the actual Vegas battle that must have occurred days earlier.

SKAAR: SON OF HULK #9 (1-19:4)
One day?
SKAAR: SON OF HULK #12 – FB (25:2)
The same day as SOH 9 (1-19). Caiera and the Surfer look on.
SKAAR: SON OF HULK #9 (19:5-xx)
The same day as SOH 12-FB (25:2).
One day?
SKAAR: SON OF HULK #12 – FB (26:3-29)
The same day as SOH 10. As Skaar falls into the wormhole, he lashes out with his Old Power and zaps Galactus, which awakens him. The Surfer arrives and Galactus swats him across the universe.
The same day as SOH 12-FB (26-29). This story must occur after WOK:SWOS 1 and before HERC4 129. Because Loki is in female form, this story must occur before T 602 and probably before DR:CABAL 1/5. From her trailer in New Jersey, She-Hulk senses the coming of Skaar, as does the Hulk at a Nevada diner. They are compelled to go to Ohio, where Skaar lands on earth. Reed Richards detects his arrival. Reed, Ben, and Johnny catch up to She-Hulk in Pennsylvania, while Sue heads off the Hulk and subtly tries to slow his progress. In Gammaworld, Kate Waynesboro’s Old Power detects Skaar as well. Jen and the FF battle Skaar, and live footage of the skirmish is seen by Hercules and Cho in New York, a female Loki in Asgard, Logan in San Francisco, and Osborn at Gammaworld. As Osborn sends HAMMER to the scene, Reed manages to get a DNA sample from Skaar before Skaar vanishes. Hulk stops his advance, and Skaar has become a human boy. Green grass and trees in New Jersey and Ohio, and camping weather.
The same day as PSKR:P 1.
The same day as SOH 11. Hulk and Skaar battle, and Korg discovers that Hulk remembers nothing of Sakaar or the Warbound. Seeing Skaar’s eyes makes Hulk think of Caiera, but the memory disappears. Skaar’s rage causes a breech in a nearby nuclear power plant. Hulk helps save the day, but Skaar runs him through with a sword. He deems Hulk unworthy and refuses to kill him. Meanwhile, on the other side of the universe, Silver Surfer warns a planet that Galactus hungers for all worlds with the Old Power. In Iowa, Skaar reverts to child form. Leafy trees in Iowa.

HULK v4 #10
One night. Hulk agrees to fight for the Grandmaster in a contest against the Collector. Hulk selects the Defenders – Namor, Silver Surfer, and Dr. Strange – to be on his team, but Grandmaster plucks the heroes from various points in the past, along with a Hulk from the past to whom he bestows Banner’s intellect. Collector reveals his champions as the Offenders – Rulk, plus Baron Mordo, Terrax, and Tiger Shark, also plucked from various points in the past.
HULK v4 #11
The same night as H4 10. Hulk and Rulk battle in Atlantis, Silver Surfer and Terrax battle in the Microverse, Namor and Tiger Shark battle in the dimension of the Mindless Ones, and Dr. Strange and Baron Mordo battle on Zenn-La. The Grandmaster and the Collector are disappointed that the teams are too evenly matched, so they add new elements to each scenario – Galactus shows up to consume Zenn-La, Dorammu attacks Namor and Tiger Shark, the Pyscho-Man subdues the Surfer and Terrax. Rulk runs a spear through Hulk, killing him.
HULK v4 #12
The same night as H4 11. Collector collects Hulk as Rulk is sent back into the game. Rulk proceeds to kill Terrax, Psycho-Man, Silver Surfer, Namor, Tiger Shark, and Dormammu before getting blasted by Galactus. Rulk returns to Collector and Grandmaster, who resurrects the Defenders. Hulk gets mad and kills Grandmaster. Hulk clobbers Rulk, and Collector brings Jarella back to him, but she’s still dead. The Defenders are sent back to their own times with their memories wiped. Rulk gloats over Hulk’s grief and leaves. Full moon.

HULK TEAM-UP #1/2 (1-3)
One night. This segment must occur after X:MD 5/3. At a bar in San Francisco, Dazzler provides an impromptu performance and dances with Bruce Banner.

HULK TEAM-UP #1/2 (4-7)
The night of the day after HTU 1/2 (1-3). This segment probably occurs before DA/UX:U 1 (1-12). Banner attends a Dazzler concert at the Fillmore in San Francisco. When Alison flirts with him, he turns into Hulk and Dazzler tries to stop his rampage.

HULK TEAM-UP #1/2 (8)
The morning after HTU 1/2 (4-7). This segment must occur before H2 600-FB (8-27). Banner wakes up in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge and thinks about Dazzler’s thinking he can dance.

One day. This story must occur after DA 4. Charles Little Sky and his ARMOR agency detect a transdimensional teleportation from Earth-8009 and scarmble to intercept the dimension hopper. Lyra appears in Manhattan and battles ARMOR as she makes her way to Avengers Mansion, which she finds in ruins. Lyra is directed to Avengers Tower while Osborn (shown with Venom and Daken) chews out Little Sky for not stopping her. She-Hulk shows up to fight Lyra. Green trees in New York.
The same day as ANSSH 1. As She-Hulk battles Lyra, Osborn explains to Ares that he’s hoping this incident will discredit Little Sky and allow HAMMER to absorb ARMOR. She-Hulk argues with Lyra about Thundra, who Jen discovers is Lyra’s mother. Dark Avengers Daken, Captain Marvel, Sentry, Venom, and Iron Patriot arrive on the battle scene. Green trees in New York.
The same day as ANSSH 2. Noh-Varr subdues Lyra as the other Dark Avengers (now including Moonstone, Ares, and Sentry) watch. Sentry gives a statement about Lyra’s capture to the press, which pisses off Little Sky. She-Hulk returns and pounds Sentry. Lyra frees herself and tells Osborn she doesn’t want to kill him. She kisses him.
The same day as ANSSH 3. Boudicca steals information from Osborn’s computer systems and Lyra escapes with it. Osborn sics the Dark Avengers (Bullseye, Moonstone, Venom, Ares, Daken) on her, and she decks Ares and skewers Daken.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #602/2 – FB – FB (1:1)
The same day as ANSSH 3. As Ares recovers and Venom moves in, Lyra holds the skewered Daken on her bladed staff.
The same day as H2 602/2-FB-FB (1:1). This segment occurs “weeks” before ANSS 4 (21-22). Lyra tosses Daken aside and routs Venom and Bullsye before Moonstobe and Osborn turn the tide. She-Hulk and Sentry fight. She-Hulk joins Lyra and Little Sky teleports them out. Osborn traces the port to ARMOR and Osborn argues with Little Sky, who makes a deal with Lyra to let her join his organization in exchange for stolen info about Osborn.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #600 – FB (6-7)
One night, “three nights” before H2 600. This segment probably occurs after SHS 1 (4-18). Because Reed appears in FF 581 before Fall of the Hulks, then She-Hulk must appear here after FF 579 (1-4). She-Hulk summons Ben Urich for a clandestine meeting to discuss exposing Rulk, about whom Urich knows nothing. Jen instructs Ben to show up with a photographer at JFK airport “tomorrow night.”

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #600 – FB (8-27)
The night of the day after H2 600-FB (6-7). This segment occurs during the “week” before H2 601 (1-10) and H2 601/2. It must occur after HTU 1/2 (8). Urich and Peter Parker meet She-Hulk. They fly to Nevada and ride to Death Valley, where they meet up with Doc Samson outside Gamma Base, which has been taken over by AIM. Samson explains that the capture of Banner was secretly orchestrated by Modok and that the traitor Ross fooled him into believing that Gamma Base was operated by SHIELD. Samson says that Modok is operating a gamma-powered super soldier program. Modok’s brainwashing kicks in and Samson fights She-Hulk. Rulk finds Urich, but Spidey arrives to battle Rulk. The sight of the battle gets the captive Banner agitated and he turns into Hulk. Hulk attacks Rulk, but Rulk defeats him and Hulk reverts back to Banner. Rulk declares that Banner can never turn into Hulk again. A-Bomb grabs Banner to protect him as Gamma Base explodes, then they leave. Spidey changes back to Parker and rendezvouses with Urich. The status of She-Hulk and Samson are unknown.
The same night as H2 600-FB (8-27). Gamma Base’s force field holds, allowing Modok and the Leader to operate secretly. Samson and Rulk subdue She-Hulk and she’s placed in a tank.
HULK v4 #13 (1-19)
The same night as FOTH:SSH 2-FB (2-4). At Avengers Tower, Moonstone reports to Osborn that Banner can no longer change into Hulk. Osborn assigns Ares with confirmation of the report. Ares goes to the cave in which Banner and A-Bomb are laying low. Ares fights A-bomb and Banner, without turning into Hulk, locks Ares in a vault overnight. Waxing crescent moon.

