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Doctor Strange v8 #1

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:04 pm
by Jason Doty
Story 1

citizens of New York in main story and FB's
Doctor Strange in main story and FB's as the Harvestman
Warlord of Manhattan (Clea Strange) in main story and FB's as the Sorcerer Supreme
Spider-Man (Parker)
a demon who is running a Three-Card Monte Game for souls
Luke Cage
magical beings including Elves and Trolls that believe Luke Cage is the "False King"
Black Cat
the Central Park Dragon
citizens of Latveria
Doctor Doom in main story and FB
Daredevil (Murdock)
a Haunted Garbage Monster
a television news anchor
citizens of Cornwall, England
alien refugees of the City of Kalumesh in main story and recorded FB
Warlord Aggamon of the Purple Dimension in main story and recorded FB
UK Military forces assigned to the Cornwall Refugee Camp
fauna of the Gobi Desert
Aggamon's Warriors in the Gobi Desert
She-Hulk (Walters)

Story 2

citizens of Birmingham, England
Autonurses of the Psycho-Zeppelin of Freaky Doctor Zee
Freaky Doctor Zee
Pandora Peters an Agent of WAND
Wong an Agent of WAND
the remains of Warlord Aggamon of the Purple Dimension