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Silver Surfer & Galactus (Earth-7888) in Epic Illustrated #1?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:06 pm
by Clive_Reston
The first story in Epic Illustrated (EPICI) #1 is by Stan Lee and John Buscema, and doesn't seem to currently be listed in the MCP. The Silver Surfer is working in the service of Galactus. But that's also what he's doing again at the end of SSGN (the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby Silver Surfer graphic novel from 1978), and the MCP assigns that book to Earth-7888 and indicates that the Surfer and Galactus there are the same ones who later turn up in SS:P 1-2 (the Lee/Moebius story in which the Surfer is, at the beginning, no longer Galactus's herald), and that that Galactus is subsequently in several issues of Cyberspace 3000.

Any reason EPICI 1 couldn't go between SSGN and SS:P 1 for both Silver Surfer (Earth-7888) and Galactus (Earth-7888)? It seems a shame to leave a Lee/Buscema Surfer story out of the Project altogether...