HULK v4 #13 (20)
The “morning” after H4 13 (1-19). Ares reports back to Osborn, who celebrates the fact that Hulk is no more.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #600 – FB (28)
It must be the night of the day after H2 600-FB (8-27), since it’s “last night” and H2 600-FB (6-7) occurred “three nights ago” (apparently inclusive). This story occurs“several months” after H2 600-FB (2-3). Rulk catches up with Urich in New York and threatens Urich not to write about his discovery.
The same night as H2 600-FB (28). At the Front Line offices, Urich types out the story of Rulk, Modok, AIM, and Ross, knowing it won’t see print.

HULK v4 #13 (21-22)
The night of the day after H4 13 (20), since it is “two nights later.” Rick Jones and Bruce Banner part ways. Waxing crescent moon.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #600/3 (1-2)
One day. When renegade Sidhe chieftain Phinn Mac Mram tries to enslave the Mechclans on Earth 10001011, the Mechclans banish him and his warband to Earth 616.
The same day as H2 600/3 (1-2). This segment occurs “weeks” after ANSSH 4 (7-20). The Cyber-Sidhe land on earth at Cathenge in Nebraska. Lyra appears to battle the invaders as an agent of ARMOR.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #600/3 (3-15)
The same day as ANSSH 4 (21-22). As Lyra battles the Cyber-Sidhe, Khanata tells her that the aliens are infecting earth’s computer networks, and Boudicca gets infected. Lyra single-handedly defeats the Cyber-Sidhe and slays Phinn Mac Mram.

One night. Bruce Banner is in a motel room in New Jersey.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #601 (1-10)
The day after H2 601-FB. This segment occurs during the “week” after H2 600-FB (8-27). T’Challa must appear here sometime after being bedridden in DA/UX:U 1 (1-12). Banner stands up against an abusive father in a New York subway. Upon exiting the subway, he encounters the Fantastic Four, Bucky Cap, Colossus, Logan, Hercules, Stature, and Spidey. Banner meets with Reed and a team of big brains consisting of Pym, Beast, Cho, and T’Challa. They discuss Bruce’s Hulkless state, then Bruce grabs Hulk’s sword and teleports away.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #601 (11-20)
The day (“twenty three hours”) after H2 601 (1-10). In the Mohave Desert, Banner dons a gamma-absorbing armor and calls out Skaar. When Skaar is unable to defeat the armor, he switches to Old Power mode and defeats it. Banner offers to help Skaar and picks a fight with Juggernaut.
The same day as H2 601 (11-20). As Reed and Beast observe from afar, Juggernaut attacks Banner in Arizona, and Banner tries to get Juggy to fight Skaar. The two do fight, and Skaar ends up sending Juggernaut into orbit. From the Graymalkin Institute, Beast reports to Reed that they’re trying to find Juggernaut and that Banner is too dangerous. He tells Reed to stay out of the X-Men’s way as they deal with Banner. Logan pays Skaar a visit at a comic store in Texas. Green grass and trees in San Francisco.
The same day as H2 602. This story must occur before W:O 41 (1-11), and thus before W:O xx. Because Beast is at the Graymalkin Institute in H2 602, this story must occur before SI:DR 1 (1-7). Skaar stomps Logan and heads to a bar across town, where he meets Daken. Banner tells Logan he set up a meeting between Skaar and Daken and zaps Logan with an Old Power taser to keep him from interfering. Skaar and Logan spar, then Daken offers Skaar a place in Osborn’s Avengers. When Skaar changes into his human form and begs Daken to kill him, Banner and Logan intercede. A face-off ensues, and the quartet part. The Leader observes the scene from afar. Green grass and trees in Texas.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (1:2)
One day. Pvt. Rena Philips abuses a prisoner at Aby Fasaud Central Prison in Aquiria.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (1:3-1:5)
One day. Rena Philips shoots and kills her fiancé and fellow prisoner abuser, Sgt. Jeffrey Ivey.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (1:1)
Probably the same day as H2 604/2 (1:3-1:5). This flashback occurs before H2 603/2-FB. Rena Philips has her mug shot taken.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (4:2)
One day. Staff Sgt, Erin Cicero’s unit is killed in an ambush by insurgents during a peacekeeping operation in Symkaria.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (4:3-4:5)
One day. Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, Erin Cicero murders her husband and children and kills three police officers in a shootout.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #604/2 – FB (4:1)
Probably the same day as H2 604/2-FB (4:3-4:5). This flashback occurs before H2 603/2-FB. Erin Cicero has her mug shot taken.

One day, “three days” before H2 602/2. Osborn calls General Ryker, who he’s freed from jail and installed as head of the Origins Corporation. Osborn orders Ryker to capture Boudicca to secure the files stolen from Avengers Tower. He also orders the capture of Lyra so her DNA can be harvested for sale.

Probably the day after H3 602/2-FB. This flashback occurs after H2 604/2-FB (1:1) and H2 604/2-FB (4:1). Ryder recruits Aberration, Morass, and Axon into the Origins Corporation.

One day during the “week” after H2 600-FB (8-27). In ARMOR headquarters, Lyra gets upset at Charles Little Sky that She-Hulk has not arrived to continue her orientation to Earth-616. Agent Alexander Erde offers to help Lyra find She-Hulk and they end up in Death Valley, where they encounter Gamma Corps: Black – Aberration, Morass, and Axon. Axon kills Erde and the team receives orders from Ryker to capture Lyra for genetic harvest.
The same day as H2 601/2. This story occurs “three days” after H2 602/2-FB. Gamma Corps Black subdue Lyra, but Lyra calms herself, gets strong, attacks back, and flees. Aberration, Morass, and Axon split up to find Lyra. Lyra tricks Morass into reconstituting her form from the surrounding salt flats, then Lyra crushes Morass into pieces.
The same day as H3 602/2. Axon and Aberration kill people in a nearby town and call out Lyra.
The same day as H3 603/2. Lyra throws Aberration into a gas pump and the explosion destroys her flesh. A gamma “cancer” causes Aberration to mutate into a tumor-riddled creature. Axon kills a bunch of innocent bystanders and faces off against Lyra.
The same day as H2 604/2. This story occurs before FOTH:G 1 (8-29). This story occurs before FOTH:SSH 1-FB (1-8). To save more innocent bystanders, Lyra allows Axon to absorb her power, then she defeats Axon by making her angry. Ryker destroys Axon remotely. “Hours later,” Lyra arrives at Gamma Base, looking for She-Hulk. She encounters someone (Red She-Hulk) with a proposition for her.

The same day as W:O 39? This story must occur after DA/UX:E 1 (14-31), and because Emma is not in her diamond form in W:O 42 (6-22), Logan must appear here after UX 518.

Probably the day after W:O 40. This story occurs “a few days” after W:O xx and must occur after H3 603. Hatching a plan to defeat Romulus, Logan pays a visit to Banner, who he tries to get to turn into the Hulk despite Banner’s protestations that he can’t. Logan is attacked by Skaar, who he has met before. Skaar kicks Logan into the next state.

The day after W:O 41 (1-11). A father and son find Logan impaled on a tree in Washington state. Logan starts to heal, and the father offers to help him, but the son calls the FBI, and FBI Agent Bartholomew notifies Romulus. The authorities come for Logan, but Skaar stops them and Banner tells Logan he may be able to help. Green grass and trees in Washington state.
The same night as W:O 41 (12-22). This segment must occur before DR:TLH 1 (1-6). Logan succeeds in getting Banner and Skaar to aid him. Green grass and trees in Washington state.

