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Strange Tales #3 and #4

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:52 pm
by scottandrewhutchins
ST 3/1
George Dykes (dies)
Richard “Dick” Coyne (dies)

ST 3/2
Death (narrator—skeleton in purple cloak)
Paul Kendrick (dies)
Roger Hunt (dies)
Jerry Bramley (dies)
Casey (restaurant owner)
Etta (restaurant employee)
Louise (Paul’s maternal aunt)--heard only

Death not only kills the three men, but he removes them from from existence such that they disappear from photographs, and people forget that they ever existed.

3/3 (text)
Fred, private detective
Betty, his wife
Antonio, guide in Aruba
Teztozcll, protector and god of the artist (invoked)
Spirit of Death and the Artist

Dr. Kevin Scott, “The Blind Science Wizard”
Moira, his blind assistant and soon to be wife
Palomar, Moira’s seeing-eye dog (dies)
Harry S Truman (implied) (face in shadow)
Josef Stalin (implied) (face in shadow)

The Empire of Mondu
United Nations

Dr. Scott makes himself invisible temporarily because the process makes people blind, and he already is. At the end he is willed working eyes, but he refuses the transplant because his being blind allowed him to save the world.

the super (made invisible by the poltergeist)
the professor
the poltergeist
(none named)

Harry (narrator—last panel implies death)
Lovella Kimball, his wife
Jasper Kimball (dies)
Benzali (also spelled Banzali) (Haitian practioner of Voodoo)

Note Lovella is referred to as “Mrs. Lovella Kimball” by a man delivering a telegram. This can’t be Harry’s last name because it refers to the death of Jasper Kimball, her uncle, so it has to be her maiden name.

Professor Lyle Chambers (dies)
Colonel Mears
The Eye

Mount Crag

Ted (narrator) (dies)
Ellie Bennet
Jeff Norris (dies)
Ted’s aunt Jane (dies)
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll

4/3 (text)
Craig North, sculptor (dies)
Drie Van Leer, sculptor (funeral)
Joseph (Joe) Green, newspaper editor (dies)
woman Joe murdered four years ago and her ghost

Mrs. Diamon (presumably runs an orphanage)
Bill Carter (dies)
Jenny Carter (dies)
Dr. Marbank (mentioned)
Martha (this couple is implied will be next victims)
murderous alien inhabiting the body of an orphan baby (The title of the story is "It!", but the baby is just called "the baby" and never named.)

Robert Gordon
Gordon’s boss
Alice, his fiancee
Dr. Zord

The Greenies

Robert Gordon has to carry Earth, shrunk to fit in the palm of his hand, from the future back to 1700 to prevent a time paradox, but he is clumsy and drops it on Miami Beach. The last to panels show Earth starting to be wiped away, so this isn’t Earth-616.