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Comic panels and custom binding problem

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:32 am
by Pocokk
Hey guys!

Perhaps this topic was discussed numerous of times, but couldn't find any related answer to my question, so here it goes:

I'm planning to custom bind the individual comic book issues for some events, based on Your work here (I highly appreciate every bit of list that was made over the years!), but I couldn't figure out how to deal with panel-by-panel order, which comes up frequently. Should I just put that whole page AFTER the previously listed one or do multiple copies or how should I deal with it?

Again, sorry if it was previously talked through!

Looking forward your replies, best regards,


Re: Comic panels and custom binding problem

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:24 pm
by StrayLamb
I bag, board, bundle, and box in chronological order, which is going to be a nightmare for my kids when i'm gone. :wink:

Personally, if a comic is split in two pretty much at a mid-point, or with a long gap, i use two copies if affordable. Reprints are handy for this. If a comic is split numerous times, or near the end, i place it at the point where it ends, and treat the rest as a flashback. My wife teases me and says i should just cut them up and paste them into a scrapbook in the right order! :-P

Re: Comic panels and custom binding problem

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:43 pm
by Col_Fury
Years ago when sorting out Captain America's origin chronology, I made photocopies of CAC 1, TOS 63/2 and CA 109 & 255. I cut the copies all up and arranged the panels in order, and then taped them all together. Then I compared my taped together version to the individual books to figure out what the issue/page/panel orders were.

I have no idea where that ended up...

I bag and board my Spider-books in chronological order. I used to do it for the X-books, but split them up by individual titles a few years ago during a basement re-organization. My Spider-books are still chronological, though.

Anyway, back on topic, I'd say near the end point of an overlap sounds good. You'd basically be reading the same scene a few times in a row, but I'd say it's better than chopping up pages.

Re: Comic panels and custom binding problem

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:12 pm
by StrayLamb
Also, sometimes later stories are published which necessitate a reshuffle, and sometimes we miss something which also requires a reshuffle.