The day after W:O 42 (1-5). Logan returns to Utopia, where he sees Colossus, Nightcrawler, Cloak, Warren, Emma (not in diamond form), and Scott. Logan has Cloak teleport him to Japan, where he interrupts a meeting of Clan Yashida and Silver Samurai, who disagrees with his family’s profit motives in forming an alliance with the Hand, secretly orchestrated by Romulus. Logan fights ninjas then faces off against Silver Samurai before asking him how to use the Muramasa Blade. Full moon.
The same day as W:O 42 (6-22). This segment occurs before W:O 48-FB and“four days” before W:O 43 (3-19). Silver Samurai begins training Logan.

One day during the “four days” between W:O 43 (1-2) and W:O 43 (3-19). Silver Samurai trains Logan.

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #43 – FB (4:3, 4:5-5:5)
One day. Victor Hudson abducts Dagger.
The same day as W:O 43-FB (4-5). This segment occurs after W:O 48-FB and “four days” after W:O 43 (1-2). Silver Samurai finishes training Logan. When Logan calls Cloak to be teleported out of Japan, Cloak reports on Dagger’s abduction and Logan, recognizing the abductor as Victor, has Cloak teleport them to San Francisco, where he knows Dagger must be kept. After interrogating Dagger about Logan’s plans, Victor’s accomplice concludes that Dagger knows nothing and has her call Cloak to find out. Prodigy (BTS) traces the call, and Cloak and Logan teleport to Dagger’s location. Upset, Victor kills his accomplice, and Logan kills Victor with the Muramasa Blade. Disgusted by Logan’s savagery, Dagger attacks him. Cloak confesses that he’s been helping Logan and that Logan is haunted by his future.
The same night as WLO 43 (3-19). Dagger encourages Cloak to continue helping Logan.
The same night as W:O 43-FB (20:3). Cloak advises Logan then offers to take him to his next destination, the Raft, where he seeks to break Ruby Thursday out of prison.
The same night as W:O 43 (20-22). Logan convinces Ruby to help him. As they and Cloak find themselves unable to leave the prison, Romulus calls to prison to inquire about who Logan is after. The prison calls HAMMER for assistance, and they think they get it when Skaar shows up, but once Skaar frees Cloak, Logan, and Ruby, HAMMER’s real reinforcement, Ares, shows up. As Skaar and Ares battle, Logan has Cloak teleport Ruby out. Skaar and Logan escape the prison and encounter Romulus, who’s skewered Ruby.
The same night as W:O 44. Romulus takes Ruby and forces her to tell him Logan’s plan.

The day after W:O 45 (1-2). This segment must occur before C&D4 1 (1-8). Ruby reports to Logan, who discovers that she ratted him out. They fight and Ruby skewers him. Cloak teleports Banner, Skaar, and Silver Samurai to the scene and they battle Ruby. Cloak teleports her back to prison and Logan tells his allies confiding in Ruby was a set-up.

The day after W:O 45 (3-18). Logan reports to the Answer, whose plan it was to involve Ruby to get her out of prison. Logan then reports to his backup plan, Deadpool.

One day. This segment must occur after W:O 42 (1-5). At a HAMMER facility in New Mexico, Victoria Hand oversees the siphoning of the captive Katherine Waynesboro’s Old Power. Banner and Skaar raid the facility and free Waynesboro.

The night of the day (“thirty-seven hours”) after DR:TLH 1 (1-6). Hand reports to Osborn at Avengers Tower. Osborn decides that Banner has made his list and decides to send someone to cross him off the list.

The day (“twelve hours”) after DR:TLH 1 (7). This segment occurs before H2 604. Hand and Moonstone head to another HAMMER Old Power facility to fight Banner and Skaar. The fight comes to an end when Skaar realizes what’s going on. After Hill and Karla leave, Skaar tells Banner that the facility was also a gamma lab and Banner’s exposed cells start to mutate. Figuring that Skaar will dispatch Banner once he becomes the Hulk, he scratches Banner off his list.

One day. This flashback occurs before WWH 1/5. She-Hulk attempts to escape from her AIM captors, but Red She-Hulk attacks and seemingly kills her.

One day, shortly after H2 606/2-FB and a “week” before H2 606/2. Doc Samson writes a psychological report about Red She-Hulk.

One day. As Modok looks on, the Leader reviews a video of Red She-Hulk’s battle with Wolverine, wondering why she failed her mission. They review Sampson’s report on her.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #605 – FB (7:4)
One day. Mole Man tries to control the Sakaar creatures, who are growing restless in his domain.

WORLD WAR HULKS #1/4 – FB (6:3)
One day, “two days” before WWH 1/4. Doc Samson watches Modok, Wizard, and Red Ghost scheme.
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/4 – FB (3:5-4)
The same day as WWH 1/4-FB (6:3). This flashback occurs “two days” before WWH 1/4. Bill Davis volunteers for the Intelligencia’s cathexis-ray test, in which he would be bombarded with power from the captive She-Hulk.

WORLD WAR HULKS #1/4 – FB (2:1)
One day. Bill Davis prepares to begin the cathexis-ray test.
The same day as WWH 1/4-FB (2:1). This story occurs “two days” after WWH 1/4-FB (6:3) and WWH 1/4-FB (3:5-4). The cathesis-ray test turns Bill Davis into a pain-wracked red brute, he attacks Samson, who ends up killing Davis.

HULK v4 #21 – FB
One day, “two weeks” before HULK4 21 (4-12). This flashback occurs before FOTH:G 1-FB (1:2). Rulk approaches Banner in a New Mexico diner and tells him Betty’s alive. In return for Banner’s help, Rulk says the two of them are “going to save the world.” Rulk tells Banner who he is.

The day before REDH 1. Rulk raids AIM’s east base.

One day. This flashback occurs before WWHs 1/5. Doc Samson, Leader, and Modok change Betty Banner into Red She-Hulk.

One night, “two weeks before the Fall of the Hulks.” This story occurs after H2 606/2-FB and H2 610-FB. The Leader tells Red She-Hulk that she killed a She-Hulk LMD and that the real She-Hulk is a captive. Demanding to see She-Hulk for herself, Red She-Hulk storms into the Mad Thinker’s lab and fights the Gammadroid. She defeats the android and makes her way to She-Hulk’s holding cell, where Samson confronts her before the Leader zaps her. Full moon.

One day, “weeks” before FOTH:RH 4. The Intelligencia review their plan at Gamma Base, and Rulk criticizes them for not factoring the Hulk into the scenario. The incensed Modok lashes out at Rulk, but Leader takes Rulk’s advice to heart and runs through likely scenarios for their plan that all turn out disastrous. Rulk smiles in the shadows.

One night, “three nights” before H4 17. Doc Samson pays Silver Sable $100,000 to deliver a message to Domino.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #611 – FB (1:5-4)
One day, “two weeks” before H2 611. Banner records a videotaped message for the heroes to see after the anticipated return of the Hulk.

HULK v4 #14 (1-18)
One night. This story must occur after DP4 18 and probably after PUN8 10. Rulk catches Domino spying on Doc Samson, attacks her, and assumes he killed her. Samson and Ross tell Rulk to gather a team of specific individuals to find her within “twenty-four hours.” As instructed, Rulk recruits Deadpool, Punisher, Crimson Dynamo, and Elektra, but adds Thundra to his team as his inside operative.

HULK v4 #13 (19-22)
The early morning (“six hours”) after H4 14 (1-18). Rulk and his team find Domino in a bar in Hell’s Kitchen. They also encounter her teammates in X-Force – Warpath, X-23, Logan, and Archangel.
HULK v4 #15 (1)
The same day as H4 14 (19-22). X-Force faces off against Rulk’s team.
The same day as H5 15 (1). The two teams charge at each other.
HULK v4 #15 (2-23)
The same day as H4 14 (19-22). Logan attacks and blinds Rulk, who tosses the mutant away. Archangel takes Dynamo into the sky, where the Russian explodes. Punisher stabs X-23, who smacks the vigilante. Domino blasts Thundra then gets tackled by Elektra, who suggests that the battle was a set-up. Warpath and Deadpool fight and get caught in a gas explosion. When the smoke clears, Domino and Elektra are gone. Logan slams Rulk with a taxi then gets floored by Red She-Hulk.
HULK v4 #16
The same day as H4 15 (2-23). Logan fights Red She-Hulk, and when Archangel returns and the battle is joined with Punisher, Thundra, and Deadpool, Red She-Hulk makes off with the blind Rulk. Logan takes off to find Domino and Elektra, and Doc Samson addresses Warren, Castle, Wade, and Thundra. Red She-Hulk leads Rulk through subterranean tunnels, then stabs him in the neck as Thundra, Punisher, and Deadpool gather around under Samson’s leadership.
HULK v4 #17
The same day as H4 16. This story must occur before DR:TLP 1. As Wade and Castle stand by, unsure of their loyalties, Thundra attacks Doc Samson and Red She-Hulk resumes her fight with Rulk, who regains his sight. Rulk takes Red She-Hulk to the top of the Empire State Building and she manages to throw him off. The resulting shockwave awakens the sleeping Thing at the Baxter Building. Elektra finds Rulk and leads him to Domino, who has Silver Sable at gunpoint at her penthouse and gets her to talk about Samson’s set-up. Rulk orders X-Force to leave the premises, holding his knowledge of their wetworks operation over them. Rulk forces Sable to give him the payment she received from Samson. Elektra tells Rulk he needs to pay off Dynamo, Deadpool, and Punisher to keep them on his side. He does so, then reconnoiters with Thundra.
The same day as H4 17. Rulk gives Thundra a communication device and tells her to call him if the Wizard comes for her.
Paul B.
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

One night, shortly after FOTH:RH 2-FB (8:4). This flashback occurs before FOTH:SSH 1-FB. Wizard, Klaw, and Trapster offer Thundra a spot of the Frightful Four and tell her about the plot to capture Reed Richards. She refuses and they attack her. Thundra calls in Rulk, and the Frightful Four take off. Thundra tells Rulk she’s aware of Lyra and shows him a video of her fighting Iron Patriot and Daken.

HULK v4 #18
One day. Doc Samson psycho-analyzes himself and kills the intellectual Dr. Samson part of himself. Modok monitors him and concludes that he’s ready.

WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 – FB (1-3:2)
One day, “a week” before WWH 1/6 (3-4). This flashback cannot occur “yesterday” relative to HOH 2. After spending “the past three weeks” in a New York brothel, Deadpool flees for not settling hid debt there. He resolves to find Rulk, who owes him money.

One day. This flashback occurs after FOTH:RH 2-FB (9-15) and H2 605/2 and “two days” before FOTH:SSH 1-FB (9-18). Blaming her mother for her status, Lyra attacks Thundra in the Southwest, but Thundra defeats her daughter. Modok and the Leader observe from Intelligencia Base. Wizard decides to asks Lyra to join the Frightful Four.

One day, “two days” after FOTH:SSH 1-FB (1-8). Wizard, Trapster, and Klaw try to force Lyra to join the Frightful Four, and the villains are joined by Red She-Hulk, who demands an answer about the offer she made Lyra. Wizard is forced to drop Red She-Hulk when she appears to be killing Lyra. Wizard asks Lyra to consider and he and his team leave. Green trees in New York.

The day after FOTH:SSH 1-FB (9-18). This flashback occurs before H4 19. Lyra reports for duty with the Frightful Four and destroys Boudicca as a show of faith. Wizard tells her they’re going to infiltrate the Baxter Building.
The same day as FOTH:SSH 1-FB (19-20). As Wizard and Trapster walk away, Lyra retrieves the broken Boudicca.

WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 – FB (3:3-3:6)
A short span of time during the “week” between WWH 1/6-FB (1-3) and WWH 1/6 (3-4). Deadpool tries to track Rulk down and finally reaches New Mexico.

One day, probably after FOTH:RH 4. Rulk raids another AIM facility looking for Modok’s doomsday device. A-Bomb arrives to keep an eye on Rulk’s mission, and they see the brains of clone Modoks being harvested for use by Modok and AIM. They find the device, Cosmic Hulk (Hulk robot), and learns about is past from a data disc. Cosmic Hulk is activated and fights Rulk and A-Bomb, siphoning Rulk’s cosmic energy as planned by Leader and Modok. Cosmic Hulk leaves and the villains blow up the facility. Rulk and A-Bomb report to Banner at his secret cave. Rick gives Bruce the data disc recovered from the facility and they learn that Cosmic Hulk was a creation of Galactus prior to his herald program. Rulk tells Banner that they could try to get help from his daughter, Lyra.
The same day as FITH:RH 1. This segment occurs before H2 606-FB (11-21). Rulk tells Banner that Lyra is his daughter by Thundra and that she’s joined the Frightful Four. Banner tells Rulk and A-Bomb that he’ll be preparing Skaar for a Latverian attack. Rulk thinks about info he’s keeping from Banner.

One day, after DR:TLH 1 (8-22), which is referred to as having occurred “recently.” This story occurs shortly after H2 605-FB (7:4). Banner brings Skaar to Gammaworld in New Mexico, where he mixes it up with Korg, Kate Waynesboro, and A-Bomb. Banner and Kate break into the Leader’s lair, where they encounter the Harpy. When Harpy attacks Banner, Korg, A-Bomb, and Skaar fight her, and when she reverts to human form, everyone discovers it’s Marlo Chandler. Leader destroys his compromised lab, Kate kisses Banner, and Banner is alerted to an attack by Mole Man and his Sakaar creatures in New York, where the invaders face the Fantastic Four.
The same day as H2 604. This story occurs before FOTH:G 1 (8-29). Banner and Skaar arrive at the FF’s battle with Mole Man, who says that the creatures have been waiting to kneel before their king, Skaar. Tyrannus bores to the surface and attacks Skaar. Tyrannus uses Deviant wizardry to mutate the Sakaar creatures. Skaar fights and defeats the creatures. Mole Man and Tryannus retreat. Reed questions if Banner really endangered millions to teach his son a lesson in right and wrong. Skaar faces an appreciative public.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #606 – FB (2-10)
The same day as H2 605. This flashback occurs two days “”forty-nine hours” before H2 606-FB (11-21) and later the same year as H4 4 (1-21). New York cheers Skaar, the Fantastic Four, and Banner as the Watcher looks on. Bruce thinks he sees Betty in the audience. Reed asks Banner about the conversation with Ross. Banner teleports to New Mexico, where he tells Rulk about Reed’s inquisitiveness and Betty’s appearance. Rulk tells Banner he’s the monster.
HULK v4 #23 – FB (30/31:7-30/31:8)
The same day as H2 606-FB (2-10). Banner tells Rulk that Thunderbolt Ross has to die and they plan to stage the death of a Ross LMD. After this, Rulk and Banner hijack the Ross LMD and get the Redeemer armor.
FALL OF THE HULKS: GAMMA #1 – FB (1:2, 1:4, 2:1-2:4, 3-5)
One night. This flashback occurs after H4 21-FB. Wearing the Redeemer armor created by SHIELD, a Thunderbolt Ross LMD attacks Rulk and puts him down for the count, but Rulk rallies and kills the Ross LMD.
HULK v4 #23 – FB (33:4-33:6)
The same night as FOTH:G 1-FB (3-5). Banner joins Rulk at the deceased LMD body and discusses their gambit.

The day after FOTH:G 1-FB (3-5). This segment occurs “two days” before FOTH:G 1 (8-29) and must occur before WWH 1/3. Given Steve Rogers’ presence in FOTH:G 1 (8-22), Bucky must appear here after CA:WWWTS 1 (1-22). Doc Samson, Ms. Marvel, and Bucky Cap observe as the Air Force removes Ross’ corpse (actually, an LMD) from the reflecting pool near the Washington Monument. Barnes thinks he sees someone he knew once. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC.
HULK v4 #23 – FB (29:3-29:7)
The same day as FOTH:G 1 (1-7). As Rulk and Samson plan to dispose of the “deceased” Ross LMD, Clay Quartermain shows up and threatens to investigate their actions. Samson kills Quartermain.

One day, “two days” after FOTH:G 1 (1-7). This segment occurs after H2 605 and H2 605/2 and before H4 19 (1-17) and must occur after HULK4 21-FB. The funeral for Thunderbolt Ross is held at Arlington National Cemetery. Among the attendees are Steve Rogers, Ms. Marvel, Bucky Cap, Reed and Sue Richards, A-Bomb, Thing, Simon Savage, and Doc Samson, the latter three of whom give eulogies. A-Bomb introduces a half-expected attendee, Bruce Banner, who gives a eulogy as well. The ceremony is observed at an Intelligencia monitoring station by Red She-Hulk and Lyja, who get into a fight which is stopped by Modok. Ross gets a 21-gun salute. That night,” Glenn Talbot and Betty Ross visit Thunderbolt Ross’ grave. Doc Samson meets with the Intelligencia (Modok, Leader, Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android, Wizard, and Red Ghost and his Super Apes) and discuss how Ross’ murder impacts their plans. Rulk and his accomplice in Ross’ murder, Bruce Banner, arrive at a subterranean vault. Green trees in Washington, DC.
The same day as FOTH:G 1 (8-29). As Ms. Marvel looks on at Avengers Hideout, Bucky Cap checks on the identity of someone he recognized at Ross’ funeral – Glenn Talbot.
Perhaps the same day as FOTH:G 1 (8-29). This story must occur after FOTH:G 1 (1-7) and probably before H2 606-FB (11-21). Talbot shows Betty the Cosmic Hulk, which breaks out of its cage and rampages before Talbot stops it.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #606 – FB (11-21)
One day. This flashback occurs after FOTH:RH 2 (1-15) and “two days” after H2 606-FB (2-10), must occur after DOOMWAR #6 (18-21), and probably after WWH 1/3. Should Doom appear here after A:CC 2? Banner teleports to Latveria, where Cosmic Hulk attacks Doom.. Doom absorbs his power, but Skaar shows up and pummels Doom, only to discover it’s a Doombot. Doom attacks and Skaar reverts to his child form. Doom prepares to attack Hulk.
The same day as H2 606-FB (11-21). Banner tells Doom he consumed a poison pill when he absorbed cosmic Hulk’s power, courtesy of the Leader, and lacks the intelligence to muster any spells or use his technology. As Leader watches from afar, cosmic Hulk takes Doom away. Banner and Skaar leave to help the Avengers (Spider-Man, Stature, Vision, Quicksilver, U.S.Agent), who are fighting Red She-Hulk. Green grass and trees and apparently mild weather in New York and harvest time in Latveria.
HULK v4 #19 (1-17)
One “Saturday night.” This story occurs after FOTH:G 1 (8-29) and FOTH:SSH 1-FB (19-20) and must occur the same night as H2 606. The Frightful Four (Wizard, Klaw, Lyra, and Trapster) attack the Fantastic Four in the Baxter Building. Wizard opens the portal to the Negative Zone and when the Thing gets sucked in, Rulk shows up. Watching from afar, Samson gets upset at Rulk’s appearance and Red She-Hulk attacks him, but Modok blasts her.
The same night as H4 19 (1-17). The stripped Lyra administers a coup-de-grace to Johnny,
HULK v4 #19 (18-22)
The same night as FITH:SSH 1-FB (21:1). After they fight, Rulk convinces Thing that he’s there to help, and together they close the portal. Lyra dons a red FF costume and the Frightful Four leave with Reed their captive. Rulk reports to Banner that Reed was captured, and Banner figures they’ll move on Pym or Beast next. Full moon.
The same night as H4 19 (18-22). Lyra drives a stolen FF sky vehicle onto which the Frightful Four have boarded with the captive Reed.
The same night as FOTH:RH 2-FB (15:4). With Wizard now driving the stolen sky vehicle, the Frightful Four go to the Intelligencia base, a reappropriated Helicarrier.
The same night as FOTH:SSH 1-FB (22:3-22:4). This flashback cannot occur “two nights” before FOTH:SSH 2 (6/7-22) but rather earlier the same night. Banner makes contact with Lyra and tells her to hold off on freeing She-Hulk.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #607 (1-18)
The same night as H2 606. This story must occur the same night as H4 19 (18-22). Pym notes that Banner has had “at least four meetings” with Rulk “over the past three weeks,” but Banner’s first meeting with Rulk – in H4 21-FB – was actually two weeks ago, according to H4 21 (4-12). Since Herc is not among the Mighty Avengers, this segment probably occurs after H:FOAA 1-FB and is one of the Mighty team’s appearances for appearances’ sake following Herc’s death and before MA 35-FB. Modok and the Leader monitor the captive Doom. Having “taken the bait,” Pym (who is “scientist supreme”) arrives and attacks the villains, but Modok and the Leader escape. Pym goes to help his fellow Avengers (Spidey, Cho, Quicksilver, Logan, Vision, Stature, U.S.Agent) against Red She-Hulk. The heroes lock themselves away from her, and Banner and Skaar arrive. Banner tells Pym that the Leader’s collecting big brains and tries to teleport out of danger with Pym, but Pym resists, having detected that Banner’s been working with Rulk. Red She-Hulk’s attack leaves Pym critically injured, and Pym sends a distress signal to the New Avengers (Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Mockingbird, Ronin), Photon, War Machine, Bucky Cap, and Thor. The reinforcements arrive via Pym portals to the Infinite Avengers Mansion. Cho uses War Machine to stop Pym’s seizure, but Red She-Hulk seizes Pym and disappears. Banner chides the Avengers for not trusting him and allowing Pym to get captured.
HULK v4 #20
The same night as H4 19 (19-22) and H2 607 (1-18). Stark is noted as “so mentally disabled he’s become irrelevant.” Modok, Wizard, and Mad Thinker tend to the captive Reed Richards and Doom. Leader dispatches Red Ghost to Wakanda, where Storm celebrates her birthday with T’Challa, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, and Angel. Red Ghost creates an EMP burst that takes out the electricity and he captures T’Challa. Rulk intercepts Red Ghost, but the X-Men attack him. Mikhlo subdues the Beast, but Rulk kills Mikhlo. Red Ghost gets away with both T’Challa and Beast. Rulk returns to Banner at the Cave, and Red Ghost reports to the Leader and Doc Samson. Full moon.
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 (3:7-4)
The same night as H4 20 (day in western U.S.). This story occurs “a week” after WWH 1/6-FB (1-3). Rulk finds Deadpool in New Mexico and recruits him to infiltrate the Intelligencia’s base with him.

INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #607 (19-23)
The early morning after WWH 1/6 (3-4). Aboard an Avengers Quinjet, Banner tells his hand-picked squad (Skaar, Cho, Korg, A-Bomb, Spidey, Namor, and Logan) that the Leader and Modok abducted Beast and T’Challa “three minutes ago.” Banner tells them that Betty is alive and that they’re going to save her. They storm the Arizona base where Betty is as the Leader and Modok prepare to “save the world.”
HULK v4 #21 (4-12)
The same early morning as H2 607 (19-23). This segment occurs “two weeks” after H4 21-FB. Rulk sets an explosive with a timer on the Helicarrier and makes his way in with a gym bag. Awesome Android and Modok attack him and Cosmic Hulk defeats him.
The same early morning as H2 607 (19-23). Banner, Korg, and A-Bomb take out Red Ghost and Talbot, but Betty refuses to go with Banner and expresses her dissatisfaction with him. The Intelligencia observe the scene from their Helicarrier headquarters, which is raided by Banner and his allies (Skaar, Logan, Spidey, Namor). The Banner at the Arizona base is revealed to be Amadeus Cho in disguise. The Leader teleports away, leaving the Frightful Four to fight the heroes. At the Arizona base, Talbot locks Betty in the presidential bomb shelter and teleports away from Cho. Skaar sees Lyra helping Banner reach the captive big brains and demands to know what’s going on. Cho reports in to Banner on the Intelligencia’s manufacture of Hulks, but Banner tells Cho to focus on saving Betty. Banner tells Skaar that he’s been playing him and the heroes to save Betty and the world. Red She-Hulk attacks Banner’s allies aboard the Helicarrier.
The same early morning as H2 608 (1-15). This story occurs shortly after FTH:SSH 1-FB (22:3-22:4). Lyra searches the Intelligencia base and finds She-Hulk in a holding tank.
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 1. Lyra frees She-Hulk from the tank as sounds of battle are heard.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #608 (16)
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 2 (1-6/7). Red She-Hulk slices through Skaar.
The same early morning as H2 608 (16). As Skaar is skewered by Red She-Hulk, Namor, Spidey, and Logan fight the Wizard, Trapster, and Klaw.
INCREDIBLE HULK v2 #608 (17:1-17:3)
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 2 (6/7:2). Banner takes out Red She-Hulk.
The same early morning as H2 608 (17:1-17:3). This segment must occur the same night as FOTH:SSH 2-FB (8:3), not “two nights” later. As She-Hulk recovers, she talks with Lyra about what’s happened and about Thundra. Red She-Hulk, now revived, bursts in and decks Lyra, but She-Hulk attacks Red She-Hulk and tries to get her to join against Samson and Leader. Red She-Hulk smacks She-Hulk aside as the helicarrier pitches.
HULK v4 #21 (13-17:2)
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 2 (6/7-). The Fantastic Four (Thing, Invisible Woman, Human Torch), the X-Men (Cyclops, Storm, Angel, Iceman), and the Avengers (Thor, Ms. Marvel, Bucky Cap) storm the Helicarrier to evacuate the freed big brains. Deadpool cuts his way out of the gym bag brought aboard by Rulk. Doc Samson fires a beam at the captive Rulk to serve as a power source for an army of Hulks.
INCREDIBLE HULK #608 (17:4-20)
The same early morning as H4 21 (13-17). Banner notices the explosion resulting from Rulk’s beam bombardment. Skaar is blown out of the Helicarrier as beams radiate around, turning everyone into Hulks.
HULK v4 #21 (17:3-21:1)
The same early morning as H2 608 (17-20). The Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers turn into Hulks. Deadpool attacks Samson, who tricks Wade into breaking open the containment tube holding Rulk. According to H2 609, it is “4:32 AM Eastern time.”
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 (5:2-5:5)
The same early morning as H4 21 (17-21). Wade gets drenched in the fluid from Rulk’s containment tube and he begins to change.
HULK v4 #21 (21:2-21:3)
The same early morning as WWH 1/6 (5:2-5:5). Wade turns into Hulkpool.
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 (6:1)
The same early morning as H4 21 (21:2-21:3). Wade reacts to what happened to him.
HULK v4 #21 (22:1)
The same early morning as WWH 1/6 (6:1). Hulkpool throws Rulk across the room.
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 (6:2)
The same early morning as H4 21 (22:1). Rulk smacks Hulkpool.
HULK v4 #21 (22:2)
The same early morning as WWH 1/6 (6:2). Rulk throws Hulkpool.
WORLD WAR HULKS #1/6 (6:3-8)
The same early morning as H4 21 (22:2). Hulkpool lands in a room where he encounters Bob, now working for AIM instead of Hydra. Bob leads Hulkpool out of the Intelligencia’s helicarrier to find Doom’s time machine so Hulkpool can go back in time and smash Deadpool.
HULK v4 #21 (22:3-23)
The same early morning as WWH 1/6 (6-8). Aboard the helicarrier, the Hulked-up FF, Avengers, and X-Men attack Rulk.
The same early morning as H4 21 (12-23). As Rulk gets to his feet, the Hulked-out Thor repeats, “Thor shall smash Hulk!”
INCREDIBLE HULK #608 (21-24)
The same early morning as HOH 1 (1). The heroes attack Banner, who then finds himself living a dream as a captive of Modok, Leader, and Red She-Hulk.
HULK v4 #21 (24)
The same early morning as H2 608 (21-24). Rulk despairs of losing as Modok, Samson, and Leader watch over Banner.
The same early morning as H4 21 (24). The captive Banner continues to live his dream as part of the Leader’s fantasy construct. Red She-Hulk tells the Leader to kill the captive heroes and Modok reports that the irradiated heroes are tearing the facility to pieces. Red She-Hulk leaves to join in the smashing. Glenn Talbot holds a press conference about the heroes going insane and attacking a helicarrier tasked with defending Washington. A-Bomb and Korg arrive on the scene to battle hulked-out AIM soldiers and are joined by Skaar.
The same early morning as H2 609 (1-7). As Red She-Hulk holds clings to the pitching helicarrier, She-Hulk and Lyra fall from the helicarrier and slam into the army of Hulked-out soldiers attacking the Capitol. The two heroines fight the soldiers, then they dash into the Smithsonian, where Lyra begins to record a message for the future on Boudicca.
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 3 (1-11). Lyra records her message for Thundra.
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 3-FB. The Hulked-out Bucky Cap and Logan fall from the helicarrier and fight each other in Washington, DC. As he fights, Logan thinks of a previous adventure involving Winter Soldier. Full moon.
The same early morning as FOTH:CAVW 1. The Hulked-out Logan’s fight against the Hulked-out Bucky Cap continues, as do Logan’s memories. Logan beats Cap and walks off.
The same early morning as FOTH:CAVW 2. The Hulked-out Photon battles the Hulkd-out War Machine, Ms. Marvel, and Thing. When Photon and Ms. Marvel are kayoed, the Hulked-out Human Torch sets his sights on Thing.
The same early morning as FOTH:CAVW 1/2. The Hulked-out Thing fights the Hulked-out Human Torch to a standstill.
The same early morning as FOTH:CAVW 2/2. As A-Bomb and Skaar fight Hulked-out soldiers on the National Mall, the Hulked-out Spidey and Thor stop their own fight and head into the Smithsonian, where they both recall events from their childhoods. Thor gets belligerent and Spidey fights him.
The same early morning as FOTH:SMVT 1. The Hulked-out Spider-Man and the Hulked-out Thor fight each other in a museum, but when Hulked-out soldiers threaten the displays, the two heroes team up to fight them. Green trees in Washington, DC.
The same early morning as FOTH:SMVT 2. The Hulked-out Cyclops and Iceman get into an argument that escalates into a fight.
The same early morning as FOTH:SMVT 1/2. The Hulked-out Cyclops and Hulked-out Iceman fight until Cyclops becomes fed up with Iceman’s shenanigans and walks away, with a incy “Smash me” sign on his back.
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 3-FB. Lyra stores Boudicca in a time capsule. They dash back outside and see that Skaar, Korg, and A-Bomb are in the fight with the Hulked-out soldiers, but then they witness the arrival of the Hulked-out heroes on the battlefield. She-Hulk and Lyra battle Iceman, Wolverine, Thing, and Namor. Red She-Hulk joins She-Hulk and Lyra in fighting off Namor. Red She-Hulk announces that she’s turned against Modok and joins the two heroines in fighting more Hulked-out soldiers. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC.
HULK v4 #22
The same early morning as FOTH:SSH 3 (12-19). Rulk battles the hulked-out Thor, Storm, Bucky Cap, Ms. Marvel, Invisible Woman, Thing, Iceman, Human Torch, and Cyclops before getting away. Leader tells Samson that exposure to his cathexis ray will kill the hulked-out heroes within hours. Rulk is attacked by the hulked-out Spidey and Logan. After defeating them, he is attacked by Red She-Hulk. Samson objects to this use of Red She-Hulk and attacks the Leader, who orders Modok to blast Samson. Red She-Hulk siphons the power of Rulk, who stands revealed as her father, Thunderbolt Ross.
The same early morning as H4 22 In the Southwest, Hulkpool and Bob reach the time machine that Thundra and Rulk stole from Doom. Bob sends Hulkpool back in time, and Wade finds himself in Blackbeard’s time with the Thing, in prehistory with Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, in the old West with Hawkeye and Two-Gun Kid, and in 1945 with Cap and Bucky.
The same morning as HOH 1 (2-22). WWH 1/6 (1-3) cannot have occurred “yesterday” relative to this story. Hulkpool continues to tumble through time in an alternate timeline until he encounters Deadpool in the brothel from WWH 1/6. Hulkpool slices up his alternate reality self, then gets pulled back to the mainstream present. Hulkpool resolves to help Rulk and bounds away, leaving Bob alone in the southwestern desert.
The same day as HOH 2. As Banner continues to dream, A-Bomb, Korg, and Skaar battle the hulked-out heroes. Doom tries to download the Leadertech gathered from the other big brains, but Banner tricks Doom into frying his own brain. Red She-Hulk attacks Banner, and Skaar comes to his rescue by skewering Red She-Hulk, who reverts to her normal form of Betty Ross.
The same day as H2 609 (8-23). Banner tries to get Betty to change back into Red She-Hulk to save her life but she refuses. Samson forces the conversion and gets pummeled by She-Hulk. The brainiacs are freed and a Cho arrives with a massive head, the result of his exposure to the Leader’s Cathexis Ray. Leader sics his humanoids on the heroes, Cho faces off against Modok, and Banner faces the Leader, who teleports away. Cho defeats Modok as Reed, Beast, T’Challa, Pym, and Banner work on a cathexis drain. They finish their work and revert Cho to normal, but the drain overloads, requiring Banner to absorb the excess energy and resume his Hulk identity. Samson assists Banner to relieve the machinery’s pressure and sacrifices his life. The Hulkd-our soldiers and heroes revert to normal and the Hulk lives again, prompting Skaar to step up to slay him.
The same day as H2 610. This story occurs “two weeks” after H2 611-FB (1-4) and must occur more than “thirty years” after H2 611-FB (1:1-1:4). The brainiacs see Banner’s videotaped recording about his manipulation and betrayal of the “past few months.” Hulk and Skaar battle from Washington to Maryland, where Red She-Hulk enters the fray and gets smacked by Skaar. After saving innocent bystanders from the damage the battle causes, Hulk pummels Skaar. Skaar returns to his child form and Hulk turns into Banner. Skaar hugs Banner.
The day after FOTH:RH 2-FB (15:4). Rulk and Thundra arrive in Latveria and infiltrate Doom’s compromised castle, where nosferatu attack them. Thundra activates a temporal shift that teleports the creatures away. Rulk and Thundra abscond with Doom’s time machine and hide it in the American Southwest where Thundra’s people will find it in the future. Thundra activates the machine and heads back to her own time. A-Bomb spies on Rulk.
The same day as FOTH:RH 2 (15-22). A-Bomb attacks Rulk and forces Rulk to tell him things about his A-Bomb programming. Banner joins the fight in a new Redeemer armor, and the trio reach an impasse. Rulk helps with triggering the clue that sets Rick to kill Banner, and Banner gets Rick to triumph over the post-hypnotic suggestion by getting him to face his guilt and anger. Rick breaks free of the Intelligencia’s programming.
HULK v4 #23
The same day as FOTH:RH 3. This story occurs “years” after H4 23-FB (1), “several months” after H4 23-FB (26-28), and “two weeks” after H4 23-FB (22). Thunderbolt Ross encounters Cosmic Hulk aboard the helicarrier. Ross turns back into Rulk and tears the Cosmic Hulk apart. Rulk drains the gamma energy from the Leader, leaving him normal. Glenn Talbot addresses the nation about the uprising in Washington. Rulk pulls off Talbot’s head, revealing him to be a robot.
HULK v4 #24 (1-21)
The same day as H4 23. This segment occurs “four days” before H2 612. Rulk’s address is interrupted by Hulk, who attacks Rulk. Red She-Hulk tries to stop Hulk, but She-Hulk attacks her. Red Ghost, Klaw, Wizard, Mad Thinker, and Trapster escape. After a brutal battle, Hulk defeats Rulk and gets him to surrender.

One day, “weeks” after FOTH:RH 4-FB. The Gammadroid visits Thundra’s dwelling in the southwest and, controlled by the Mad Thinker, uses Doom’s time machine to see a portal into a likely future. The Thinker, Leader, Modok, and Trapster watch as they see a victorious future based on their current plans, little realizing that the machine was rigged by Banner and Rulk to show them a fabricated future designed to make the Intelligencia overconfident.
HULK v4 #24 (22-24)
One day, not long after H4 24 (1-21). This segment must occur before A4 7. Hulk hosts Steve Rogers (in his Super-Soldier costume) at Gamma Base, of which Hulk is commander. Hulk suggests that Rulk work as a weapon for Rogers, whom Rulk respects.
HULK v4 #25 – FB
The same day as H4 24 (22-24). This flashback occurs “three days” before H4 25. Rogers convinces Rulk to drop his attitude and cooperate by changing back into Thunderbolt Ross and subjecting himself to Banner’s examination. Banner, who’s spent “the last couple of days” reviewing the Intelligencia’s files on Rulk, switches off Ross’ ability to absorb biopower in order to prevent him from dying, a failsafe contingency of Modok’s. Banner tells Ross that he’s learned about Leader’s and Modok’s contingency plan for defeat, Scorched Earth, and Rogers has three teams on the job dealing with the plan’s measures – Thunderbolts (Juggernaut, Man-Thing, Crossbones), Atlas (Namora, Gorilla Man, Jimmy Woo, Uranian), and Thing (perhaps with the New Avengers bts). Banner notes that Rick can handle a new threat in San Diego. Banner alerts Rogers to a virus in Silicon Valley and Rogers assigns Ross the job to stop it. Ross changes into Rulk and leaps toward California.
HULK v4 #25
The same day as H4 25-FB. Rulk arrives at Omnisapient Systems in Santa Clara and fights virus-infected creatures. Iron Man shows up, but he attacks Rulk, not realizing they’re on the same team. He blasts Rulk but is forced to abandon his armor when the creatures attack him.
HULK v4 #25/2
The same day as H4 25. Banner instructs Rick to go to San Diego to face a creature coming in from the Pacific. A-Bomb battles the creature as mysterious beings observe him.

How do these Hulk appearances/references fit in?

One day. Athena notes that Cho has been with Herc for “three weeks” (since H3 106), but this may be inaccurate. This story must occur before H3 116 and may occur months after HERC4 115, during which time Herc has been laying low in Vermont for the most part. While en route to Gamma Base (where news reports say Banner’s being held, less than “two hundred miles” away), Herc, Athena, and Cho stop at a diner, where Athena tells Cho about a Herc adventure and says that gods must sometimes be monsters.

The same day as MA 22-FB. This story occurs just after HERC4 125 and must occur after MSM2 35-FB-FB and SI:R 1, and probably after DR:YA 5. This story occurs within “a week’s time” before MA 28 and “months” before MA 34. At the remains of Avengers Mansion, Vision and Stature discover that their teammates have been turned to stone. The Scarlet Witch shows up and whisks the two away. Dark forces create a plethora of unnatural plagues all over the world. Osborn’s Avengers (Iron Patriot, Sentry, Ms. Marvel, and Spider-Man) show up to deal with the crisis. Jarvis tries to get Thor, but Oklahoma has been wiped off the map. He encounters Hercules and Cho, who were looking for him to start up a new Avengers team. As the New Avengers (Carol, Bucky Cap, Spidey, Ronin, and Logan) fight runaway plant life in Philadelphia, Wanda shows up too late to recruit Bucky, who’s invaded by the plants. Instead she goes to Toronto, where Omega Flight (U.S.Agent, Arachne, Guardian, and Sasquatch) fight flesh-eating insects. Wanda spirits Walker away. Wanda sees Iron Man fighting volcanoes in Florida and disappears. She shows up in Arizona and retrieves the Hulk from a blizzard. Herc, Cho, and Jarvis jet to Chicago, where they drop in on Jocasta and Pym at Pym’s lab. Pym introduces them to his new Wasp identity. The FF are converted to TV signals by the magic. Cho and Pym, as well as Stark, figure that ground zero for all the chaos is Mount Wundagore, where Modred reads from the Darkhold before a frightened Bova. Herc. Cho, and Jarvis convince Pym to lead a new team of Avengers to fight the evil magic. Pym accepts and takes the three and Jocasta through a Pym portal to Transia. There, Wanda tells Pym that she’s gathered an army for him to lead. Pym’s cry of “Avengers Assemble” magically summons Hulk, U.S.Agent, Stature, and Vision, just as Modred successfully summons Chthon, now inhabiting the body of Quicksilver.
The same day as MA 21. Based on publication order, the Winter Guard appear here after S-H4 36 (1-21). Stature tries to attack Wanda’s astral form while Walker tries to arrest Herc and Cho. Hulk injures Jocasta and Pym lets the brute go. Amused by the team, Chthon/Pietro departs, and Wanda disappears. Chthon causes a Chaos Cascade around the world, causing creatures to appear and fight: Spitfire, Black Knight, and Captain Britain; Red Guardian and Darkstar; and She-Hulk, Valkyrie, and Thundra. Wanda discovers that Stark has arrived at Wundagore to investigate, and she tests him by pitting him against Hulk. Pym leaves the injured Jocasta with Cho and Jarvis at a tavern and takes the rest of his team into the cave where Modred and Bova are. There, the heroes fight the mystical new Knights of Wundagore. Iron Man zaps Hulk and then zaps Modred. Bova talks to Pietro’s spirit, trapped in the Darkhold.

Probably the day after AOA2 8-FB. This story occurs “two months” after DR:NN 1/2. Woo returns the stolen gold bullion she stole from Fort Knox, the scrutiny of which will prevent Osborn from using it from HAMMER. Osborn adds Woo to his list. An unrecognized Bruce Banner is subdued in Nevada and taken to a nearby Atlas biobase to be a subject of a program that transforms vagrants into mutated slaves. When Banner starts Hulking out in the lab, an alarm is sounded in the Hidden City, and Temugin, Namora, Venus, Gorilla Man, Uranian, and Khanata respond. There the heroes find the lab’s monstrosities and fight the Hulk. They calm Hulk and dispatch the lab’s scientists. Woo and M-11 use the inter-dimensional Dragon’s Corridor to go spy on Suwan, but they are discovered by Suwan, who calls herself Jade Claw.
The same day as AOA2 8. Suwan tells Woo how she received the spirit banner of Genghis Khan from her uncle and introduces Woo to her dragon advisor Yao. Yao tells Woo he’s violated a treaty by coming to China. Woo and M-11 fights Suwan’s men, and M-11 is bested by Suwan’s robot M-21. In Nevada, Grayson tells Banner that Banner can regulate his mind with a device similar to his headband, but when Grayson detects that M-11 is destroyed, the Agents of Atlas quickly depart. The team storms Suwan’s base, and when the team is subdued by M-21, a restored M-11 comes to the rescue and the team retreats with Woo. The Agents’ saucer crash lands, and Woo calls Lao to ream him for not mentioning the treaty. Suwan gains access to the Atlas network and interrupts Woo’s transmission. She declares a dragon clan war as the team sits stranded on their saucer.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Somebody »

Okay, there's a LOT there, and it's going to be easier to take it in stages rather than as a oner...

First things first - coding, since you're inconsistent and it won't do us any good to be talking in "different languages". I thought we'd agreed on the following:
  • Incredible Hulk #600-onward = H2
  • [Loeb's] Hulk = HULK (not H4, since it's running simultaneously with H2)
  • Incredible Hercules #113-onward (#112-onward?) = HERC4 (not H3)
As for the rest, I'm working on the basis of...
  • Fall of the Hulks: Alpha = FOTH:ALPHA [it's spelt out in other codes]
  • Fall of the Hulks: Gamma = FOTH:GAMMA
  • Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk = FOTH:RULK (it has to be "Rulk", c'mon...)
  • Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulks = FOTH:S-H (note there's an ongoing She-Hulks series starting soon, and I'm assuming Russ will call that S-H6).
  • World War Hulks = WWHKS (you've consistently used "WWH", but that's the code already used for World War Hulk, singular)
  • World War Hulks: Captain America vs. Wolverine = WWHKS:CAVW [note, you mistakenly have this down as a "Fall of the Hulks" mini]
  • World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs. Thor = WWHKS:SMVT [note, you mistakenly have this down as a "Fall of the Hulks" mini]
Any disagreements on that?

After that, I'll start with FotH:RULK, where you've shoved the second half of #2-onward down (excluding the past-set first half of #4) after Banner's become the Hulk again. That doesn't work at all because they must take place
  • while Lyra is a member of the Frightful Four [FOTH:RULK 2 (16:1:1)]
  • while Doom is a captive of the Intelligencia [FOTH:RULK 2 (16:1:2)]
  • before they launch an assault on the Intelligencia [FOTH:RULK 3 (24:3), FOTH:RULK 4] and
  • before MODOK & Leader are depowered in H2 610 and HULK 23 respectively.
That's why I shoved them into an awkward gap in H2 607 - between the shots of the Frightful Four with Reed and Rulk vs the X-Men in FOTH:RULK 2 and what they must occur before, that's more-or-less the only place they CAN take place.

FotH:S-H 1 (21-22) must take place the day before FotH:S-H 2 because, firstly:
Lyra in FotH:S-H 2 (5:2) wrote:I wanted to break you out yesterday when I found you. But I was advised against it. We would have been overwhelmed then
And secondly, she GETS TO the room where Jen's being held at the start of FotH:S-H 2 by being whacked through "at least four floors" by Banner, to where she already knows Jen is being held.

More later.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks, Somebody. I'm starting to make adjustments. Are the gaps in your posted chronology supposed to indicate breaks in days?
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Somebody »

Paul Bourcier wrote:Thanks, Somebody. I'm starting to make adjustments. Are the gaps in your posted chronology supposed to indicate breaks in days?
No, I wasn't taking note of days/etc. I'll break that down later. :)

Couple of points while I'm here:
  • The Agents of Atlas v2 issues must occur before H2 600, at some point around Planet Skaar.
  • Hulk vs Herc: When Titans Clash placement is dependent on all the stuff we talked about a while back (re: some series going straight from WWH/MCX to SI, while other series like X-Factor take a huge running time-leap), even if it's clearly INTENDED to take place very shortly after WWH. That could easily be a whole topic by itself.
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Col_Fury »

She-Hulk vs the Wizard!

She-Hulk can't appear anywhere outside of the Hulk books between Hulk #600-611. She was captured somewhere before Hulk #600.

The Wizard is a member of the Intelligencia and appears throughout these Hulk issues.

She-Hulk appears in FF 569(wedding) & FF 579(symposium).

Wizard is captured in FF 570. He's still in captivity in FF 579, and it's implied that he's been in captivity since FF 570.

FF 574 is Franklin's birthday and Artie & Leech appear. They begin living in the Baxter Building because the Utopia Island is no place for children.

Hulk #601-603 happen before Utopia, because the X-Men are living in San Francisco, and not Utopia Island.

Red She-Hulk appears in HULK 14, which has to be after Utopia because of Deadpool. It also occurs shortly after Utopia & before the List one-shots because of Punisher.

So we have FF 569(wedding), Hulk #601-603, Utopia/FF 574, HULK 14, Punisher: List, Fall of Hulks/WWHulks, FF 579.

So... what's going on with the Wizard? We have to assume that he escaped captivity after FF 570 to appear in WWHulks, and then was re-captured after WWHulks(he escapes in HULK 24) to appear in captivity in FF 579.

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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Somebody »

I haven't read F4 in a while, apart from last issue, but I seem to recall something about Wizard losing his brains in Hickman's first issue. Is that still going on?
Col_Fury wrote:She-Hulk...was captured somewhere before Hulk #600.
Not quite - it's true that she can't appear after H2 600, but while BANNER was captured off-panel somewhere before H2 600, Jen herself was captured during H2 600-FB, when Gamma Base went up (FB only because the framing sequence with Ben Urich refers to the main story as starting "three nights ago", when Jen meets Urich in an underground car park; and then the majority takes place "the following night" including her capture.)

[Incidentally, where are we dropping the fourth-wall-breaking first story in the She-Hulk: Sensational one-shot? After FotH/WWHks, I presume?]
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Fall of the Hulks chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

I figured that first story in SHE-HULK SENSATIONAL was non-canonical.
Paul B.